Growth stimulants for potatoes: Epin, Poteytin, Bioglobin

Most of the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan is located in the zone of risky farming. For a gardener, this means that he can apply the most advanced agricultural technologies, use effective organic and mineral fertilizers, fungicides, but the harvest harvested in the fall will be much less than expected. And all this is due to frost, drought or lingering rains.

Having penetrated the secret of the cell, scientists discovered that plants can literally be “controlled from within.” It turned out that potatoes have hormones responsible for the growth and division of cells, the intensity of flowering and tuberization. Drought, cold weather, or illness make the plant experience real stress, which slows down its development. However, special preparations – growth stimulants for potatoes, help the bush to overcome the consequences of a difficult situation, and at the same time increase its resistance to insect parasites and pathogenic microorganisms.

“Epin” is a classic adaptogen that mobilizes the immune system of potatoes. A plant treated with this preparation can successfully survive frosts down to -5 ° C and give a good harvest. The product is safe for bees and fish (if it gets into water bodies with rainwater). “Epin” not only accelerates the growth of potatoes – thanks to the preparation, the bushes become more lush and thick, and the root system – more powerful. Due to the fact that the total surface area of ​​the leaves increases, the tubers receive much more products of photosynthesis and grow faster.

The product helps to remove heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides, nitrates and other toxins from tubers. Potato yield is increased by 50%, tubers ripen two weeks ahead of schedule, and are stored much better in winter.

Ampoule of Epine

One ampoule (0,25 ml) of the drug is dissolved in 400 ml of water and potato seed is sprayed one day before planting. Ampoule “Epina” is designed for spraying 200 tubers. For spraying 2-2,5 hectares of adult plants, the contents of the ampoule of the drug are dissolved in 5 liters of water.

The main advantage of the product is its versatility. If the area allocated for potatoes is less than two acres, you can treat with the remnants of the solution of the eggplant or tomato beds. After planting, it is recommended to spray potato bushes with Epin once a month.

All complaints about the drug are related to its improper storage and use. “Epin” deteriorates in the light, so it should be stored in a cool, dark place. The drug loses its properties in an alkaline environment, which is why it can only be diluted with boiled water at room temperature.

Poteitin is one of the most well-known and proven growth promoters for potatoes before planting. The drug not only increases the resistance of tubers to weather changes, but also has a fungicidal effect. Thanks to this tool, seedlings appear 5-6 days earlier, the potato stalks become more powerful, they can more easily tolerate damage caused by the Colorado potato beetle. Plants treated with the drug are less sick with late blight. The tool increases the yield of potatoes by an average of 16-24%.

The package contains 3 ampoules of “Poteytin”, 1 ml each. The contents of one ampoule are diluted in 750 ml of water. This solution is sufficient to spray 60 kg of tubers. Spraying can be carried out before laying the tubers for storage, before vernalization or before planting. Before flowering, the plants are sprayed with Poteytin again (it can be combined with a fungicide or an agent against the Colorado potato beetle). To spray one hundred square meters of a potato field, dilute 1 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water.

poteitin photoPotatein is usually transparent

“Bioglobin” is a new generation drug. It was synthesized from mammalian placental cells. The drug is saturated with proteins that cause a short-term doubling of the rate of cell division. Its action lasts only a day, but during this time the potato cells have time to share not once, but twice. As a result, the root system of the bush increases by 4 times. If you use the drug according to the instructions, the potato yield will double.

The drug is a suspension packaged in 50 ml vials. 30 days before planting, it is recommended to dilute 5-10 grams of the drug (one or two teaspoons) in 10 liters of water and soak potato tubers selected for seeds in this solution for 30 minutes. After that, the potatoes are vernalized. “Bioglobin” is compatible with potassium permanganate and other preparations for dressing tubers.

As a result of the treatment with “Bioglobin”, much more eyes awaken in the tuber, and the planted potatoes sprout not in 21 days, but in a week. When the sprouts are 2-3 cm high, they should be sprayed with a solution of “Bioglobin”, and a day after that – covered with earth. This operation will lead to an increase in the number of stolons – the processes on which tubers are formed.

bioglobin photoBioglobin

The bushes must be sprayed again three weeks after new shoots (“Bioglobin” can be combined with fungicides and preparations for foliar feeding). Three weeks later, at the end of flowering, the next spraying is carried out, combined with foliar dressing.

The only drawback of the drug is the need for several sprays, however, it is compensated by a doubling of the yield.

Using growth stimulants for potatoes before planting can grow a rich crop and protect it from pests.

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Anna Evans


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