How to breed milk powder for piglets and its proportions

Additional impurities are often used in modern farming and agriculture. Powdered milk acts as a source of useful vitamins, minerals and other components. Its use is appropriate if the sow does not have enough milk and is artificially fed. It is necessary to dilute milk powder for piglets in the correct proportions. This is the key to rapid weight gain and good health of the animal.

Rapid growth

The composition of powdered milk

The component composition of the product depends on the manufacturer and can vary according to the approved GOST. The packaging contains basic information about the incoming substances. The mark “fodder for piglets” means that the powdered milk is based on balanced components necessary for the normal development of pigs.

The main elements included in the composition include:

  1. Milk whey. It is in dried form. Special processing at high temperatures preserves the useful properties of the component.
  2. Amino acids are plant proteins represented by lysine, methionine and tryptophan. The concentrated content of the components contributes to the achievement of protein balance.
  3. Vitamins (A, D, E, K, C, B1, B2, B6, B12). They are added in a special proportion, undergo preliminary processing.
  4. Milk sugar or lactose are designed to restore the strength of bottle-fed pigs.
  5. Trace elements (selenium, calcium, iron). Manufacturers add components to dry mixes in order to quickly assimilate the above substances.
  6. Additional Ingredients.
  7. Probiotics.
  8. Lipids.
  9. Fillers (protein of potatoes, beans, gluten).
  10. Immunoglobulins.

The composition can vary, depending on the manufacturer. Many companies use additional components to increase the energy value of the final product. It is not excluded the addition of fillers, the purpose of which is to reduce the cost of the mixture.

How to breed milk powder for piglets?

Breeding methods depend on the manufacturer, composition and purpose. Detailed information is contained on each individual package. There is no standard usage pattern, however, experts identify some rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

Powdered milk

Powdered milk

Laying piglets should be given a less concentrated product. The quantitative composition of the liquid should be less than milk powder. In this case, part of the pig’s nutrients are obtained from the mother’s colostrum.

For bottle-fed pigs, a more concentrated product is prepared. For this purpose, the required amount of powder (the proportions are indicated on the package) is diluted with boiled water. Its temperature indicator should not exceed 45 degrees. Water is mixed with a dry product and cooled to a temperature of 38-40, then they start feeding the pigs.

Attention! The mixture must be properly diluted with water! The well-being of the animal depends on the concentration of the final product.

Too hot or, on the contrary, cold liquid should not be used. It must be boiled. The preparation of the mixture requires compliance with certain proportions. The finished talker is completely drunk, it is forbidden to leave it for subsequent feeding.

Milk replacer can be used from the first days of life. Before the introduction of complementary foods, the animal should receive 2-3 servings of colostrum from the mother. Then the mixture is diluted in a ratio of 1:8 or 1:7. The quantitative composition of complementary foods depends on the degree of shortage of natural milk.

Important! The right choice of mixture is a guarantee of quick and easy digestibility of useful components.

The influence of milk powder on the development of piglets

The use of properly selected mixtures has a positive effect on the body of pigs. So, whey helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and saturates the body with energy.

Vitamin components are involved in the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Maintaining their performance is especially important in the first days of life.

Amino acids are designed to support metabolic processes. They enrich the body and allow you to achieve the maximum protein balance.

Milk sugar adapts to the transition to natural food and promotes better absorption of lactose.

The mixture promotes better digestion of lactose

The mixture promotes better digestion of lactose

Trace elements strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of diseases, including iron deficiency anemia. Regular consumption of components has a positive effect on the skeletal system.

Probiotics are useful trace elements, without which the normal functioning of the intestine is impossible. They are involved in the absorption of nutrients and reduce the likelihood of the spread of pathogenic microflora.

Lipids are characterized by a high fat content. They contribute to the rapid build-up of mass.

Immunoglobulins enrich the animal’s body with the necessary components. They are natural substitutes for globulins produced by the body of the sow. Their use contributes to the strengthening of protective functions.

Fillers are designed to increase the energy value of products. They are not of particular importance.

Together, all the components presented have a positive effect on piglets. They increase protective functions, strengthen immunity, improve the functioning of many organs and systems, and contribute to natural weight gain.

Application methods

Whole milk replacer (WMC) or dry mix is ​​a product needed by piglets in the absence of natural feed. Ready-made ZCK is sold in dry form, introduced into the daily diet after dilution with water. The substitute is used in a small amount, as weaning from the sow, the proportions increase. This action allows you to painlessly separate the young from mother’s milk.

Proper use of the mixture allows you to achieve rapid weight gain. If the animal is left without mother’s milk, it must be fed with a special bottle until it reaches three weeks of age. From a month you can add granulated food. Duration of adaptation to granules does not exceed one week.

Cooking conditions

The acquisition of the finished mixture requires care on the part of the person. When choosing a ZCC, it is necessary to take into account the date of manufacture and the deadline for implementation, the method of storage and introduction into complementary foods. The production of specialized feed is carried out in accordance with GOST using modern technological equipment.

Mixes are supplied in special bags

Mixes are supplied in special bags

Mixtures are supplied in special bags, which are reliably protected from moisture and air. Violation of the technology of preparation, storage and use is dangerous for the development of negative consequences for piglets. Spoiled food leads to disruption of the digestive system and weakens the protective functions of the body.

Each package contains detailed information about the ways and methods of using the product. It is not recommended to independently make adjustments to the approved process. Otherwise, the probability of deterioration in the condition of the piglets up to their death remains.


Powdered milk substitute is a sought-after product in the modern agricultural market. Its use helps piglets to get stronger, accelerate the maturation process and prepare them for further feeding through natural feed. The correct use of substitutes is the key to good health and maximum weight gain.

Anna Evans


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