Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAll types and varieties of asters are divided into three groups. The first includes perennial varieties of asters that bloom at the end of June. The second group consists of plants whose flowering period lasts from July to August. The third group includes species of perennial asters that bloom from September to October. All varieties of these flowers are extremely popular, as they retain their decorative effect in flower beds for a long time, look great in bouquets and various landscape compositions.

Check out the description and photos of the species and varieties of asters of different flowering periods presented on this page.

Types and varieties of perennial asters and photos of flowers

Aster (ASTER) belongs to the Asteraceae (Compositae) family. The genus has about 500 species, the flowers of asters are mostly needle-like, of various colors. These herbaceous perennials with rhizomes are diverse in the shape of the leaves, the height of the bush, but for all the “flower” is a basket-shaped inflorescence; marginal flowers in it are ligulate, brightly colored; the central ones are small, yellow, tubular. Most often, the following species and varieties are cultivated in central Russia.

1. Early flowering (June – early July) asters 10-30 cm high:

Alpine aster (A. alpinus) is a bush with a rosette of gray-green pubescent leaves.


Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Albus and Happy End are pink.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Aster Anders (A. andersonii) – low purple “chamomile” and Tongolese (A. tongolensis) .

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

“Berggarten” – purple-blue.

2. Asters of average flowering period (July-August) 30-70 cm high:

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Italian aster (A. amellus) – blue-violet “daisies”, purple.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Astra Frikara (A. frikartii) – taller with dark purple “daisies”.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Cleansing aster (A. sedifolius).

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Pay attention to the photo of “Nanus” asters – they reach a height of 20-30 cm, the flowers are blue in color.

3. Late flowering asters (IX-X):

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Shrub aster (A. dumosus) – dense, relatively low bushes (25-45 cm) with dense leafy stems.

Most of its varieties do not have time to bloom completely in central Russia, they are grown as decorative deciduous plants. Before others bloom:

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

“Niobea” – white, “Spatrose” – dark pink;

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

“Venus” – pink-lilac.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Aster heather (A. ericoides) – height 120 cm, pale lilac.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

The New England astra (A. The novaeangliae) and a. new Belgian (A. novibelgii) – plants of wet meadows in eastern North America, form tall (up to 180 cm) bushes from numerous rigid branching stems with lanceolate leaves.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

As you can see in the photo, this type of aster has small (1.5–2.5 cm in diameter) baskets, collected in a dense panicle. Numerous varieties differ in color and degree of terry:

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

“Rudelsburg” – pink.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Marie Ballard are blue.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

Crimson Brocade – deep red.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

“Flamingo” – pale pink.

Asters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivationAsters: types and varieties of perennial flowers planting and care, cultivation

The spread aster (A. divaricatus) is a forest plant, 40-50 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich, normally moist, neutral soils.

Breeding. By dividing the bush in the spring.

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Anna Evans


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