7 causes of empty flowers in cucumbers and how to solve the problem

Cucumbers bloom profusely, but the fruits are not tied. Familiar situation? In fact, this happens often with most summer residents. Why is this happening and can the situation be corrected?

There are several options for defining the concept of empty flower:

  1. Male flowers on bee-pollinated varieties.
  2. Female flowers that have faded but did NOT set on bee-pollinated varieties.
  3. Flowers on Patenocarpic cultivars. Here all the flowers are female.

The causes of a barren flower can be different, but seven are most common.Β 

1. Fresh seeds of bee pollinated varieties

Scientific data on the reliability of this item can hardly be found anywhere. The myth came from the “grandmothers” from antiquity, when only varietal plants were in use (which must have male flowers). Most often, no one did a pinch, and female flowers are located only in the upper part of the whip and on the side shoots. On the main stem, there are mostly male flowers, which means “empty flowers”. So the opinion appeared that the seeds of the harvest of the past and even the year before last give a lot of barren flowers.Β 

What to do. For the future, do not sow cucumbers with fresh seeds. The most prolific plants are obtained from seeds collected 3-4 years ago.

2. Own seed

If you collect seeds yourself, from your cucumbers (not parthenocarpics, they simply do not have seeds in the traditional sense), there is a high risk of getting an abundance of male flowers for next year. Both over-pollination and insufficient pollination can play a role here – this often happens if the summer is cool and rainy, when there are very few pollinating insects.

What to do. Buy seeds in stores and garden centers – pollination and the formation of seed fruits from agricultural producers are carried out under the supervision of specialists. Or sow your own and put up with a small harvest.

3. Little light

An abundance of barren flowers happens if the cucumbers are sown too thickly or in the shade. Therefore, they need to be planted in the brightest area according to the scheme 25×25 cm.Β 

What to do. Pinching the main stem can save the situation: in early ripening varieties after the 9th leaf, in late varieties after the 7th.Β 

4. Too much watering

Excess moisture also leads to the massive appearance of barren flowers – cucumbers do not like excessive amounts of water.

What to do. Cucumbers are watered sparingly. Often – after each collection of fruits, but in small doses – 2-2,5 liters per 1 m2.

7 causes of empty flowers in cucumbers and how to solve the problem

5. Ice water for watering cucumbers

Many summer residents do not bother – they will connect the hose to a column or well and water the beds. And the water is ice cold! And she, too, becomes the cause of empty flowers.

What to do. Water must be heated to room temperature. The easiest option is to pour it into a barrel or bucket and put it in the sun.Β 

6. Unsuitable temperature for growing cucumbers

If the temperature is above 28Β°C or below 14Β°C, there will be many barren flowers, because in this case the female flowers do not set fruit. At low temperatures, the flight of bees decreases – not all female flowers β€œget” pollen. At temperatures above +28 ΠΎWith pollen becomes sterile. Parthenocarpics and varieties that require pollination are selected based on the recommendations for growing (greenhouses, open ground, region). All characteristics and a complete, reliable description of any variety can be viewed on the website of the State Sort Commission.

What to do. The water regime will help correct the situation. If it is hot, the watering rate is doubled, and it is better to water early in the morning or after sunset. If the temperature drops below the optimum limit, irrigation is stopped until it gets warmer. When watering and the subsequent evaporation of water, the temperature drops (fog effect) and pollination will be better. But it will help bee-pollinated varieties. There are very few of these in the modern assortment of sellers.Β 

7. Over-fertilizing cucumbers

Cucumbers should not be overfed. Especially nitrogen fertilizers before flowering.

What to do. During fruiting, cucumbers are fed twice.

The first time – during the mass education of Zelentsy: 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium nitrate, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of urea and 1 cup of ash per 10 liters of water.

The second – 10 days after the first: 1 cup of ash per 10 liters of water – this is under the root. Plus, you also need to sprinkle the plants on the leaves with a solution of urea: 1 matchbox per 10 liters of water. The purpose of such top dressing is to extend the fruiting period of cucumbers.

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Anna Evans


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