Chickens: Avitaminosis in chickens

Avitaminosis is a lack of vitamins in the diet of chickens. As a rule, it most often manifests itself in growing chickens, when they gain little weight, practically stop growing. The lack of vitamins in poultry feed negatively affects the functional activity of the body, which is seriously impaired. And some organs even undergo degenerative processes.

It is difficult to detect vitamin deficiency in laying hens, chickens, broilers and other individuals at an early stage. This takes time.

Vitamin A deficiency is most common in all ages of chickens. It manifests itself in the lag of chickens in growth, and in laying hens in a significant decrease in egg production. Birds become disheveled, oppressed, their plumage fades, becomes less bright and beautiful. A severe lack of vitamin A can lead to vision loss in chickens.

With a lack of vitamin B in chickens, coordination of movements is disturbed, the nervous system is affected, the head is thrown back, the legs are spread out to the sides, and paralysis of the limbs is also possible. Landing in such birds becomes somewhat different, not the same as in healthy chickens.

Vitamin D is “responsible” for bone tissue and their formation. Therefore, with its deficiency, poultry develops rickets. Vitamin D deficiency can also be identified by soft shells.

It is very difficult to detect a lack of vitamin E in the body of feathered individuals. It affects the fertility of laying hens.

Vitamin deficiency should be treated with drugs that contain all the vitamins that the bird lacks for normal growth and development, productivity and fertility. Prevention plays an important role in preventing the development of beriberi. It should be carried out regularly, in summer and winter. In the warm period, fresh herbs should be added to the feed, and in winter, canned herbs in the form of hay, silage or grass meal.

Of great importance for the health of chickens is sunlight and walking. Therefore, poultry should be released more often into fresh air under the rays of the sun for the synthesis of vitamin O.

Anna Evans


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