Field horsetail benefits and harms

Field horsetail benefits and harms

Horsetail is a perennial herb of the horsetail family that can be found anywhere in Russia. There are many types of horsetail: marsh, forest, meadow and field – these names were given to him according to the place of usual growth.

For medicinal purposes, Horsetail or Horsetail is used, the Latin name is Equisétum arvénse. For the preparation of medicines, young green shoots are taken, that is, grass, which are harvested throughout the summer from May to September. They are dried, crushed and stored for future use.

Composition and useful properties

The useful properties of the horsetail are due to its chemical composition. It includes acids: ascorbic, oxalic, malic and silicic acids; proteins, tannins and resinous substances, fatty oils and carotene. The composition contains components: little-studied saponin equisetonin, alkaloids dimethylsulfone, flavonoids and some others.

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Anna Evans


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