Popular large chicken breeds

Birds in the farm occupy one of the main niches regarding the production of meat and eggs. A special role in large and small farms is assigned to chickens, whose variety of breeds makes it possible to distinguish individuals of standard and large sizes. The latter are notable for their productivity indicators, due to which they are especially popular with breeders.

Popular large chicken breeds

Popular large chicken breeds

Description of meat and egg breeds

Breeders around the world are constantly looking for ways to increase the productivity of poultry, in particular chickens. Most often, the work concerns an increase in size, in the light of which the yield of meat from an individual and egg production increase. Over the past decades, large chickens have been represented by many breeds, so private breeders and farmers have the opportunity to sell and consume high quality chicken meat and eggs in large volumes per individual kept in the chicken coop.

Large meat and egg birds are most often hybrids. In addition to their large weight, they will also have large eggs. Giants have a voluminous and muscular body structure, most often representatives of these breeds are stocky and very squat. The limbs of birds can be thin or medium, the skeleton is usually located horizontally.

Popular large chicken breeds

Popular large chicken breeds

Chickens and roosters grow up with a wide-set chest and a straight back; against the background of a similar constitution, the head visually seems disproportionately small, with a short cervical region. In large birds, the plumage is always soft and loose, in most cases with an impressive layer of down underneath.

Large birds are mostly phlegmatic, have a calm disposition, rarely provoke fights. Even free-range chickens move very little and slowly, willingly contact the breeder and other representatives of the poultry yard.

Laying hens usually have a well-developed maternal instinct, so they can independently incubate offspring, but in the light of their impressive mass they are able to crush eggs. Therefore, farmers usually raise large breed chickens in an incubator or lay eggs on other laying hens.

Popular large chicken breeds

Popular large chicken breeds

Overview of meat large birds

Among the existing variety of breeds of domestic meat chickens, the following favorites should be distinguished.


For the first time, such a bird was obtained by English breeders by crossing two breeds that stand out for their weight and size. Today, on poultry farms, broilers are considered the most popular option, since they allow you to get inexpensive meat products in a fairly short time. The broiler is not officially registered as a breed, since such large individuals do not have persistent genetic properties that are subsequently transmitted to the young. New meat types of broilers are constantly appearing on farms.

In terms of care, the bird is not particularly picky, it grows quickly, and is in good health. As a rule, monthly birds are able to increase their mass up to 3 kilograms.

Popular large chicken breeds

jersey giant

The breed appeared not so long ago in America, in the state of New Jersey, thanks to which the individuals received such a name. Black birds of large sizes, which belonged to meat crosses, took part in its formation. Now birds are presented in different colors of the pen.

Chickens and roosters of this direction fully justify their name, they are distinguished by the rapid pace of weight gain, as well as early sexual maturity. As a rule, an adult male bird can weigh about 5-7 kilograms, while laying hens have a mass in the range of 4-5 kilograms.

Jerseys attract breeders not only for their impressive size, but also for their beautiful exterior. Individuals are unpretentious in terms of conditions of detention, have an accommodating disposition and a developed instinct for hatching eggs.

Popular large chicken breeds


Most often, this breed is bred for the purpose of obtaining meat products, however, birds also stand out for their productivity in terms of egg production. Due to their weight, in the list of the largest poultry, these individuals are at the top of the list.

Roosters and hens of this breed are distinguished by their external attractiveness, they have beautiful plumage, which also covers the limbs. In terms of feather color, birds can be either light or dark. The yield of meat from roosters is within 6 kilograms, for laying hens – in the range from 4 to 5 kilograms. The meat stands out for its high organoleptic characteristics.

Birds have a balanced psyche, easily make contact with a person, get along with the rest of the inhabitants of the farmstead without any problems.

Popular large chicken breeds

Master Gray

A hybrid of French origin, got its name from the beautiful gray-black plumage. The breed demonstrates excellent productivity in terms of weight gain, in addition, laying hens are characterized by high egg production rates. Typically, roosters suitable for slaughter will weigh about 7 kilograms, with hens a few kilograms behind.

Birds quickly and without problems adapt to any conditions of detention, actively grow on any feed, offspring are distinguished by 100% survival. Very often, hybrids are grown in cells.

Popular large chicken breeds

Popular large chicken breeds


Birds of American origin, which got its name due to the place of breeding, as well as exterior qualities. The meat obtained from these birds is famous for its tenderness and taste. Chickens grow well and quickly, have endurance, stand out with a proudly set thoracic region and thick plumage.

As for productivity, Plymouthrocks can be bred for both meat and eggs, however, the first direction still remains a priority. Birds rarely get sick, perfectly adapt to any climate. Chickens usually lay eggs at the age of 5-6 months.

Popular large chicken breeds


Very large and at the same time beautiful birds. Individuals have plumage on the limbs, a large tail with prominent pigtails. Birds are found with different feather colors; among meat breeds they are positioned as one of the best. Roosters weigh about 5-6 kilograms, laying hens are less per kilogram.

Very often, the breed is grown to decorate the farmstead, but birds, especially roosters, can show character and aggression.

Popular large chicken breeds


A breed of poultry of English origin, bred in the 5th century. Initially, these were chickens with pure white plumage, but further selection led to the fact that the meat breed became quite remarkable due to its multi-colored plumage. The productivity of the species stands out for its high performance, male birds grow, reaching a mass of 6-4 kilograms, while laying hens will weigh about XNUMX kilograms. Birds also show good egg production.

Orpingtons have a large and proud physique with a protruding chest, a red crest and earrings. The plumage of birds can be standard white, and also colored in gray, black, brown, gold and hawk. Chicks gain weight quickly, in terms of bird care, they do not require the breeder to follow any complicated rules.

Popular large chicken breeds


One of the most productive meat breeds, which is considered to be the birthplace of England. Chickens grow up with a large body and a large head, which distinguishes them from most other breeds. Gender is usually determined by the position of the crest on the head. – in roosters, it will be erect, and in hens, it usually hangs to one side.

Individuals are presented in a variety of feather colors, so in the courtyard you can meet Dorkings with white plumage or birds in striped and iridescent colors. The breed stands out for good weight gain, but the breeder will need to strictly control the diet of their birds, as they are prone to obesity. The taste and color of meat in the future will directly depend on a well-composed menu of chickens.

Popular large chicken breeds

Giant laying hens

Among breeds of egg orientation, there are also individuals that stand out among ordinary laying hens for their size.

Gilan bird

One of the oldest breeds, therefore, the definition of its homeland today causes great difficulties. Most often there is information that the bird still comes from Iran. Laying hens and roosters are notable for their unique exterior, individuals develop, while significantly increasing in growth. The body of the birds is placed vertically, the limbs and neck are extended, the paws are stable. The Gilyan chicken has a very developed musculature, therefore, initially, individuals of this species were bred as fighting ones.

As for the maternal instincts of chickens, they have a well-developed incubation instinct, subsequently they are characterized as caring mothers. Roosters jealously defend their territory. The mass of Gilyan birds varies between 5-10 kilograms. Laying hens mature quite late, so their first laying occurs no earlier than the chicken reaches one year of age. As a rule, one laying hen gives about 150-160 eggs per year. Eggs stand out for their large size and hard shell. The mass of one reaches 70-80 grams.

Chickens endure temperature drops, retain the ability to incubate eggs throughout the season.

Popular large chicken breeds


Large birds with Belgian origin, which are distinguished by their “cuckoo” color. Several breeds of the meat and egg direction took part in the selection of the breed. Today, the laying hen is found on farms around the world. The mass of a rooster can reach up to 6 kilograms, chickens usually weigh about 5 kilograms.

Birds are very sensitive to low temperatures, so for their maintenance it is necessary to strictly control the air temperature and humidity. During the laying process, laying hens will need to provide additional vitamins in the diet. However, laying hens are not always distinguished by the presence of a maternal instinct. On average, one female brings about 150 eggs per year, the weight of which varies within 60 grams.

Popular large chicken breeds


The breed has long been grown by man for meat and egg products, individuals are notable for the possibility of gaining weight even with minimal feeding. The color of the plumage of birds is predominantly white, but there are birds with dark patches in color. In their structure, the Cornish differ from other breeds in a small tail and beak, while the body will be massive, and the neck will be wide and long.

Work on the improvement of the breed has made it possible today to use it for further selection of poultry with high productivity characteristics. Chickens of this breed are able to lay eggs up to the age of three, the average egg production is about 165-170 eggs per year.

Popular large chicken breeds

Popular large chicken breeds


Consider a few poultry that break all records in terms of size and weight.

  • Ruster Koburn. A large bird from the UK, whose weight was 11 kilograms with an increase of 91 centimeters. The rooster is a representative of one of the most beautiful breeds. Thanks to this record holder, the Brahma breed has become even more popular among breeders of large birds.

Popular large chicken breeds

  • Rooster Big Snow. The mass of the bird at the time of registration was more than 10 kilograms, with a height at the withers of about 43 centimeters. The giant belonged to the whitesulli breed, which is very rare today.

Popular large chicken breeds

  • Little John. Another representative of the Brahma breed, which by the year stood out for its growth of 66 centimeters. However, a feature of this breed is the ability of birds to develop and increase their mass even after a year, so the rooster continues to delight its owner with beautiful black and white plumage and active growth.

Popular large chicken breeds

See the next video for more on large breeds of chickens.

Anna Evans


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