Tuleevsky potatoes care how to grow

Quite often, gardeners are interested in Dutch potatoes, considering them to be more versatile and of high quality. But do not forget about our native selection. Take at least the Tuleevsky potato variety, bred in the Kemerovo region. One of the leaders of this region, Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev, made a great contribution to the development of local agriculture, so this hybrid was bred in his honor.

It is not picky about climatic conditions, gives a high yield and is considered environmentally plastic. In 2007, the variety was brought to the State Register and to this day it is successfully grown on private plots, in farm lands and agricultural holdings.

Tuleevsky potatoes: description

Initially, the variety was intended for the harsh Siberian regions, but in other areas it was also appreciated and cultivated almost throughout Russia. It belongs to mid-season table varieties. The full ripening period is 90-100 days. The yield is good – from 180 to 300 kg / ha. One bush gives 10-14 potatoes with an average weight of 200-300 grams. The keeping quality of Tuleyevsky is also quite high – 90%. This potato has a good starch content of 14-16%. The tubers are not boiled soft, they have a pleasant taste.

The bushes of the culture are low (no more than 30-40 cm) with six shoots on the sides. Such compactness allows summer residents to significantly save space on their plots. Stems are erect, sometimes slightly drooping. The leaves are large, few in number, with light wavy edges on the leaf blade. The flowers are beautiful, lilac in color with a yellow base and a large white corolla. Fruits are rarely tied to them.

Tuleyevsky potatoes: characteristics of tubers

You can describe the tubers like this:

  • slightly elongated oval shape;
  • Smooth surface;
  • yellow slightly rough skin, on which the “mesh” is felt;
  • ocelli not numerous, mostly superficial;
  • the pulp is quite dense, it has the same color as butter;
  • during heat treatment, the pulp acquires a richer shade;
  • used in cooking, this potato makes an excellent puree.

The variety is resistant to cancer, rot and alternaria; tops are less susceptible to late blight than tubers. If the growing conditions are unfavorable, it is affected by the golden nematode.

potato tulei

Advantages and disadvantages

Received Tuleevsky potatoes reviews from all over our vast country. He has a lot of advantages. These include:

  1. Plastic. The variety adapts well to the conditions in which it is grown.
  2. Great yield. With proper care and favorable growth conditions, up to 1 kg of vegetables can be obtained from 500 weave.
  3. Resistance to diseases and viruses. You don’t need to spend a lot of energy to preserve the green mass and the future harvest.
  4. Marketable condition. The tubers are very beautiful in appearance, they do not lose their attractiveness even after long-term storage, which makes it possible to grow these potatoes for wholesale.
  5. Early maturity. Already on the 25th day from the moment of planting, many gardeners dig up and taste young potatoes.
  6. Drought resistance. Plants practically do not need additional watering. Seasonal rains are enough to fully provide them with moisture.

There are also a couple of disadvantages:

  1. Sometimes voids form inside the tubers, especially in large specimens. This has a detrimental effect on the safety of the crop. To avoid voids, you need to monitor the level of boron in the soil.
  2. If the growing conditions are not very favorable, then the tubers are affected by the golden nematode. There is only one way to successfully deal with it – to follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

Growing potatoes Tuleevsky

Summer residents love this variety primarily for its unpretentiousness. The cultivation technology is not much different from other varieties, but there are some peculiarities.

A month before planting in the ground, it is necessary to get the planting material and germinate it in a warm, lighted room. In this case, direct sunlight is undesirable. Seed potatoes should be scattered on the floor in one layer, after having sorted out and discarded spoiled specimens. After four weeks, thick green sprouts will appear on the tubers, the skin will become more elastic and protect the planting material from bacteria. This protection will prevent you from rotting in the cold earth.

santa potatoes sprouting

If the tubers are too large for planting, then they can be cut into 2-3 pieces. In this case, it is important that at least 3 eyes remain on each piece. It is recommended to cut the planting material 1-2 days before planting in the ground. If cut and planted right away, the pieces in the damp earth will start to rot and may not sprout at all.

Planting Tuleyevsky potatoes should begin on the day when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to at least 12 degrees. Since the variety is susceptible to attack by the golden nematode, prevention should be started even before planting. For this, seed potatoes are sprayed with a special preparation “Prestige” or its analogue “Tabu”.

The site for planting has been prepared since the fall, carrying out a deep digging. In the spring, this procedure is repeated to remove the roots of the weed. As fertilizer, compost or humus is applied to the soil. If the soil is too acidic, then it is advisable to use dolomite flour. It reduces acidity quickly and effectively.

When planting, Tuleevsky seed potatoes are placed in holes or trenches. The distance between the potatoes should be at least 30 cm, and between the rows – 55 cm. Wood ash, onion husks and rotten grass should be added to the hole or trench. These ingredients will provide additional protection against pests and possible spring frosts.


Plant Care

After planting, care begins already on the 7-10th day. Even before the first shoots appear, loosening must be carried out so that the first young shoots are even and friendly. It is advisable to loosen the soil throughout the entire growing period, especially after rains.

At the next stage, planting requires weeding. Weed grass will actively grow and take nutrients from cultivated plants, so it must be removed in a timely manner. Weeding is carried out several times per season. As soon as the potato bushes grow to a height of 10-15 cm, the first hilling can begin. This process is repeated before flowering begins.

hilling of potatoes

When and how to water? Since the variety is drought-resistant, additional watering is not required. In order to “maintain” the green mass at the proper level, it is recommended to apply fertilizers. You can use natural ingredients. For example, diluted bird droppings, cow dung, nettle or dandelion infusion.

Harvesting and storage of crops

The harvesting of tubers begins from the moment the tops are covered and completely dry. By this time, the peel on them will become strong, it will not be injured when digging up. For harvesting, you can use a mini digger, shovel or pitchfork. All of these tools are equally effective.

The dug tubers should be scattered over the area and kept in the sun for a couple of hours. Only then can you start sorting. All corrupted and damaged copies are removed. Beautiful tubers with many eyes are selected for planting next year. The rest of the potatoes are stacked in boxes or poured into nets. The crop is hidden in a basement, cellar or a special storage pit until spring.

storage in a drawer

The room for saving potatoes should be dark, moderately humid (not less than 75%, but not more than 90%), and also well ventilated. The ideal storage temperature is plus 5-8 degrees. In such conditions, Tuleyevsky will lie until the next harvest without significant losses and will retain all marketability indicators.

Tuleevsky potatoes: taste

Tuleevsky potatoes have excellent taste. Its pulp contains almost 17% starch, so the tubers do not lose their shape and taste during heat treatment. They are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. The puree turns out to be an appetizing yellowish shade with a subtle sweet aftertaste. In addition, Tuleevskaya potatoes can be used to prepare side dishes for meat and fish dishes, salads, casseroles, soups and pies.

potato stew

The variety is held in high esteem by both gardeners and urban consumers. This potato, due to its unpretentious cultivation and high keeping quality, is on the table of almost every Russian family. He will delight in the future with high yields and excellent taste. Remember to change the seed every 4-5 years.

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Anna Evans


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