Oatmeal benefits and harms

The most important constituents of oats are mucous substances that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, dietary fiber that lower cholesterol levels, and antioxidants that remove toxins and slow down the aging process.

100 grams of the product contains 13 grams of protein, 6,8 grams of fat and 64,9 grams of carbohydrates.

The calorie content of oatmeal is 369 kcal. And although this is quite an impressive figure, it is still classified as a dietary food due to the content of fiber and easily digestible proteins, which allows you to restore damaged tissues in the body.

The vitamin composition of oatmeal looks like this:

  • B1 (thiamine) – 0,35 mg
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 0,1 mg
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – 0,5 mg
  • B9 (folic acid) – 32 mcg
  • E (tocopherol) – 1,5 mg
  • RR (niacin) – 1 mg
  • PP (niacin equivalent) – 4,3 mg

In addition, oat flour contains macronutrients:

  • phosphorus – 350 mg
  • potassium – 280 mg
  • magnesium – 110 mg
  • sera – 81 mg
  • calcium – 56 mg
  • sodium – 21 mg

and trace elements:

  • iron – 3,6 mg
  • zinc – 1,09 mg
  • manganese – 0.76 mg
  • copper – 370 mcg
  • fluorine – 90 mcg
  • molybdenum – 13 mcg
  • cobalt – 2,1 mcg

Not surprisingly, when consumed, it has a positive effect on a wide variety of organ systems in our body.


The rich vitamin and mineral composition of oat flour is the basis for the widespread use of this product in food. The most common culinary products made from it have long been and remain cookies, pancakes and jelly.

Oatmeal cookies are perhaps the most famous oatmeal recipe. It has many recipes for its unusual taste, it can include nuts, raisins, honey, chocolate, various fruit jams and whole pieces of fruit. To increase the beneficial properties, cottage cheese, carrots, pumpkin, berries and dried fruits are added to oatmeal cookies. But regardless of the supplement, it has a huge positive effect on the entire digestive system, especially on the liver.

Oatmeal cookies - a known delicacy

Oatmeal jelly is one of the oldest and healthiest flour products. It can also be used by adults, but it is especially useful for children, as it strengthens the immune system and stable liver function. To increase the beneficial properties of jelly, honey, milk or jam are often added to it.

Oat pancakes are another popular oatmeal recipe. Unlike wheat pancakes, cooking it is easier, faster, and the result is a more satisfying and healthy dish.

In addition, oat flour can be added to any dough. Such products are more crumbly and crispy. However, keep in mind that oat flour is low in gluten (gluten). Therefore, linseed is often used together with it as a binder.

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Anna Evans


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