Chickens: Keratoconjunctivitis in chickens

Chickens, like any other poultry and animals, can experience vision problems. One of them is called keratoconjunctivitis, which is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. In birds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity is also observed.

The disease appears, as a rule, due to the inhalation of poisonous gases by feathered pets, for example, ammonia, and others. The first sign of keratoconjunctivitis in a bird is clouding of the cornea. If the disease is not treated on time, a thorn will soon appear on the eye.

There are different types of keratoconjunctivitis: purulent and non-purulent, deep and superficial. Any individual can get sick, regardless of gender and age, whether it is a laying hen or a rooster, an adult bird or young. The latter are most at risk of developing the disease.

Along with clouding of the cornea, chickens experience a depressed state, they move less, are not so active and constantly walk and sit ruffled, they lose their appetite, feathered pets are significantly behind in growth and development. A few days after the onset of the disease, the bird’s eyelids stick together and swell strongly, and foamy, putrid discharge oozes from the eyes.

Treatment of keratoconjunctivitis should be carried out with antibiotics, as well as the use of corticosteroid drugs. In addition, feathered pets should wash their eyes with antiseptic solutions.

Preventive measures to “fight” keratoconjunctivitis include ventilation of the premises and control of gas exchange in it, maintaining normal humidity and air temperature corresponding to the age of the bird, as well as the density of chickens.

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Anna Evans


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