How to prolong the cucumber season: all the secrets of professional gardeners

How to maximize the fruiting period of cucumbers?

You wait a long time for cucumbers, you collect a little thing a day, then for 3-4 weeks you don’t know where to go from them, and then EVERYTHING! What to do? Summer is not over yet and I really want to extend the harvest for the longest possible time. And cucumbers age and become bitter. We are offering to you

6 easy ways to rejuvenate your cucumber vine

1. Pruning leaves, stepchildren and cucumbers

The first and most important thing to do is to cut off the old yellowing, drying and diseased leaves. By the way, while you are doing this, carefully inspect the vines, you may have forgotten to remove some part of the crop and these cucumbers have outgrown. Be sure to remove them, ripening cucumbers, this is a signal to the plant about the end of the growing season. Harvesting in time is very important if you want your whips to age as slowly as possible.

How to prolong the cucumber season: all the secrets of professional gardeners

overripe cucumber

So, first we cut off the old leaves and the β€œcunning” cucumbers hidden in the foliage. Then, cut off the extra stepchildren. Leave those on top, in the amount of 5-6 pieces per lash. Remove the lower leaves and stepchildren, if you have not done so before.

How to prolong the cucumber season: all the secrets of professional gardeners

Pruning cucumber leaves

2. Foliar feeding of leaves

Urea. Nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea, are suitable for foliar feeding. Spraying with a weak solution of urea (10 g per bucket of water) stimulates the development of new leaves.

Appin. Top dressing on the sheet is carried out at the rate of 1 ampoule per half a bucket of water.

3. Root top dressing of cucumbers

Green fertilizers. Green dressings are very useful for cucumbers, especially those based on nettles, which contain a large amount of nitrogen. Read more about their preparation>>>

How to prolong the cucumber season: all the secrets of professional gardeners

Green fertilizer for cucumbers

4. Mulching the soil under cucumbers

This is always a useful agricultural technique. You can mulch cucumbers with peat, humus or mowed grass.

5. Stem rejuvenation

This procedure is not simple, and many summer residents should probably refuse it, because if carried out incorrectly, it will lead to the death of the plant, and not to an extension of the cucumber yield period.

It consists in lowering part of the whip to the ground and sprinkling it with earth. For this (it is better to do it together), the cucumber lash is cut off the rope (only the rope is cut, not the lash) and gently lowered a third to the ground and tied up at this height. That part of the lash that will be on the ground (with the leaves removed!, see paragraph one) is sprinkled with soil.

What is the danger? when lowering the whip, you can

  • break a fragile stem (cucumber lashes dry out very quickly and become brittle),
  • pull the plant along with the root system.

6. Planting cucumbers in mid-June

Cucumbers, like peas, can be grown in several terms:

  • first, this is planting seedlings in April, these cucumbers will go in June and will be the very first,
  • second, sowing seeds in the ground in early May, this is for the main harvest in July;
  • third, this is a replanting of cucumber seeds in mid-June, you will receive this crop in August.

How to prolong the cucumber season: all the secrets of professional gardeners

cucumber sprout

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Anna Evans


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