What part of pork is the softest and tastiest?

It is difficult to imagine a person who does not like pork. Muslims deliberately refuse to eat the meat of this animal, considering it unclean. But most people in the world prefer to include pork in their diet, making it into kebabs, stews, roasts and more.

Pork on barbecue

The benefits of pork for humans

The benefits of pork are determined by what useful substances it enriches the human body.

  • Pork meat contains a large amount of all the B vitamins that take care of the well-being of the nervous system and help us cope with stressful situations. In particular, a powerful dose of B1 in pork will protect the human body from any neurological disorders. Vitamins of this group are not able to accumulate in the body, their replenishment must be taken care of.
  • A generous portion of vitamin D provides an invaluable help to the bone tissues of our body in the absorption of calcium.
  • Pork is the main supplier of magnesium to our body, a trace element that serves as a building material for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Pork meat contains a lot of zinc, the lack of which in the human body threatens to disrupt the synthesis of the hormone insulin. Therefore, for diabetics and people prone to diseases of the endocrine system, the inclusion of pork in their diet is a must. Zinc protects and restores immunity. A sufficient amount of this microelement helps to strengthen the bone tissue of adults, and for a child’s body – this is the full development of the skeleton.

Help: 100 gr. pork in the diet will give a person 35% of the daily zinc requirement.

  • The high content of proteins (proteins) makes this product energetically valuable, increasing the overall tone of the body, its potential. For nursing mothers, pork meat is an assistant for good lactation.
  • Fatty amino acids (such as: linoleic, oleic, glutamine, arachidonic) are not synthesized in the human body, and their lack leads to the development of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, decreased blood clotting and impaired tissue regeneration. Up to 50% of the daily value of the much-needed linoleic acid a person receives from pork.
  • Pork is rich in substances that block the work of cells, interfering with a positive mood. In general, not only lard, but all pork is a natural antidepressant.
  • Meat is easily digested by the human body, and pork fat is less harmful to the cardiovascular system than beef or chicken legs.
  • Nutritionists distinguish pork as a fighter for “male power”.
  • Pork proteins help the functioning of the human body, giving it vitality.
  • Selenium and arachidonic acid, which are rich in lard, protect the body from the activity of free radicals that contribute to the formation of cancerous tumors and decrepitude of the body.

Prevents the formation of cancerous tumors

Prevents the formation of cancerous tumors

What part of pork is the softest and tastiest?

To find out the answer to this question, you need to understand the purpose for which each of the parts of this beautiful animal is used.

Neck, anterior spinal part

This meat is moderately fatty, soft and very juicy. The neck has become an expensive part of the pork carcass, apparently due to the special love of modern man for barbecue, which has led to an increase in demand for pork neck, from which the most ideal, tender and delicious barbecue is obtained. The neck, baked in the oven as a whole piece in foil or a sleeve, is also tasty; it is used to make invariable minced meat for cutlets. With any type of heat treatment: boiling, stewing, baking, frying the pork neck, the result will be successful.

It is suitable for cooking soups and meat roasts. But pork neck dishes are high in calories and will not appeal to those who are on a diet.

Loin, back

From the point of view of culinary science, the loin (in other words, the back part) is the best and most tender pork meat in a small fatty frame. Since this is still the dorsal part, one cannot do without a ridge and ribs. Meat cut between the ridge and ribs – entrecote for frying.

It should be understood that loin and carbonade are, in principle, the same meat, but carbonade is obtained when the loin is pitted. It is sold by cutting off the fat from the loin, leaving only a small layer on top for the juiciness of future dishes. The loin is used for cooking barbecue, stew, pilaf, boiled pork and meat medallions are prepared from it.

Pork loin

Pork loin

This part of pork has its own contraindications:

  • it can be consumed rarely and in small quantities, since the high calorie content of the product threatens to increase the body weight of the meat-eater, and with the obesity available, pork loin is completely prohibited.
  • There is concern about the possibility of increasing blood cholesterol due to dishes based on this part of the pig carcass.
  • Excessive use of loin provokes the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Important! Pork is a type of meat that must be well cooked.

Tenderloin, lumbar

The tenderloin is considered a tasty part of the pork section, therefore it is somewhat expensive. It is located above the spine (in its central part) under a layer of fat. Although the tenderloin is often referred to as solid boneless meat, in fact it includes the flesh and part of the spine with ribs.

The muscle is not subjected to physical stress throughout its life, which is why it is the most tender and soft meat of all pork, moreover, it has almost no fat – a delicacy in its essence. Pork tenderloin contains a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins of the PP and B groups, proteins and fats, which are so important for the human body.

Low-calorie meat allows us to consider it a dietary product, which is important for overweight people and various health problems. The tenderloin is delicious with any type of cooking, but it is better not to stew it due to leanness – it can turn out tough.

Excellent roast, chops, schnitzels come out of the meat, it is combined with any vegetables in the first courses. It can be fried whole or as escalopes (a delicacy from Russian and French cuisines), pre-cut into 4 cm thick pieces. Meat baked in foil or a sleeve in a whole piece is also tasty. From this part of the pork marinate a great shish kebab.

Pork tenderloin

Pork tenderloin


Juicy ham is one of the most delicious and expensive sections of pork. It represents the hip or humeroscapular section of it. On the market, instead of a true product, they can slip part of the leg above the knee.

In fact, the ham is very large, butchers cut it into two parts before selling it and sell it that way. The lower part includes the bone and therefore contains less meat, but is great for frying, drying, salting. The upper part, sirloin (popularly called the “back”) does not have a bone. This excellent meat is suitable for cooking on an open fire, it is fried cutlets, steaks, escalopes or schnitzels.

The most delicious meat is cut from that part of the carcass that is not involved in the processes of movement. It lacks a large number of muscles and tendons. Such meat can be found on the back – the closer to the tail, the product will be softer and juicier during cooking.

To prepare schnitzels, the meat is divided into oval oblong medallions, the thickness of the pieces should not exceed 2-2,5 cm. It is necessary to cut strictly across the fibers. Then the schnitzels are beaten off and small notches are applied over the entire surface of the meat, breaded in breadcrumbs. The primordially Russian dish – boiled pork – is made from the “back”. For its preparation, high-grade meat is rubbed with spices and salt, poured with sauce and baked in the oven in a single piece.

Anna Evans


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