Cherimoya benefits, benefits and harms of calories

CherimoyaFirestarter. So in due time Mark Twain described the fruits of cherimoya, a culture known today as an ice cream tree or a cream apple. By the way, in history, these fragrant fruits with delicate pulp are also known as the โ€œlost fruits of the Incas” or the “pearl of the Andes.” And images of cherimoya on ceramics of the prehistoric culture of Peru says that people appreciated this fruit many centuries ago. So what is unique about the fruit with the strange name cherimoya?

What is a cherimoya?

In ancient times, the slopes and valleys of the Andes were covered with groves of wild cherimoya – the closest relative of another exotic fruit of the annona. Native to this culture are the lands of Ecuador and Peru. Although a little later, researchers found a cream apple in southern Mexico, in Central and South America. After the foot of the Spanish conquistadors set foot on these lands in the XNUMXth century, almost the whole world knew about cherimoye. Already in the XVII century, the plant spread far beyond the borders of its native continent. Today it is cultivated in Tanzania, Egypt, Italy, India, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, Israel. All over the world there are several varieties of this fruit.

Despite the amazing taste, which seems to forever captivate everyone who has ever tried this marvelous fruit, one cannot say that cherimoya belongs to popular commercial cultures. And all because it requires special attention and careful attitude. Gentle fruits, even under slight pressure, crack and lose their presentation.

Cherimoya tree is an evergreen deciduous plant with velvety leaves and fragrant pale yellow flowers. Their fruits, as a rule, are conical or heart-shaped, rather large (20 by 10 centimeters and weighing from 300 g), covered with a thin pale green skin. But despite the fact that cherimoya is often called a cream apple, it looks little like an apple. Outwardly, it more likely resembles an artichoke (covered with a thin skin in the form of scales) or a blackberry (also consists of several symmetrical cavities inside which the seeds are contained).

But another name – ice-cream tree – perfectly characterizes the taste of ripe fruits. Their soft, aromatic texture is reminiscent of custard in consistency, and to taste it is a cocktail of pineapples, bananas, strawberries and papaya. And if you freeze this delicious pulp, you get something very reminiscent of ice cream. By the way, it was not us who noticed it, but the Peruvians. Even today in Chile and Peru, frozen cherimoi mashed potatoes are eaten from waffle cups. But to use black seeds inside the delicate pulp, like peel, is strictly prohibited. They contain toxic substances.

Nutritional characteristics

Cherimoyya is a good source of vitamins and minerals. This aromatic fruit is rich in fiber, which is why it is useful for the cardiovascular system, and the relatively low calorie content allows you to include fruits in the diet of losing weight people.

Nutritional characteristics of cherimoyaScientists have found that in the composition of these exotics there are several antioxidants from the group of acetogenins. Preliminary studies have shown that these substances have anti-cancer properties, are useful for treating malaria and getting rid of intestinal parasites. Meanwhile, there are results of other studies – less joyful. An excess in the body of these antioxidant substances provokes symptoms close to Parkinson’s syndrome: tremor, trembling, movement problems. But moderate fruit consumption is completely safe for the body.

Almost one fifth of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C can be obtained from one small cherimoya fruit. The result of this fortification is the active production of collagen. And he, as you know, is a protein substance that is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels and skin, and is also necessary for bones, joints and internal organs. In addition, askorbinka prevents scurvy, increases the body’s resistance to viral infections, accelerates wound healing and protects against free radicals.

The complex of B vitamins supports the activity of the nervous system, the digestive organs, muscles and respiratory system. And in the tender pulp of the fruits of the tree of ice-cream, the vitamins of group B are presented almost in full composition. In addition to them, the delicacy contains copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and other equally useful nutrients.

Nutritional value at 100 g

Calories 70 kcal Proteins 5,1 g Fats 1,9 g Carbohydrates 55,2 g Fiber 7,2 g Ash 2 g Vitamin B1 0,3 mg Vitamin B2 0,4 mg Vitamin B3 1,8 mg Vitamin B5 0,7 mg Vitamin B9 5,5 mg Vitamin C 35,9 mg Vitamin E 0,1 mg Vitamin K 2,9 mg Calcium 25 mg Iron 0,9 mg Magnesium 49,9 mg Phosphorus 81,1 mg Potassium 839 mg Sodium 12,5 mg Zinc 0,6 mg Copper 0,2 mg Manganese 0,3 mg

Cherimoya benefits

Cherimoya benefitsIn traditional Mexican medicine, cherimoya fruits are used as a sedative, anticonvulsant and as a means to relieve anxiety. And after several laboratory experiments on rats, scientists concluded that the antidepressant abilities of the fruit. But the most surprising, perhaps, is that these fetuses act on cancer cells like chemotherapy, but they do not damage healthy tissue. Although this is not all the beneficial properties of cherimoya.

Beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Vitamin C contained in fruits helps the body resist free radicals. Another important ability of cherimoya is to break down lipids, which means to lower the level of low density lipoproteins, which are better known as “bad cholesterol.” Vessels cleared of unnecessary lipids are able to transport more blood, while reducing the load on the heart. And thanks to the balanced ratio of potassium and sodium, fruits regulate blood pressure and heart rate.

Fights cancer cells

Cherimoya is a useful fruit for cancer patients.

The unique composition of these fruits makes them effective in combating degenerated cells without affecting healthy ones. In the leaves and stalks of the plant, researchers have found the substance acetogen, which has powerful anti-cancer abilities. More precisely, this substance stops the growth of a malignant tumor. Antioxidants and cellulose possess anti-cancer properties (they clean the intestines from carcinogens, thus preventing colon cancer), which were found in large doses in fruits. Back at the end of the twentieth century, scientists confirmed the efficacy of cherimoya in fighting 12 types of cancer.

Increases immunity

Fruits rich in vitamin C are known as effective immuno-fortifying agents. Cherimoya, as already mentioned, contains an impressive concentration of ascorbic acid. One large fruit a day increases the strength of the body several times to resist infections and free radicals.

Cleans the body from toxins

Cherimoya detoxifies the bodyAll products that contain cellulose in the body act according to the brush principle – they are cleaned of toxic substances and slags. This characteristic applies to the exotic cherimoya. But beyond that, tasty fruits are rich sources of polyphenolic antioxidants, which are also important for cleansing the body from harmful substances.

Improves brain health

Some components of cherimoya, such as potassium, folic acid, antioxidants, are known to have many advantages for the nervous system and brain. Folic acid, for example, protects against Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment. Potassium improves blood flow to brain cells, increases concentration, neural activity and strengthens memory. Beneficial effect on the brain and vitamin B6. His competence is to improve mood and prevent depression.

Provides healthy and sound sleep

Cherimoya is one of the good natural sources of magnesium.

And it is a mineral that is responsible for the duration and calmness of sleep. A few slices of cherimoya for dinner and you can forget about insomnia, anxiety and disturbances of sleep cyclicality

Helps the digestive system

The tribes of the Indians who inhabited the American continent, also knew and loved cherimoya. They used the fruit in food poisoning. Modern researchers have shown that the fruit pulp regulates the production of gastric juices and stabilizes the acidity in the stomach, cleanses the liver of toxins and activates its work, as well as promotes weight loss. Do not forget about the fiber, which determines the reliable operation of the intestine.

Use in cosmetology

The benefits of cherimoya in cosmetologyVitamin C is one of the most beneficial substances for the skin. Contributing to the production of collagen, this vitamin supports the elasticity, smoothness and youthfulness of the skin. And being a powerful antioxidant, ascorbic acid prevents the appearance of wrinkles, heals the skin of the face. Thus, cheremoyya helps to slow down the appearance of signs of aging – wrinkles and age spots.

Vitamins contained in fruits, as well as iron, magnesium and zinc, stimulate the growth of healthy hair and relieve dandruff. Interestingly, powdered cherimoya seeds are an effective treatment for pediculosis. To do this, plant powder is diluted with water and applied to the scalp, after an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Do you think graying is an inevitable process that cannot be influenced? You are mistaken. Loss of former hair color is often the result of copper deficiency. It is this chemical element that is responsible for the saturation of hair pigmentation. In one average fruit of the cherries there is 10% of the daily copper intake. So regular use of these delicious exotics will protect against gray hair.

How to choose the fruit

Cherimoya season in the homeland of this culture lasts from November to May. Fruits, as a rule, are plucked from trees slightly unripe. It is in this form – fresh, with still dense flesh and uniform color, the fruits come to the market. Ripe fruits are fruits of green or yellow-green color, quite heavy for their size. Their pulp is creamy in color and very tender and juicy in consistency. That is why in the homeland of cherimoya these fruits are taken to eat with a small spoon directly from the skin, while avoiding the dark brown shiny seeds. Juicy pulp is suitable for fruit desserts, as a filler for yogurt and ice cream, cocktails, juices.

Cherimoya suitable for food is recognized by its pleasant aroma and tender flesh. Her skin should be the same color, without dark spots or damage. As already mentioned, for sale cherimoya comes in immature form. But this is not a problem. At room temperature during the day the fruit will reach the desired consistency. Worse if the fruits are overripe: they become tasteless.

Exotic fruits are stored at room temperature. If you put the fruit in the fridge, their skin will darken, but the taste of the creamy flesh will not be affected.

Other ways to use cherimoya

The seeds and peel of the fruit are toxic and dangerous to humans. But there are cases when these parts are useful. Shredded black seeds are sometimes used to prepare insect repellents. Mexicans use ground seed powder to kill lice and other skin parasites. Sometimes they resort to the help of seeds when it is necessary to induce vomiting or defecation. For medicinal purposes (but with exact proportions) they use cherimoya peel: in South America, tea from it is a remedy for treating pneumonia. In Jamaica, dried flowers are added to snuff.

In South America, the cherimoya is called the queen of fruits, and in the times of the ancient Incas, the fruits of this tree were allowed to be used exclusively by the chiefs of the tribe. Examining the appearance of these fruits, it seems that they are representatives of the prehistoric era, which miraculously lost in time. But under the unusual peel hides no less unusual flesh. Surprisingly tasty, amazingly tender and extremely useful.

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Anna Evans


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