Chickens: Scabies in chickens: what is the reason?

Experienced poultry farmers know that small chickens need constant supervision. It is necessary to ensure that they eat well, do not freeze, do not overheat, etc. If you regularly monitor the chicks, you can timely and quickly notice changes in the behavior of feathered pets when a disease or other disorder appears.

Scabies in chickens is not difficult to recognize with regular observation. However, when they begin to itch, you should look for the cause of this problem. And there may be several.

It is possible that small pets ate some kind of food that caused them an allergic reaction. The chicks react especially sharply to the water that they pour into the drinkers. It should be boiled, and not from the tap, and especially not chlorinated.

The cause of scabies in chickens can be the defeat of their feather-eaters. At the same time, the general condition of the chicks is seriously deteriorating. After some time after the spread of downy eaters, they become lethargic, dull, their skin becomes inflamed, feathers fall out in the tail and on the stomach, feathered pets practically stop growing, become depleted.

Scabies in chickens can also be observed with beriberi. In this case, they lack vitamins and minerals, so special bait purchased at pet stores should be added to the diet of the chicks, or crushed shells or shells should be added to the feeders.

Chicks may itch when lice spread on their skin. The most effective way to deal with these parasites is sand and hall baths. If this does not help, you can use the drug “Inkur” to treat the feathered pets themselves and the premises in which they are kept.

In any case, before starting to treat the chicks, you need to determine what caused the scabies and only then proceed to take action.

Anna Evans


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