Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationThe ornamental shrub chubushnik (Philadelphus) is a plant from the Hortensia family. Often called garden jasmine, this is due to the similarity of colors and the same pronounced aroma. However, it is this fragrance that is a problem for some gardeners who cannot tolerate such an active amber. In this case, you can choose varieties of chubushnik shrub that are completely odorless – there are also many of them. On this page you can find photos and descriptions of the most popular mock-mushrooms in the Moscow region.

The best types and varieties of chubushnik for the Moscow region

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Chubushnik Coronary (Ph. coronaries). The flowers are creamy white, up to 4,5 cm in diameter, collected in 5-7 clusters in racemose inflorescences, fragrant. Blooms from late June to mid July for 3 weeks. Due to its great endurance, it is widely used in personal plots. In the process of a centuries-old culture of this species, decorative forms were selected:

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Golden, or “Aurea” (“Aureus”)

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Dwarf, or “Duplex“(Duplex), – a low, compact shrub, rounded, about 0,6 m high, does not bloom. Rooting rate of cuttings is 100% without treatment. In sunny places, it is recommended to plant alone or in a group.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Chubushnik large-flowered (Ph. grandiflorus). Homeland – the eastern part of North America. Shrub up to 3 m tall. Leaves up to 7 cm long, dull green, with hairs along the veins below.

As you can see in the photo, this type of chubushnik has pure white flowers, very large, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected 3-5 in odorless brushes:

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Blooms in July for 25 days. One of the most spectacular chubushniki.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Chubushnik Lemoine (Ph. x lemoinei). Deciduous shrub up to 2 m high, with spreading branches. The flowers are large, up to 4 cm, white, with a strong odor, collected in clusters of 3-7 pieces. One of the best species, which has many domestic and foreign varieties.

The following is a photo and description of Lemoine’s mock-orange varieties.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Belle Etual (“Belle Etoile”), height 1,5 m, the diameter of the spreading crown is 2 m. The flowers are white, non-double, up to 5 cm in diameter, with a mauve center.

“Dame Blanche” (“Dame Blanche”) Is a shrub 1 m high and a crown diameter of 1,5 m. Their autumn color is yellow.

Look at the photo – the chubushnik shrub of this variety has white, semi-double flowers, up to 4 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected in a brush:

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Blooms in June-July, two weeks.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Erectus” (“Erectus”) – bush height 1,5-2 m, leaves 2-3 cm long, dark green in summer, yellow in autumn, flowers are simple, white, with a strong odor, up to 3 cm in diameter, blooms in June. Both varieties are best planted in places protected from the wind.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Avalanche” (“Avalanch”) Is a shrub up to 1,5 m tall with numerous, arcuate curved shoots and small light green foliage. The flowers of this variety of the mock-orange of this species are medium-sized, up to 3,5 cm in diameter, simple, white. Blooms profusely for 27-34 days in June.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Manteau d’Ermin” (“Manteau d” Hermine “), – the height of the bush is 0,8 m, the shoots are thin, drooping. The leaves are small. The flowers are white, semi-double, 2,5-3 cm in diameter, with narrow petals, very graceful. Blooms in June-July, profusely, for 30-49 days, surpasses other varieties in flowering duration.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Mont Blanc (“Mont Blanc”) – the height of the bush is 1,8 m. The leaves are larger than those of the previous varieties. Semi-double flowers, pure white, graceful addition, with a smell.

Pay attention to the photo – this type of chubushnik of this type has the petals of the lower circle very wide, beautifully bent back, the inner petals are few, wrapped inward:

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Flowering is so abundant that no leaves are visible. It blooms for 30-40 days, in June-July.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Alabaster” (“Alebastre”) Is a shrub up to 2 m high, upright. Inflorescences of 7-9 flowers are located on numerous lateral shoots. On strong growth shoots, inflorescences form very large and beautiful white sultans up to 50 cm long. The flowers are large, up to 5,5 cm in diameter, snow-white, simple, semi-double. Blooms 26-36 days in June.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Glacier” (“Gletscher”) – shrub up to 1,5 m tall, with strong erect branches. Leaves are oval. Flowers are densely double, up to 4,5 cm in diameter, fragrant. Outer petals are broadly elliptical with almost parallel edges, forming a cruciform flower with wide gaps, closed by inner petals, which number about 20. Very beautiful variety, blooms up to 35 days in June-July. Its disadvantage is that when flowering, the petals do not fall off for a long time, wither on the bushes. It can be eliminated by cutting off faded inflorescences.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Anshantman” (“Enchantement”) – shrub up to 1 m tall. This is one of the best varieties of chubushnik with large, densely double, snow-white, somewhat funnel-shaped flowers with a very delicate aroma. Blooms in June, 28 days.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Bouquet Blanc” (Bouquet Blanc), – low, sometimes freezing shrub. The flowers are snow-white, densely double, very fragrant, with broad-oval lower petals in several circles. Inflorescences of 5 flowers. Blooms in June-July, 20 days. The variety is very beautiful.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Virginal (“Virginal”) – a shrub with a height and a crown diameter of 2-3 m. The crown is wide. Leaves are dark green in summer, yellow in autumn, 4-7 cm long. This one of the best varieties of chubushnik for the Moscow region has snow-white, double flowers, 5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences 12-14 cm long. It blooms in July, about 25 days.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Shneeshturm” (“Schneesturm”), – a bush with a height of 3 m and a crown diameter of 2 m, weeping shoots. The leaves are pointed-oval, 3-5 cm long, dark green, yellow in autumn.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of chubushnik has snow-white flowers, double, 4-5 cm in diameter:

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Abundant flowering, from late June to early July, 20-25 days.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Moonlight” – Terry flowers, with a delicate strawberry smell, greenish-cream, about 3,5 cm in diameter, graceful. The height of the bush is 0,7 m. It blooms in June, 3 weeks.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Pompon” – flowers are medium-sized, densely double, snow-white, with a faint odor. Collected in very graceful inflorescences in the form of pompons. The bush is about 1,2 m tall. Blooms 20-25 days in June-July.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Academician Komarov” – bush height 1,3 m, spreading. The flowers are large, 6-6,5 cm in diameter. Duration of flowering in June 30 days. The flowers of this variety of chubushnik, suitable for the Moscow region, are snow-white, simple, with a faint smell. Abundant flowering.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Arctic” – a sprawling bush up to 2 m high. The flowers are pure white, 3-3,5 cm in diameter, double, almost odorless. Abundant flowering, long-lasting, in June-July, up to 30 days. The flowers are very graceful, like the Mont Blanc variety. “Airborne landing” is a compact bush, 1,4-2,6 m high. The flowers are simple, creamy white, with a strong strawberry smell. Abundant flowering, duration 21-25 days, in July. The peculiarity of the variety is the drooping of all flowers that resemble parachutes.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Kazbek” – the height of the bush is about 2 m. The crown is pyramidal. The flowers of this type of shrub are chubushnik up to 4 cm in diameter, pure white, densely double, almost odorless. Abundant flowering, in July, duration up to 30 days. Inflorescences are very dense, with 15 flowers.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Blizzard” – sprawling bush up to 1,1 m tall. The flowers are pure white, double, up to 4 cm in diameter, with a faint odor. Abundant flowering during the month, in July. The description of this variety of chubushnik is most interesting: its close branches form a continuous, without a gap, a mass of flowers, behind which the leaves are not visible.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Junnat” – compact bush, up to 1,2 m tall. The flowers are stellate, pure white, large, up to 4,5 cm in diameter; terry, with a strawberry smell. Abundant flowering in July, flowering duration 30 days. The variety is beautiful because of the elongated inner petals.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

“Dwarf” – a dense spherical bush, up to 0,4 m high, crown diameter 0,9 m. The flowers are white, up to 3 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green. Blooms profusely, about 3 weeks, in June-July.

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Elbrus – a spreading bush 1,5 m high. The leaves are dark green. The flowers are creamy white, double, almost odorless, 5-5,5 cm in diameter. Inflorescence is a cluster up to 6,5 cm long. Duration of flowering 25 days, blooms profusely, in June-July. The variety is very showy.

Now that you have read the photo and description of the chubushnik shrub, it’s time to learn about the agricultural technology of growing this shrub.

Growing a chubushnik shrub: planting and care (with photo)

Landing features. The distance between plants in groups is 0,5-1,5 m, in a single-row living hedge, plants are planted every 0,5 m, in well-lit places. They bloom worse in the shade than in the sun. For ease of care, the planting of the chubushnik shrub should be carried out to a depth of 50-60 cm, the root collar cannot be deepened by more than 2-3 cm, since in a deeper position it can rot. It tolerates transplanting well, since the roots hold a clod of earth well. Chubushniki prefer fertile soils: leafy soil, humus, sand (3: 2: 1). Drainage – crushed stone and sand with a layer of 15 cm.

Top dressing. It is recommended to pour 1 bucket of slurry on one bush annually (1:10). In the 3rd year after planting, mineral fertilizers are applied: 1 tbsp. spoon of urea, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, which are diluted in 10 liters of water and consumed for 1-2 plants. After flowering, 1 m2 is fed with 1 matchbox of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate or 1 cup of wood ash.

Pruning. During care, when growing a mock-orange, annual thinning and removal of faded inflorescences are required immediately after flowering. Every 2-3 years old shoots are removed, leaving those younger than 10-12 years old. This rejuvenation of the crown leads to more abundant flowering and strong growth. Always remove frozen shoots on the stump. After that, a strong growth is formed, and the next year flowers appear on it.

Preparation for winter. For most chubushniks, shelter for the winter is not required. Some varieties require a sheltered location. In severe winters, the ends of annual shoots can freeze slightly, but after pruning, the plant quickly restores the crown and the ability to bloom.

Look at the photo “Planting and caring for a chubushnik shrub in the Moscow region”:

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

Chubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivationChubushnik: the best species and varieties, care and cultivation

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Anna Evans


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