Breed of chickens Oravka

For breeding chickens at home, on a personal farmstead, in order to obtain high rates of egg and meat productivity, the poultry breeder can opt for the Oravka breed.

The birthplace of these feathered pets is Slovakia, or rather its mountainous regions. Therefore, the bird feels great in such areas, in mountainous regions and territories. Currently, scientists are striving in every possible way to improve the exterior signs of feathered pets.

In the first year, laying hens can reach 200 eggs. Their average weight is about 55 grams. The color of the shell is brownish. Oravka chickens weigh about two and a half kilograms, plus or minus three hundred grams. Roosters can gain up to three kilograms of three hundred grams of live weight.

The main feature of the Oravka chicken is its easy tolerance to sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and altitude. That is why this breed is especially relevant for residents of high mountain regions. And their magnificent plumage, coupled with a dense physique, allows feathered pets to endure strong winds and cold, harsh winter. Oravka are calm, completely non-aggressive chickens.

This bird needs to be regularly walked. It is completely unsuitable for bezvygulny content and placement of individuals in cages. This negatively affects the growth and productivity of feathered pets. and fresh air and a walk on green grass have a beneficial effect on the health, growth and productivity of chickens. The diet of Oravka chickens must necessarily include protein, which allows you to build muscle mass.

For young animals of this breed, you should constantly maintain the optimal microclimate in the chicken coop and in no case change it. Growing feathered pets react badly, painfully to sudden changes in temperature and humidity in the room.

The plumage color of Oravka chickens can be very diverse. But the very first individuals of this breed were covered with feathers with a yellow tint, and the plumage of roosters was tricolor.

Layers and roosters of Oravka are very similar in their physique. They have a very strong beak, a cute, small crest. The face is red, the eyes are also usually red or with an orange tint. The head and neck are small. The chest is well developed, full. Wings and tail of medium length. The back is wide. Legs are yellow, strong, powerful.

You can buy Oravka chickens only in Slovakia or in the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Anna Evans


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