Daylily flower: description, planting and care

Daylily flower: description, planting and careIf you want to have plants on your site that are unpretentious in care, the daylily flower is the best option. The only condition that you have to put up with is an abundance of light: in the shade, these crops stop active growth and flowering. When planting lilenies, it should be borne in mind that these plants grow at maximum speed, therefore, the crops must be thinned periodically.

Daylily flower description

Daylily, which is also popularly called krasodnev, is a herbaceous perennial of the lily family. It is related to this family by long linear, arcuate curved leaves.

Look at the photo: the name of the daylily was given to this plant for a reason, according to the description, the daylily is very reminiscent of the “classic” lily:

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

Large, funnel-shaped flowers of various colors and colors, collected in a paniculate inflorescence on a strong peduncle.

In the daylily, the root system is not represented by bulbs, but by fleshy, fibrous roots with characteristic swellings – stores of nutrients.

Daylilies bloom in July, but in some varieties in humid and warm years, flowering pleases our eyes already in May-June, immediately after the bulbous bloom. Flowers bloom one after another, starting from the bottom, sometimes 2-3 flowers at a time. Flowering is inhibited in cloudy weather. But the leaves at this time rage, completely covering the surface of the soil.

The peculiarity of the daylily is that it is extremely photophilous. The agrotechnics of the daylily is not complicated, the main thing is the periodic thinning of the plantings. Normal garden cultivated soils are suitable for cultivation. Plants are placed in an open, sunny area at a distance of 50 x 70 cm from each other, taking into account its active growth.

In one place, however, the daylily lives up to 10 years, and adult bushes reach a diameter of 90-100 cm. Particularly active growth is observed in the first 5 years. At this time, the number of vegetative shoots increases 2-3 times.

Soil preparation, planting and care of the daylily

In nature, daylilies grow in almost any sunny place, but in culture, attention should be paid to the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the choice of a site without a close standing of groundwater. And this should not be neglected when planting and caring for the daylily, since cultivated plants completely lose their resistance compared to wild ones.

Before planting the daylily, you need to prepare the soil. It must be cultivated by 30 cm. If the soil is heavy, clayey, it must be improved with sand, peat or humus. Neutral or slightly acidic substrates are preferred.

If the land is scarce, it is advisable to apply complete mineral fertilizer before planting daylily flowers. This fertilization is enough to give the next spring feeding only for the 2-3rd year. When fertilizing a crop, it must be remembered that excess will promote the growth of leaves, but not flowers.

If you do not thin out the plants, then there are cases of protruding roots, and then you need to add peat or well-decomposed humus, which also serve as additional nutrients.

In the spring, it is recommended to feed the daylily first with nitrogen, and then with a complex, mineral fertilizer. These dressings are sufficient for the entire growing season.

When caring for a daylily flower, you do not need to be too zealous with watering. Moisture is perceived by the plant positively, but only in moderation. At the same time, long-term lack of watering is tolerated without visible changes. When watering, water should not come into contact with leaves and buds.

Systematic daylily care consists in removing dried flowers, and then flowering stems and old leaves. Daylily is one of the least demanding perennials.

The simplest way to reproduce daylilies is by dividing the bush. Usually, once every 5-7 years, the plants are dug up, shaken off the ground, dried for a day in the shade and then only the roots are separated. They try to divide the root system so that each division has a part of the root collar with buds. Usually in these cases you have to use a knife. Very long roots are cut by 1/3.

From a five-year-old bush, you can get up to 25 divisions, which bloom in the 2nd year. The division of the daylily is carried out both in the spring and in the fall (September-October). However, the plant is so unpretentious that you can divide them in the summer, avoiding only hot weather.

Delenki are planted at the same depth as adult plants. In the hole, a tubercle is made of fertile soil and the roots are evenly distributed on it. After planting, abundant watering is required.

Look at the photos of planting and caring for the daylily: by cultivating these plants, you can effortlessly decorate your garden.

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

In modern daylily hybrids, yellow, orange, white, light yellow, bright yellow, apricot, pale yellow, brown, pink, red and even close to blue are observed.

The most famous varieties of daylily

About 40 thousand varieties have been bred, differing not only in color, where there are two-colored, but also in the shape of the flower, the texture of the perianth lobes, the size of the flowers, and the height of the peduncle. Sometimes the shape of the daylily flower resembles an orchid. Below are the names of daylilies with photos, as well as a description of the plants.

The most famous varieties of daylily are:

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

Town Hall – plant up to 50 cm high. Flowers are large, up to 18 cm in diameter, delicate apricot color. Blooms late, in the second half of July.

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

“Perpe Magic” – stalks are powerful, reaching 35 cm in height. They are branched and create a picture of abundant flowering. The flowers are bright lilac. The central vein of this wonderful flower is white, and the edges of the perianth are corrugated. The center of the flower is yellow.

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

“Hey Zea” – this variety has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves. They are powerful, bright. Peduncles reach 65 cm and have dark cherry, velvety flowers. The perianth segments are also corrugated, and the center of the flower is bright yellow.

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

“Butterfly Kissez” – strong peduncles rise above bright leaves up to 80 cm. The flowers are large, of an original shape. Perianth lobes are corrugated and elongated. The flowers are creamy, almost white, and the inside is light lilac. The center is yellow.

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

“Radiant Gritings” – yellow-orange, bright flowers with a red-brown wide ring and a yellow center attract attention. This variety is often confused with a lily, it is so picturesque and similar in color to it.

Daylily flower: description, planting and careDaylily flower: description, planting and care

Royal Sovrin – peduncles reach 15 cm in height. They are attractive for the mass of flowers, purity of color, light orange calm tone. It blooms early, late May – early June.

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Anna Evans


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