What trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhen choosing plants for a garden, you need to be based on several criteria. It is advisable that the trees and shrubs be unpretentious – after all, you are not going to devote all your free time to caring for them, the gardener has enough other troubles. But the site should not be neglected either. Therefore, the question of what plants to plant in the garden is quite acute on the agenda.

What plants should be in the garden: basic criteria

It is necessary to decide which plants should be in the garden only after functional zoning has been carried out, an interesting version of the garden design has been invented, paths are correctly planned, the boundaries of lawns, paved areas and flower beds are outlined. After carrying out these works, you can start designing plantings of trees and large shrubs. In order not to overload the garden and choose the right plants to plant in the garden, you need to remember the ratio of open and closed spaces 2: 1. That is, that the area of ​​open space (lawn, gravel, water and flower arrangements, what is below the level of human eyes) should be 2 times larger than the area occupied by trees and tall tree-shrub compositions.

The main criteria for choosing which trees to plant in the garden are as follows:

  • crown shape and plant habit, height and diameter of an adult plant;
  • the color of the leaves, including their autumn color, do not overload the garden with specimens with purple, yellow or variegated foliage;
  • deciding what plants to decorate the garden with, decide whether you need decorative flowers and fruits;
  • leaf shape, plants with unusual leaves, use where you can get closer to them;
  • color and texture of trunks and shoots.

What plants to plant in a mini garden

For a small garden, the problem of choice is especially acute. What plants are suitable for a mini-garden is a burning question for owners of small plots. It is better to prefer those trees and large shrubs that are good all year round, especially changing from month to month. In such a situation, you should not plant, for example, lilacs – the shape of the bush is good in very few varieties, of course, the lilac is incredibly good in May, but it blooms for only two weeks, and then only a background of green leaves. Unlike lilacs, irga for a small garden is a very suitable plant, it is good both during leafing, and during flowering, and in summer with berries, and in autumn – with a fantastic color of foliage.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

Look at the photo, which trees are better to plant in the garden in a small area, and do not forget that the plants look good from a distance three times its height.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

It is good to use the species trees of your area as skeletal plants, these are resistant plants that are not prone to disease, freezing, etc., they will fit the garden into the surrounding nature. They are often large plants, but they have graceful varieties that will “fit” in the smallest garden. You should not give up those trees and shrubs that come from places far from Russia, but they feel great in the middle lane.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

Here is an example of what kind of shrub can be planted in the garden: Japanese scarlet, a tree 6-8 m high with beautiful rounded leaves – pink-purple when blooming, blue-green with a whitish underside with reddish veins in summer, golden yellow and crimson in autumn.

What conifers to decorate the garden

Without conifers, the winter garden would be completely empty, and in summer they create a pleasant contrast with deciduous trees, decorating the site. Now many low-winter conifers are sold, for example, thuja oriental, black pine, all cypress trees, except for pea, solid and Canadian fir.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

The conditions of a closed space in a small area often allow growing more thermophilic plants, but you should not consider them as skeletal or solo, with a confluence of unfavorable factors, they can freeze out, and even if they overwinter, then severely damaged by frost do not decorate the site. Below is a list of which conifers can be planted in the garden of central Russia:

  • Western thuja varieties;
  • balsamic fir, Korean and Siberian;
  • different types of junipers;
  • Scotch pine, mountain, as well as cedar pines (European, Siberian, Korean, elfin);
  • common spruce, Serbian and prickly; larch European, Siberian and Japanese (Kempfer).

What unpretentious trees and shrubs to plant in the garden (with photo)

Is it possible to make a garden pleasant for life using a minimal set of unpretentious plants? Undoubtedly! The main thing is not the rarity of plants, not their species and varietal diversity, but the thoughtfulness of planting, the consistency of compositions and a sense of proportion.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

There are many beautiful, unpretentious shrubs and trees for the garden, consistently decorative and virtually maintenance-free throughout the season. For example, willows, maples, spireas, bladders, derens, honeysuckle, elderberries, fruit trees and shrubs.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

Single plantings, or tapeworms, are called a single (single!) Specimen of a plant on a lawn. A prerequisite is a high decorativeness of the plant (a beautiful tree, hydrangeas, tree peony, etc.). Remember, there should be no multiple tapeworms on the lawn.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

To reduce care, it is important to rationally plan the planting, the plants should grow in compact groups, so they not only look more interesting, but also more technologically advanced in care. Be sure to mulch the plantings, this gives them a more fine-looking appearance, reduces the time for weeding, and creates more comfortable living conditions for the plants. Think about how to fix the border between the lawn and the compositions, the easiest way to do this is with a tile or curb, which eliminates the need to trim the edge. To reduce the time of caring for the garden on the shoulder of a thinking gardener, if he sets himself such a goal.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

Planting design begins with the creation of the skeleton of the garden, which is organized by trees and large shrubs, and only after the foundation is made, you can decorate the site with flower beds.

The size of a mature tree or bush is plotted on the plan, even if you are planting a small seedling, a thick planting is one of the most common mistakes.

What trees and shrubs to plant in the gardenWhat trees and shrubs to plant in the garden

Is it possible to have a harmonious garden for a hard-working person or a not very young and healthy person? Certainly. Plan it wisely and plant suitable plants in the right places, then caring for the garden will bring positive emotions, not to mention joy at the sight of beautiful and healthy shrubs and perennials.

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Anna Evans


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