Breed of chickens “Pervomaisky”

May Day chickens are quite popular with poultry farmers who prefer to grow meat breeds of feathered pets. These birds were selected at the beginning of the twentieth century in Ukraine by crossing three breeds: Rhode Island, Yurlovskaya vociferous and white Wyandot. Their main distinguishing features are quick adaptation to various conditions of detention and adaptation to any climate.

Chickens, May Day breeds grow quickly and gain quite a lot of weight. They are calm, gentle, never waste energy, are inactive and easily get along with other birds. Some poultry farmers use these feathered pets as decorative ones, as they are outwardly very beautiful and bright individuals, although the feather is not too thick and lush. The plumage on their entire body is snow-white, only on the nape it is black, and the ends of the feathers on the tail have a black border.

Despite the meat direction of productivity, May Day chickens are good laying hens. Their annual egg production is about 160-180 eggs. On average, an egg weighs about 60 grams. The weight of the bird itself reaches two and a half kilograms, the rooster gains up to three and a half kilograms of live weight. The physique of feathered pets is compact, massive. Legs are short. A small comb is dyed pink. The wings are of medium length.

May Day chickens make good hens and caring mothers. They take good care of their offspring. Chickens are resilient. The juvenile survival rate is high. This is also due to the fact that these birds are resistant to diseases. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor the feeding of feathered pets. If a laying hen has a poor diet, she may stop laying.

Anna Evans


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