Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingPerennial plants crocuses delight gardeners at the same time as snowdrops – they are one of the first to appear on islands of land freed from snow, and bloom for about a month. All species diversity of crocuses is divided into 15 large groups. The first of them is given to the autumn varieties. All the other 14 groups of crocuses are spring flowers with narrow-linear leaves and petals of various shades.

What crocuses and flower photos look like

Crocuses (saffron) are the earliest flowering of the Kasatikov family. The crocus genus has about 20 species. Wild crocuses can be found in alpine meadows, in the mountains, on the rocky talus of the Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Mediterranean and in central Europe. Most crocuses bloom in spring, but there are also autumn-blooming species.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

Multi-colored crocuses, appearing on snowy thawed patches along with snowdrops and scyllas, bring spring to the garden and tell us – the end of winter, it’s time to move to the garden. And although many gardeners prefer to live in the city, the blooming of the crocuses marks the beginning of the summer cottage season.

What do crocuses look like and what distinguishes flowers of all kinds?

A characteristic feature of crocuses is the absence of an aerial stem. The inflorescences are rather large, directed upwards. According to the description, crocus flowers at the time of blooming resemble glasses or funnels, each has six petals, they come directly from the corm. Blooming flowers can be star-shaped or cupped.

Look at the photo of what crocuses look like – the color of the flowers of these plants is very diverse:

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

There are flowers with white, purple, lilac, purple, yellow, orange, pink petals. There are no only pure reds.

In the center of each flower, a bright orange pistil is sure to glow. Leaves are narrowly linear, usually with a longitudinal white stripe. In spring crocuses, leaves appear during or after flowering, the seed capsule emerges on the surface of the ground a month after flowering.

Here you can see photos of crocus flowers of various types:

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

How to grow crocus flowers

How to grow crocuses on your garden plot? It is preferable to choose a sunny place for planting, although the plants tolerate shading in the afternoon. Another important condition for planting crocuses is loose, drained soil. Sandy loam soil with a neutral reaction is optimal. Plants cannot tolerate fresh manure. Crocuses are grown in one place for 4-6 years. For full development, plants need a sufficient amount of mineral and organic fertilizers. Before planting, the soil must be well refilled: 1 kg of well-rotted manure or compost and 2-15 g of superphosphate are applied per 100 m150. Spring-flowering varieties and species are planted in September. The bulbs are planted to a depth of 8-10 cm at a distance of 5-15 cm.

They are unpretentious in culture. After planting, when caring for crocuses, water the plants only as needed. Top dressing is carried out immediately after the snow melts with mineral fertilizer with a reduced dose of nitrogen, and at the end of flowering only with superphosphate. The bulbs are started to be dug in the second half of July, when seed pods appear on the soil surface, which indicates the end of the growing season.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

The dug out corms are dried in the shade for several days, then they are cleaned of soil, roots, leaves and old mother bulbs. Drying is continued in a ventilated room at a temperature of 18-20 Β° C. 1-2 weeks before planting, the temperature is reduced to 10 Β° C.

Crocuses reproduce not only by corms, but also by seeds. The vegetative way is the main one. For a year, an adult corm gives 2-3 replacement bulbs and a small baby. For faster reproduction, crocuses are dug up and planted annually or every other year. With a shallow planting, significantly more daughter bulbs are formed. However, in this case, crocuses need increased watering. The seed method of reproduction is used in breeding work and in the cultivation of species crocuses. Seeds are dried for 2-3 weeks and sown on ridges to a depth of not more than 1 cm. Seedlings bloom in the third or fourth year.

Caring for crocus flowers is not difficult, since these plants are practically not affected by diseases. They can be grown on an alpine slide, under trees and shrubs, in flower beds and in curbs, in containers and garden compositions, on lawns. Most crocus varieties are suitable for forcing during the winter.

Below are photos of planting and caring for crocuses at their summer cottage:

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

What are crocuses: description of groups and varieties

Currently, there are about 300 varieties of garden crocuses. The whole variety of varieties and species is divided into 15 groups. This takes into account the timing of flowering, as well as the structural features of the bulb. The classification includes crocuses of autumn flowering (group 1), which are not presented here, and crocuses of spring flowering (groups 2-15).

Below is a description of what spring flowering crocuses are and what they look like.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

2 Group Biflorus grows in the south and southwest of Europe, it is found in the Caucasus and Asia Minor. The flowers are purple, the stigma is yellow. There are several natural varieties with flowers ranging from white to lilac.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

A very interesting variety of crocuses “Alexander” – purple flowers with a narrow white edging, white inside. One bulb forms up to 15 flowers.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Albus Biflorus Veldenii” has narrow pure white flowers of small size.

Now look at the photo and read the description of the Chrysanthus crocuses.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

3 Group Chrysanthus (golden-flowered) grows in southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. The flowers are golden yellow with dark stripes on the outer side of the petals, the stigma is orange-red. The leaves are very narrow. This group includes a fairly large number of varieties. Early, abundant and long flowering is characteristic. A large bulb forms up to 20 flowers.

The most famous are the following varieties:

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Blue Pearl” – pearly bluish, almost white when blooming.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Lady Keeler” – purple-violet with a white edge, lilac-white inside, shiny.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Marietta” – flowers inside are light yellow, outside petals are lemon yellow with chestnut stripes and strokes.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Nanette” – large flowers are solid yellow inside, canary yellow outside with purple strokes.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

Princess Beatrice – flowers are lilac-bluish with a golden-yellow base.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Schwanenburg Bronze” – Pomegranate brown outside with a narrow yellow border, inside saffron yellow.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

β€œE.A. Bowls “ – lemon yellow, bronze-green base with purple strokes along the edge.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

4 Group Vernus (spring). The varieties of this group occupy a leading place in floriculture, since they are the most unpretentious and resistant to diseases. Most varieties have large flowers of all shades of blue-violet tones, as well as white and variegated colors. Blooming in April. More than 90 varieties have been registered.

The following varieties are most popular.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Albion” – white, purple stripes at the base.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Baron von Brunov” – purple outside, lighter inside.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

Harlem Jam – flowers are small pink-lilac-gray color, inside amethyst-purple.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Joan of Arc” – white with a dark purple base.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Inchantress” – light amethyst purple with a silvery sheen.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Negro Boy” – deep purple with a purple base.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Paulus Potter” – large flowers of dense magenta-purple color.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Pickwick” – The flowers are grayish-white with purple stripes.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Remembrans” – purple with a silvery sheen. Crocus plants of this variety are described most of all similar to the Baron von Brunov variety.

Pay attention to the photo of these varieties of crocuses – they are all truly magnificent:

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

5 Group Aureus (gold) is found in the Balkans and Asia Minor. The flowers are bright orange. Sometimes outside, at the base of the petals, there are grayish-purple stripes. The stigma is yellow-orange. Blooms in mid-spring. The best yellow crocus is the Grosse Gelbe variety with intense yellow flowers.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

6 Group Balance is found in the west of Asia Minor. The flower is chrome yellow inside, with purple beetroot stripes on the outside. It blooms in early spring.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

Includes only one variety: Zvanenburg (van Tubergen) – outside is orange-bronze in color with purple stains, inside is golden yellow.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

7 Group Candidus. This group is represented by only one variety: “Zubflavus” – amber yellow with a bronze tint.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

8 Group Etruscus grows in Italy in the Tuscany region. The flower is bluish purple. There is one variety in the group: Zvanenburg (van Tubergen) – light purple, with a grayish tint on the outside.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

9 Group Flavus (yellow). This group is made up of Dutch yellow crocuses. The flowers are buttercup-yellow, with a dull color outside, with grayish-green stripes at the base. Early flowering. There are two varieties known: “Confidential” and “Doctor Lotsi”.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

10 Group Imperati. Homeland – Southern Italy. Has many natural variations. There is one known variety: “De Jager” – the outer side of the outer petals is amber-yellow with narrow dark purple strokes, the inner petals are violet-blue with three short purple strokes. Inside, the flower is lavender with a yellow center.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

11 Group Ziberi. Crocus Ziberi is considered one of the most beautiful crocuses, it grows in Greece and on the island of Crete. Violet blue with golden yellow throat. The group includes five varieties.

Florists are highly regarded.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

“Hubert Edelsten” – light lilac strokes are harmoniously combined with a purple background, inside the flower is silvery-lilac with a yellow center.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

Violet Queen (Hageman) – amethyst violet outside, lighter inside. The base is dull yellow with greenish veins.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

12 Group Susianus, or Clos of Gold (Golden Brocade) is found in nature from Turkey to the Crimea. The flower is purple on the outside, yellow on the inside. There is a variety of deep yellow color.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

13 Group Suterianus comes from the central regions of Asia Minor. The flowers are dense yellow. One variety is described – “Jami”.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

14 Group Thomasinianus is found in the Balkans. The flower is cobalt purple inside, silvery gray outside. The flowers have high perianth tubes and rise high above the ground. Abundant flowering.

Spring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for plantingSpring flower crocus: description of varieties and conditions for planting

15 Group Versicolor. Crocus versicolor is found in the Alps and on the French Riviera. The flower is white with purple strokes. Known variety “Clos of Silver” (Silver brocade).

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Anna Evans


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