Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationGeranium is one of the most common plants in indoor and garden floriculture. Unpretentious in care and responsive to abundant watering – these plants are widely cultivated in many countries of the world. The only condition for growing all varieties of garden geraniums is to create an abundance of light for them.

Check out the names of geranium species and photos of flowers presented on this page.

Tall and low-growing varieties of geranium

Geranium (GERANIUM) belongs to the Geranium family, the love of gardeners for these plants is explained by the beauty of their leaves, long and abundant flowering, undemandingness.

In culture, mainly plants of subalpine meadows of the Pyrenees, Apennines, Balkans, Carpathians and the Caucasus are used.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

As you can see in the photo, most species and varieties of geraniums are perennial rhizome grasses with a rosette of dissected leaves, above which almost leafless flower stalks with one or two flowers rise.

For convenience, geraniums can be conventionally divided into two groups: 1. High (over 50 cm); 2. Stunted (10-50 cm).

Tall geraniums:

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Geranium marsh (G. palustre) – with purple flowers; Georgian (G. ibericum) – purple flowers with purple veins.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Geranium red-brown (G. phaeum) – with dark flowers and a red pattern that appears on the leaves in summer, the leaves overwinter; and blood red (G. sanguineum ) – with red flowers and hibernating leaves.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Forest geranium (G. sylvaticum) – with purple flowers.


Alba, Striatum.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

As you can see in the photo of the geranium variety “Mayflower” , the plant has bluish flowers.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Geranium meadow (G. pratense) – lilac-blue flowers, variety “Splish Splash” has variegated flowers.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Small-grained geranium (G. psilostemon) – bright crimson flowers with a black eye; flat-petal (G. platypetalum) – blue-violet flowers.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Pay attention to the photo and description of the geraniums of the undersized group. G. Himalayan (G. hymalayense) -blue-violet flowers with reddish veins, variety “Johnson” s “blue flowers.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Dalmatian geranium (G. dalmaticum) – flowers are pale pink, “Alba” has white flowers; and coarse-grained (G. macrorrhizum) – is distinguished by the presence of a long dark rhizome located on the soil surface and bright purple flowers.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Ash geranium (G. cinereum) – lilac-pink flowers; and Pyrenean (G. pyrenaicum) – height 25 cm, juvenile.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Renard’s geranium (G. renardii) is the most original geranium with olive green leaves, on which a red pattern appears by the middle of summer, and pale flowers with purple veins.


Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

“Insversen” – purple-pink flowers, “Spessart” – white pink.

Types and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivationTypes and varieties of garden geraniums with photos planting and care, cultivation

Look at the photo of the Endris species (G. endressii) – the flowers of this plant are relatively small, pink with dark veins and a pearlescent tint.

Growing conditions. All tall geraniums are light-loving plants, except for red-brown, blood-red and forest, which grow well and bloom profusely both in the sun and in
partial shade. They need fertile, well-hydrated soils.

Breeding. All geraniums are propagated by dividing the bush (early spring or late summer) and seeds (sowing before winter or early spring). Seeds germinate quickly, seedlings bloom in the second year.
Planting density of tall geraniums – 5 pcs. per 1 m2, undersized – 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

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Anna Evans


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