A little about thoroughbred chickens

Increasingly, amateur poultry farmers opt not just for ordinary, highly productive chickens, they seek to find and acquire thoroughbred individuals. However, along with the desire to find a bird, a number of additional questions arise: where to buy? what is the cost of such feathered pets? and others.

In fact, at present, finding and choosing a suitable breed of chickens is not difficult. In the world, there are many different types of decorative, exotic birds that differ from each other in plumage color, and in other external features, as well as in productivity.

In any case, before making the final choice, it is worth checking once again whether this or that individual is suitable for the poultry breeder according to all the parameters and criteria. The choice should be made slowly, after carefully considering everything and carefully studying the feathered pets. If the purchase was made spontaneously, after a while the owner of the bird may come to the realization that the chicken was purchased in vain, that the owner of the farmstead does not need such a breed at all. And money was given for it, and, moreover, considerable.

Many poultry farmers are looking for not just a beautiful and unusual breed, they pick up a chicken that is highly productive. Some thoroughbred birds have a higher egg production than ordinary laying hens. Other feathered pets are characterized by low productivity, but they can attract poultry farmers with their amazing appearance, despite the small annual egg laying.

The most popular chicken breeds that are in demand among household owners are the Golden Medal, Brama (dark) and Pavlovskaya, even at a fairly high cost.

It is also worth noting that very expensive chickens require special attention and care. They must be supervised at all times, kept separate from the rest of the (normal) poultry population. It is necessary to carefully consider and draw up a feeding ration for these individuals. With poor maintenance, such feathered pets are unlikely to be able to live long and the poultry farmers’ money will be wasted.

Anna Evans


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