Sundanesian chickens

In some countries of the world, not egg, meat-egg or meat chickens are very popular, but sports birds, fighting feathered pets. Sundanesian chickens belong to this direction. Their homeland is Indonesia. There, cockfighting was the only gambling sporting event for a long time.

Currently, the Sundanesian breed is actively bred in Europe, and more precisely, in Germany. Birds were brought here in the 70s of the last century. Their main difference from their ancestors is much greater endurance and strength.

Sundanesian chickens are not suitable for poultry farmers who want to raise feathered pets to obtain high productivity rates. Laying hens lay only about 60 eggs per year, the average weight of which is about 45 grams. The live weight of individuals reaches three kilograms, roosters – three and a half kilograms.

These feathered pets cannot be kept with other breeds, they are very aggressive, have a nervous character. Even hens and roosters are better placed in different poultry houses, in order to avoid skirmishes, fights and, accordingly, injuries. Sundanesian chickens deliver the strongest blows with their powerful, strong beak, as well as claws and large spurs.

The Sundanesian laying hens have practically no maternal instinct. To breed this breed, you need to stock up on an incubator. However, even then there is no full probability that the bird will have offspring, since roosters do not always fertilize hens’ eggs, they often fight among themselves.

When placing these feathered pets in his backyard, the poultry breeder must create optimal conditions for their existence. They should be placed separately from the rest of the livestock, and also provide the bird with a green cover where it can walk and get the nutrients contained in the pasture.

Sundanesian chickens grow very slowly, they reach puberty only in the second year of life. Younger and weaker individuals should not be used to participate in battles. They will not be able to cope with adults, strong, hardy fighters.

Anna Evans


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