Regular garden style in landscaping

Regular garden style in landscapingTo imagine a garden of a regular style, remember Peterhof, Versailles, the Royal Garden in Hanover and other similar landscape structures with clear, symmetrical lines and neat shapes, regular geometric lines and many gazebos. In a regular garden style, fountains and shady alleys are welcomed and all sorts of newfangled elements with extravagant designs are denied.

What is a regular style in landscape design and its photo

Regular style – order and sophistication, clarity and neatness of lines, the beauty of a symmetrical pattern. The beauty of the landscape style is best admired in large parks, but a free layout is also possible in a small garden. Much has been written about the opposition of landscape and regular styles in European landscape architecture. Now no one will see in a trimmed tree a “slave with a golden chain” (Karamzin), the victory of reason over nature or a symbol of absolute monarchy, we will admire the correct geometry of the crown and the exquisite ornamentation of the parterre. We use elements of both styles in our gardens, trying to influence the nature “belonging” to us in such a way as to turn it into a piece of garden art.

Regular garden style in landscapingRegular garden style in landscaping

Maintaining a regular garden is not easy, but perhaps not much more difficult than a landscaped or natural garden, although gardeners have different working methods. In a regular garden, you need to cut hedges and trees, cut bizarre figures, grow and plant annuals in parterres, weed out weeds, but if you do not take care of mixborders or freely growing natural flower beds, they also quickly cease to create the impression for which they were planted. The feeling of wildness and neglect of a garden in a natural style is only an illusion, it requires special, but also careful care, no garden can take care of itself, although in a regular garden the flaws of care are especially noticeable and immediately catch the eye.

It is good to imagine such a regular style in landscape design, the photos below will help:

Regular garden style in landscapingRegular garden style in landscaping

Regular garden style in landscapingRegular garden style in landscaping

Regular garden style in landscapingRegular garden style in landscaping

Versailles is considered an example of a regular style in landscape design. Grandiose in scope, unsurpassed in its pompous beauty, he was worthy of a great ruler. Many crowned persons tried to create something similar, our famous Peterhof, a brilliant example of the regular style in Russia, was conceived as a magnificent work of garden art, not inferior to Versailles. One cannot help but admire his palaces, fountains, and the intricate pattern of parterres.

Regular style attributes in landscaping

What are the attributes of a regular style and its distinctive features? The design of such a garden is impossible without hedges of different heights and bizarre topiary forms created with the help of a skillful haircut, and, of course, parterres. A yew hedge is impossible in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the role of the French boxwood in Russia is played by the linden tree, the “linden trellis”.

Another essential attribute of a regular-style plot, its compositional center is a residential building. Somewhere it is a manor house, and somewhere it is a real palace. In front of him is the parterre – a flat, flat part of the garden (from the French par terre – on the ground).

Regular garden style in landscapingRegular garden style in landscaping

As you can see in the photo, in the regular style, all the paths of the garden are straight, the best shape of the flower garden is a rectangle. Small regular gardens were in most Russian estates; a regular French parterre (front part) adjoined the house, which turned into an English landscape park. Maybe this is the image of a Russian garden?

Such a wonderful garden in a regular landscape style was planted and grown in the village of Bogdanikha near the city of Ivanovo by Nikolai Pavlovich Dementyev. After completing the construction of the house, he planned to improve 60 acres around it. A technical education taught him to self-study, he studied the literature on landscape design and decided to make a garden in a regular style. The house in the style of Russian manor classics also pushed him to create a garden in this spirit.

Regular garden style in landscapingRegular garden style in landscaping

To create a harmonious garden, you need to have knowledge, imagination and taste. Caring for him is even more difficult and laborious, requiring daily work, knowledge, patience and, of course, love and talent. This garden can be admired in any weather; its appearance changes from season to season.

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Anna Evans


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