Potato lorch care how to grow

Lorkh potatoes. Thanks to the doctor of agricultural sciences, the hero of socialist labor and the founder of the Soviet potato breeding Lorkh Alexander Georgievich, many successful varieties of this crop were born. In 1931, the first author’s certificate was received by the Lorkh potato, bred back in 1922, but to this day it is in demand and revered among lovers of this root crop. It can be said that it has passed the test of time (almost 100 years!) And proved that it is capable of adequately competing with modern elite varieties.

During its existence, it has experienced many ups and downs, it was even considered irretrievably lost, but the breeders miraculously managed not only to revive it, but also to return its former popularity. How did the legendary potato Lorkh, representing the first generation of domestic breeding, conquer the farmers? The general respect and love, as well as the high consumer demand for Lorkh potatoes, is explained by its main characteristics, which more than suit agricultural workers. This will be discussed below.

Potato Lorch Description

Lorkh is a versatile variety. It belongs to the middle late, the period of full maturation is 80-100 days from the moment of emergence. It has the ability to adapt to conditions, it is recommended for cultivation in different climatic zones. Average yield, depending on climate, quality of planting material, care and other factors forming it, ranges from 250-350 centners / ha.

Lorkh’s bushes are tall, with highly branched stems and pale green leaves. During flowering, large flowers of a light purple hue appear on them. It blooms profusely, one might say magnificently. Berry formation is very rare.

12-16 rather large potatoes are harvested from one bush, the mass of which reaches 120 g. The peel on oval tubers is smooth, light beige, and can peel off at the top. The eyes are small and sparse. The pulp is white, retains its original color after heat treatment. Due to its high starchiness during cooking, it loses its integrity, becomes crumbly (type of digestibility – B / C). Lorkh potatoes contain 15 to 20% starch and about 23% dry matter. In culinary terms, they are considered universal, they are used in the preparation of various dishes, including crisp potatoes, as well as in starch production. Professionals give this potato a whopping 8,6 points on the tasting scale. It is incredibly tasty baked, which has long been appreciated by picnic lovers.

The keeping quality of Lorkh is quite high; under proper conditions, from 88 to 92% of the crop is preserved until spring. At the same time, potatoes almost do not lose their presentation and taste. This suggests that it can be safely laid for long-term storage.


Agrotechnics of culture

Preparing for planting potatoes

The preparation of planting material is a very important step in growing potatoes. It allows you to start biological processes in tubers for planting, get healthy and strong shoots, and protect the future harvest from pathogens.

There are two ways to germinate planting potatoes: dry or wet. The first involves keeping the material in a dry, illuminated place for a certain period. With abundant light, solanine will be intensively produced in the planting tubers. They are not eaten, which means that this toxin in this case is harmless to humans. But it will provide the future plant with good immunity and disease resistance. In the second method of germination, seed potatoes are placed in wooden boxes with moist peat and left in a room with a constant temperature of 13-15 degrees. In this case, the sun’s rays should not fall on the container with the planting material. It is very important that he is constantly in a humid environment. To do this, it is necessary to regularly moisten the peat substrate.

germination of potatoes

Soil preparation for planting Lorkh potatoes is standard. First, rotted manure is scattered on the selected area, then they plow or dig up the soil to the required depth with fertilizer incorporation. In addition, autumn plowing (digging) is recommended for this variety. Lorkh can be grown in different soils, but for good growth it needs a lot of oxygen, the lack of which causes deformation of the tubers. It gives the highest yields on light “breathing” soils. If the vegetable garden or summer cottage is located in a swampy area, then it makes sense to make drainage using fine gravel, pebbles or expanded clay.

Planting Lorkh potatoes

In central Russia, medium-late potato varieties are usually planted in the ground in mid-May. Lorch is no exception. By this time, the threat of night frosts will definitely disappear, and the earth will warm up to the optimum for planting 8-10 degrees.

The most effective planting method for this variety of potatoes is the ridge. Also, good results can be achieved by planting under a shovel or in trenches. Since Lorkh is a voluminous and spreading plant, it is advisable to leave a space of at least 75 cm between the rows. The recommended distance between the bushes is 35 cm. When planting ridges, it is better to place the ridges from north to south. So the earth will warm up faster, which means that seedlings will appear earlier.

mitlitder beds

Care of plantings

Hilling with weeding is a mandatory agricultural technique when growing potatoes. Lorkh is spud twice a season. The first time, when young plants rise 15 cm above the ground, the second – after 20 days. Hilling is carried out in cloudy cool weather. Separate weeding is needed as weeds appear. Weed control reduces the risk of crop diseases, and the potatoes also receive all the nutrients accumulated in the soil.

The variety responds well to watering. Water at least four times per season:

  • 2 weeks after planting sprouted tubers in the ground;
  • during the formation of buds;
  • in the middle of flowering;
  • immediately after the flowers are dropped.

watering potatoes

Additional watering for plantings is necessary during a prolonged drought, when, due to heat and lack of moisture, the earth begins to crack. If the season is too hot, automated irrigation is the best solution.

Lorkh potatoes are fed with both organic matter and mineral fertilizers. When planting, humus and ash can be added to the holes, before the first hilling of the plant, it is recommended to fertilize with a solution of chicken manure, and in the midst of flowering, complex fertilizers are used, which include phosphorus and potassium.

The most dangerous enemy of the potato is Lorkh

Most often, this variety is affected by scab, which can be identified by the characteristic growths on the tubers in the form of gray threads, sores, wrinkles and other defects. To the great regret of gardeners today, scientists have not yet found a way to 100% get rid of this scourge. Even at the initial stage.

scab on lorch potatoes

But everyone has the opportunity to avoid the appearance of scab (of all its varieties) by taking preventive measures. These include:

  • careful selection and dressing of planting material;
  • the use of crop rotation;
  • growing potatoes after mustard (green manure);
  • regular watering;
  • acidification of the soil with ammonium sulfate (at high alkalinity).

Collection and storage

Potatoes are harvested in the first half of September, exclusively in dry weather. The readiness for harvesting is determined by the state of the tops. If it is completely dry, then the tubers have reached biological maturity. A week before harvesting, the tops are mowed, leaving 7-10 cm high stalks above the ground. The dug potatoes are dried in the shade, sorted out and sent to storage.

picking lorkh potatoes

As mentioned above, the keeping quality of this variety is quite high – up to 92%. But in order to achieve such an indicator, it is necessary to follow the storage rules. The main conditions ensuring the safety of the crop are:

  • air temperature 2-4 degrees;
  • humidity 70-80%;
  • lack of light;
  • good ventilation in the room.

Tip: before storing potatoes, it is advisable to open the basement or cellar for a day to dry the inner surfaces.

storage of potatoes

In conclusion

Lorkh potatoes have been grown for many decades, and not only in Russia. During this time, other varieties, including elite varieties, failed to oust him from the fields. What is the secret of its longevity? In unpretentiousness to soils, resistance to most infections and pests, high yield, good keeping quality, excellent marketability, great taste and culinary versatility. Everyone needs this potato!


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Anna Evans


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