Carrot benefits and harms

Carrots (lat. Daucus) are a biennial plant of the umbrella family; for a long time they have been cultivated as a nutritious and useful root vegetable, as well as a rich source of vitamins.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of carrots are explained by the chemical composition, the main value of which is carotene. The substance that, when it enters the human body, is transformed into vitamin A. In addition to carotene, carrots contain vitamins B, E, PP, K, ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamins, the root vegetable contains minerals – potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, chromium, nickel and fluorine. The essential oil in carrot seeds is unique in its beneficial properties.

Useful properties of carrots

The content of carotene in carrots, and therefore vitamin A, explains its unique positive effect on vision. The use of fresh root vegetables strengthens the retina, prevents the appearance of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, night blindness and relieves eye fatigue. Carrots contain phytoncides that kill pathogenic flora and harmful bacteria. Therefore, one has only to chew this vegetable – and the number of harmful microbes in the oral cavity is significantly reduced, and in addition, the gums and mucous membrane are strengthened.

Vitamin A has regenerative properties and therefore has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. No wonder the first symptom of vitamin A deficiency is dryness and cracks in the skin. Therefore, the use of carrots prevents the appearance of early wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. In addition, vitamin A is essential for growth and normal development of the body, and carrots are an essential part of the diet of children and pregnant women.

Culinary and cosmetic applications

The essential oil obtained from carrot seeds is the most valuable and expensive component in the cosmetic industry. On the basis of it, rejuvenating, regenerating and anti-aging creams, serums, lotions and masks are prepared. And regular consumption of freshly squeezed juice makes the skin more susceptible to sunburn and gives it a beautiful golden hue. Masks made from raw grated carrots with the addition of sour cream or cream are very useful for the skin.

Carrots are eaten both raw and thermally processed – boiled, baked, fried and stewed. The root vegetable is a common ingredient in salads, vegetable stews, soups, cabbage soup and various first courses. Often used in pickles and pickles; fresh grated carrots with spices and aromatic vinegar are a traditional appetizer of oriental cuisine. Due to its sweet taste, it is also often used in confectionery, baked goods and sweet dishes.

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Anna Evans


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