How to plant and grow chrysanthemums in the garden

It is a well-known fact that chrysanthemum can be grown not only at home, but also in a summer cottage. Today we will analyze how to properly grow chrysanthemums.

How to plant and grow chrysanthemums in the garden

Spring is considered the best time to transplant and plant garden chrysanthemums. Namely, that part of it that begins after the last frost. Another argument in favor of planting chrysanthemums in spring is that plants have time until autumn to take root in a new place, and this is very important for a successful wintering.

How to plant and grow chrysanthemums in the garden

It is for the same reason that you should not take actions that may disturb the chrysanthemum at the end of the season.

If you plant flowering plants in open ground in October or later, then you doom the chrysanthemum to certain death. Thus, if you purchased plants in the fall, do not rush to look for a place for them on the site, it is better to find a dry basement in which the temperature will be above 5 degrees. The dryness of the basement is also a necessary condition, because in winter, excess moisture is detrimental to chrysanthemums.

How to plant and grow chrysanthemums in the garden

Try to buy planting material in the form of rooted cuttings, and preferably in the spring. After all, the best landing time is late May – early June.

Do not forget that chrysanthemums absolutely do not tolerate moisture retention and develop very poorly in shady or shaded areas. As a result, the landing site should be chosen somewhat elevated and sunny.

How to plant and grow chrysanthemums in the garden

If the plants do not have enough sunlight, then their shoots will elongate, and the plants themselves will be weakened, which will cause a change in the timing of flowering.

All varieties of these beautiful flowers are demanding on the soil, its composition, because for proper development and lush flowering, they require the right amount of various kinds of nutrients. That is why chrysanthemums grow well on moisture-permeable soils that are provided with organic compounds.

How to plant and grow chrysanthemums in the garden

If your site cannot boast of such places, then we recommend that you add a little manure, peat or compost to the soil before planting garden chrysanthemums. If it happens that you are carried away with fertilizing the soil for these flowers, then most likely the chrysanthemums will go into lush greenery, but the inflorescences will have very modest ones. Coarse river sand will help provide the drainage that these plants need.

It is advisable to choose soil for planting with a neutral ph or slightly acidic, in the range of 5.5-7.0. It is this acidity that is considered optimal for growing chrysanthemums.

Despite all its whimsicality and difficulty in care, garden chrysanthemum is a wonderful plant that pleases the owners and guests with amazing inflorescences of different colors. Good luck with growing chrysanthemums!

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Anna Evans


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