The breed of chickens is Kotlyarevskaya

Poultry farmers who want to raise feathered pets with good meat and egg productivity will not be mistaken if they purchase chickens of the Kotlyarovsky breed. They are absolutely not whimsical in the conditions of keeping and feeding. The main thing is that the chicken coop was dry, the birds were let out for walking and given a variety of food.

In the first year, the laying hens of this breed are about 160 eggs, and in the next five years it reaches and stays at the level of 240 eggs per year. Eggs are large in size – up to 63 grams. The color of the shell is light brown, cream. Kotlyarevsky chickens can gain up to three kilograms of live weight, adult roosters weigh about four kilograms. The safety of chickens is 95%, adults – 85%. The bird reaches sexual maturity at the age of six months.

To obtain the Kotlyarevsky breed of chickens, many breeds were crossed: Golosheynaya, Russian White, New Hampshire and others. It was bred at the breeding plant “Kotlyarevsky” in the Caucasus.

Kotlyarevsky chickens are distinguished by strong immunity, which resists many diseases, vitality. They grow and develop well and quite quickly. In addition to high egg production, it is also an excellent source of juicy, low-calorie, tender, tasty meat.

In feeding, the bird is unpretentious. She needs protein feed, so the most optimal are grain, feed, vegetables, greens. By the way the chickens eat, you can determine if she is healthy. If feathered pets peck food in the feeder with pleasure, then everything is in order with him. Wet mixers for Kotlyarevsky chickens can be poured not only with plain water, but also with various broths, waste from the table. In winter, fish oil and multivitamins should be added to the diet of laying hens.

Hatched chicks can be fed within 14-15 hours after birth. Already at this age they are happy to absorb food.

The breed of chickens Kotlyarevskaya is distinguished by a calm disposition. These birds are not aggressive at all and do not come into conflict with other individuals. But they love space, which must be taken into account by the poultry breeder when placing a large number of livestock in a small area: in a chicken coop and on a paddock. Feathered pets should also be provided with a well-ventilated, warm, bright room, and dry, fresh bedding should be sprinkled on the floor.

Anna Evans


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