Ukrainian forelock chickens

First of all, Ukrainian chubataya chickens attract poultry farmers not with their productive indicators, but with a beautiful, unusual, unique appearance. Based on the name, Ukraine is the birthplace of these feathered pets. And the main feature of the bird is a forelock or crest on its head, in which a comb is hidden. The exact time of appearance of these chickens on the territory of Ukraine is not known. But they have been bred there for a very, very long time. They are mainly grown in the central regions of the country, and in the south and east of Ukraine they are less common in private farms and in farmsteads.

The egg productivity of Ukrainian chubat chickens is at a fairly high, acceptable level – about 160 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 60 grams. The shell has a pleasant color – cream. Adult chickens gain up to two kilograms of two hundred grams of live weight, roosters reach a weight of three kilograms. The hatchability of chicks is about 85%. And the safety of feathered pets is at the level of 88% in adults and 90% in young animals.

Poultry farmers choose forelock hens for many reasons. First of all, they are attracted by the beautiful appearance of the bird and its crest. Secondly, these feathered pets have good productivity indicators. And, thirdly, Ukrainian forelock chickens are absolutely unpretentious to the conditions of detention – they have no health problems, steadfastly and easily endure both extreme heat and cold, hard frosts.

Another plus is that the breed of Ukrainian forelock chickens are excellent mother hens. They have a well-developed maternal instinct.

In feeding, these individuals are completely unpretentious. They eat whatever food the owner gives them. However, the chicken coop for them should be well equipped: it should be warm, light, clean, moderately humid, ventilation should also be good.

Ukrainian chubat chickens have a small leaf-shaped comb, which is hidden in a tuft. Their beak is very strong and strong. The chest and back are wide, the body is slightly elongated, a little long. The tail is often well developed. The legs are not very powerful, but still strong enough.

The color of the plumage of forelock Ukrainian chickens can be different.

Anna Evans


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