Tomato variety “Explosion” is a firework of elegant tomato fruit aroma, grateful for the work of the plant

A huge offer of tomato varieties often puts ordinary gardeners and farmers in front of a difficult choice. In order to rationally use the sown areas and get a good harvest for a long period, it is necessary to choose varieties of different ripening periods, bush types, zoned for a particular region.

The tomato variety “Explosion” has established itself as a stable and unpretentious early variety that manages to produce a mature crop even in a short summer in open ground. At the same time, the quality and marketability of the fruits are quite decent.Three tomatoes on a branch

What is a variety of tomato “Explosion”

Plants of the variety “Explosion” are physiologically limited in growth by five to six brushes on the main stem in protected ground conditions, in the open they may be even less. According to this indicator, they belong to the group of determinants, and according to the ripening period, they belong to the early-ripening ones.

Even in a greenhouse, plants do not reach a height of more than one meter.

The formation of shoots is rather weak, so the labor costs for the formation are minimal. In open ground, stepchildren are practically not removed. Leaves do not grow much, they are quite large. An average of 5-6 fruits are tied on each brush, the first of which are large, weighing up to 200 g or more. The main part of the fruits, especially without removing the stepchildren, is within 100-150 g.

Ripe fruit color

At full maturity, the fruits are rich red in color, their shape is round, and the surface is slightly ribbed. The skin is quite strong, resistant to cracking. Fruits tolerate long-term storage and transportation well.

Ripening time

The fruits of the variety “Explosion” ripen in terms of 85 to 105 days. Depending on the growing conditions in the region, the ripening time of the crop varies significantly:

  • in film shelters – from the end of June;
  • outdoors – mid-July.

Fruiting is extended, and, if weather permits, can last in greenhouses until the end of September. In open ground, the crop ripens gradually until the end of August.Ripening tomatoes varieties Explosion


According to the description, the tomatoes of the variety are distinguished by a rich aroma and have a pronounced sourness. It is for this sourness that some summer residents reduce the assessment of the taste of the variety. Others just like this saturation of taste in tomatoes. The pulp of the fruit is fleshy, but the presence of a significant number of seed chambers (at least 6) and moisture in them makes the fruit heavy even with a small size. When biting through, the combination of fleshiness and juiciness gives a pleasant sensation.


In open ground, the yield from one bush reaches 3-4 kg, and in greenhouses – more than 5 kg. This is not much, but on the other hand, efforts to cultivate a variety of this low plant require minimal effort.

Description of varieties similar to “Explosion”

Tomato “Explosion” was created by improving the variety “White pouring”. Similar characteristics are possessed by such varieties as: “Sanka”, “Parodist”, hybrid varieties “Legionnaire F1”, “Cupid F1”. There is a similarity with “Alpha”, “Lyana”, but they have smaller fruits and fruiting ends faster. In the variety “Gina” – the fruits are larger, contain less seeds and juice.

Positive characteristics of the variety and disadvantages

The variety has much more advantages than disadvantages:

  • resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • low demands on agricultural technology;
  • stable immunity to major diseases;
  • minimum labor costs for care, fertilizers and protective equipment;
  • long fruiting period compared to other early varieties.

Among the disadvantages, one can cancel the relatively low yield of the crop, compared with tall varieties from the greenhouse area.Pink tomatoes

Requirements for growing conditions

in the greenhouse

It is easier to create optimal conditions without sudden changes in film greenhouses. Mass planting in heated greenhouses will not be entirely rational, but for the compaction of plantings of tall varieties, “Explosion” is quite suitable. There is enough space for a plant even 35x50cm. It tolerates weak shading by other plants, but fewer fruits are set.

In the open field

Most often, the Explosion tomato variety is grown in open ground, using its unpretentiousness and stability. Any type of soil is suitable for cultivation, except for waterlogged ones. On acidic soils, wood ash and dolomite flour are added to neutralize acidity.

On poor sandy soils, it is recommended to carry out autumn refueling of the soil with organic fertilizers: manure, compost, humus (4-8 kg) with the addition of ash (150-200 g) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (20-30 g per 1 m2). Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 50-55 days. Landing schemes can be applied different:

  • tape – (2-3 lines on the ridge);
  • in a checkerboard pattern;
  • square – nested.

For 1m2 plant a maximum of 6 plants. For ease of maintenance and normal plant nutrition, the distance between plants is chosen – 35-40 cm, and row spacing – 50-60 cm.

In the southern regions, where the warm period is long, the Explosion tomato variety can be grown in a seedless way, sowing seeds directly into the ground.

Agrotechnical events


For seedling cultivation, the seeds are sown first in boxes or containers, and then dive in the phase of 1-2 true leaves into cups or pots (at least 8 × 8 cm).

Advice! When picking, pinch the tip of the root to stimulate the growth of lateral roots.

Favorable temperature for seed germination is 22-25°C, for seedlings – 14-15°C, for picking seedlings – 18-22°C.


Plants of the variety are sprawling, but rather compact. They form few shoots on the main stem, especially in cool, dry weather. Based on the state of the plant, a decision is made whether it is worth stepchildren:

  1. If the plant gives 2-3 shoots, it makes sense to leave them. It will form into two or three stems.
  2. If the green mass is actively growing on very fertile soil or in conditions of high humidity, the extra shoots must be carefully broken out.

More often, pinching is required in a greenhouse; in the open field, the plant itself will give a limited number of side branches.

As the fruits set, remove 1-2 lower leaves every 7-10 days. This will redistribute the forces to the formation of fruits and their ripening.Unripe tomatoes on the branches


The plant is not very tall, but it is better to use a garter for it, since the plant will not stand under the weight of the fruits, and the branches will fall to the ground. Tying will improve ventilation, protect against the development of diseases and damage by pests. You can tie up to single supports, or, pulling a trellis between two supports, tie plants to it. For a garter, it is better to use linen twine or a soft cloth.

Additional fertilizing

The ridges fertilized since autumn are filled with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers a week before planting. Planted seedlings are fed only when they take root well and begin to grow. This will happen in 12-14 days. Top dressing can be organic (mullein infusion 1:10) or mineral (ammofoska, nitroammofoska, urea – 1-2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).Mineral top dressing Ammophoska

Feeding is repeated after a couple of weeks, increasing the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers during the period of fruit set. Nitrogen in this period is used in minimal quantities so as not to provoke the growth of green mass.

For this variety, it is unlikely that more than 3 top dressings in the ground will be required, since the growing season of the plant is short.

Preventive measures for plant protection

The variety is quite cold-resistant and resistant to fungal (black leg, white rot, gray rot, Fusarium wilt) and bacterial diseases. The most dangerous, with prolonged high humidity and temperature changes, phytophthora.

By the time the weather conditions worsen, the variety manages to finish fruiting.

In order to prevent the development of diseases, it is recommended to carry out a set of measures:

  • timely cleaning of plant residues, damaged fruits and leaves, breaking off excess foliage;
  • moderate watering and loosening in rainy weather;
  • the choice of predecessors and neighbors (undesirable – potatoes, eggplant, pepper);
  • tillage during planting with weak solutions of foundationazole or potassium permanganate;
  • treatment of plants during the growing season with a solution of copper-containing preparations (1% solution of copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, phytosporin, etc.)

How to grow and tie tomatoes of the Explosion variety growing in a greenhouse can be seen in the video.

The versatility of the variety

The fruits of the variety have a universal purpose, they are less suitable for drying due to the large amount of moisture and seed chambers. Given that the flesh of the “Explosion” is juicy and fleshy, a lot of juice is obtained from the fruit.

A dense peel preserves the integrity of the fruit during salting and preservation. Salads are good both fresh and canned in combination with other vegetables: carrots, onions, garlic, peppers, cabbage and greens. Apples complement the taste of tomato well.

Growing the Explosion tomato variety is available not only to experienced gardeners, but also to beginners. The variety is quite suitable for farmers on large areas, as it provides a stable harvest of fruits of good commercial qualities with minimal labor and funds. The main trump card of the variety is unpretentiousness.

Anna Evans


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