Rabbit French Sheep

For several decades, rabbit breeding has been a sought-after and popular branch of agriculture. Growing furry animals is an exciting and profitable activity that allows you to get not only dietary and valuable meat, but also valuable fur. The long and painstaking work of breeders has led to the emergence of a huge number of breeds of rabbits that differ in color, size and conditions of detention.

Experienced farmers recommend paying attention to French ram rabbits, which are distinguished by their large weight and high cost of fur.. Before acquiring young animals, it is necessary to carefully study all the subtleties of breeding this breed, the rules for keeping and the diet of animals.

Rabbit French Sheep

History of occurrence

The French ram rabbit is the result of a long and painstaking work of French breeders who, in 1800, crossed a lop-eared English rabbit with a Flemish giant. The bred breed turned out to be very large and original. Large hanging ears have become the hallmark of the animals.

At the beginning of 1900, animals began to be popular not only in France, but throughout Europe. German breeders, interested in this breed, began a long and interesting work to develop new and more improved subspecies.

The first breeders of the French sheep breed used animals as ornamental animals, and only a few decades later this breed gained its popularity among livestock breeders.

Rabbit French Sheep


Animals of the French sheep breed are calm and balanced animals that have a decorative appearance and look very cute and funny. Lop-eared rabbits have a special structure of the ears, which has a negative effect on his hearing.

  • The weight range of rabbits is from 4 to 12 kg. The maximum length of an adult is 75 cm.
  • The life expectancy of animals in nurseries reaches 7 years. When keeping the animal at home, its age can exceed 10 years.
  • The animals have a round skull, a large forehead, plump cheeks, a hooked nose, powerful limbs and a sunken chest.
  • Large eyes can be either blue or red.
  • Curved whiskers are directed downwards.
  • The main distinguishing feature of the animals is hanging ears, which can be up to 50 cm long and 20 cm wide.
  • The fur layer of short-haired rabbits has a soft and shiny structure, as well as a dense layer of undercoat.
  • A characteristic feature of this breed is the increased activity of animals at night, as well as sleep, passivity and a state of drowsiness during the day.

Rabbit French Sheep

Rabbit French Sheep

Like any other animal, the French sheep breed has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • large body weight;
  • stable weight gain;
  • bright and unusual color;
  • high cost of fur;
  • balanced character;
  • fertility;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • high aesthetic values.

Rabbit French Sheep

Rabbit French Sheep


      • high susceptibility to dangerous diseases;
      • low level of sexual desire;
      • content only in large cells.

      Rabbit French Sheep


      Rabbit breeders distinguish several of the most popular subspecies of this breed:

      • French;
      • Dutch
      • English
      • Meissen;
      • velvet;
      • fleecy;
      • dwarf.

      Rabbit French Sheep

      Rabbit French Sheep

      Rabbit French Sheep

        Animal fur can be white, gray, blue, spotted, brown, motley, black, sand, gold, reed and zoned.

        All large subspecies of this breed are used to obtain meat and furs.

        Dwarf rabbits are intended for rearing at home, zoos and living areas.

        Rabbit French Sheep

        Rabbit French Sheep

        Conditions for keeping

        To obtain juicy, nutritious and delicious meat, as well as high-quality fur skins, special attention must be paid to the conditions of keeping and caring for animals.

        Large rabbits need large cages and an even floor covering that will prevent mechanical damage to the limbs.

        Features of enclosures for “lambs”:

        • smooth surface construction;
        • lack of sharp and cutting elements;
        • sloping flooring;
        • the presence of a deep pan for digging holes;
        • the presence of nipple drinkers and heavy feeders.

        Rabbit French Sheep

        Rabbit French Sheep

        No more than three animals of the same sex can be placed in one cage, females with young animals live in separate enclosures.

        Rabbits have a negative attitude towards low temperatures, dampness and strong currents of cold air. In rooms with cages, a ventilation system and heating should be installed.

        Dry grass should be used as bedding, which will help the animals keep warm during the frost period.

        In the summer, pets should be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

        Regular cleaning of cages and changing bedding material is the key to good pet health.

        Rabbit French Sheep

        Rabbit French Sheep

        Every day it is necessary to wash the feeders and drinkers, as well as change the feed. Once every six months, it is necessary to arrange a general cleaning of the entire room and cages. Iron structures must be treated with special burners, all other elements are disinfected with special solutions that will help get rid of dangerous microorganisms.

        List of weekly hygiene procedures:

        • examination of the auricles and removal of contaminants with cotton swabs;
        • cutting nails with special nippers;
        • combing wool with hard combs.

        Rabbit French Sheep

        Rabbit French Sheep

            Carrying out water procedures is permissible only in case of excessive pollution of the animals. Water and detergents remove a special protective lubricant from the surface of the skin.

            If the animal is kept in an apartment and is a pet, it is necessary to protect it from loud sounds, direct sunlight and the action of heating devices. Experts do not recommend often taking the animal in your arms and lifting it very high, squeezing and stroking it strongly, and also putting it on a hill from which it can fall and be injured.

            The animal does not tolerate blows to the nose, from which it can simply die.

            Rabbit French Sheep


            Rabbits are herbivores that need a balanced diet. An immobile and lazy animal quickly forms a fatty layer, which negatively affects the quality of meat and reproductive abilities.

            You need to fill the feeders 3 times a day strictly according to the schedule.

            Rabbit breeders recommend feeding the animals dried green nettles, dandelions, plantain, yarrow, clover and alfalfa.

            In winter and spring, rabbits should eat dry grass, grain mixtures, root crops, vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains of wheat and oats, as well as compound feed.

            Rabbit French Sheep

            Rabbit French Sheep

            Rabbit French Sheep

            Favorite vegetables are cucumbers, carrots, beets and boiled potatoes; fruits – apple, pear, banana.

            Before feeding, thoroughly wash all vegetables and fruits, cut into small pieces and remove the stalks and seeds.

            The introduction of a new product into the diet of animals should begin with small portions and carefully monitor their subsequent condition.

            It is strictly forbidden to use cabbage, lettuce, rhubarb, tomatoes, beans and canned foods for feeding.

            Rabbit French Sheep

            Rabbit French Sheep

            Rabbit French Sheep

            The feed must be free from mold, rot, dust, dirt and foreign matter.. The use of low-quality food can cause not only food poisoning, but also a massive loss of livestock.

            In the cage, animals should always have drinkers with clean and fresh water, which will not only quench their thirst, but also improve the digestion of products.

            For feeding it is necessary to use heavy containers that the animals cannot turn over. Experts recommend using special feeders and drinkers that are securely attached to the cage bars.

            To adjust the length of the teeth and nail plates in the feeder, the animals should always have branches of fruit trees. To replenish the body of rabbits with calcium and iodine, farmers recommend putting pieces of chalk and iodized salt slimes into cages.

            Rabbit French Sheep

            Rabbit French Sheep


            To obtain purebred offspring, it is necessary to choose only the strongest and healthiest individuals that do not have genetic abnormalities. It is strictly forbidden to combine representatives of different breeds.

            For mating, you can use males at the age of 5 months. Puberty of females occurs at the age of 9 months and lasts up to 3 years. Experts do not recommend mating older females. Childbirth of aged animals can lead to the death of both mother and babies.

            Selected animals must have the following characteristics:

            • the presence of even and long ears;
            • body weight not more than 6 kg.

            Rabbit French Sheep

              Overweight individuals are not able to conceive offspring.

              The gestation period is about 30 days.

              During the first birth, the rabbit does not need outside help, but all subsequent appearances of babies should take place under the strict attention of the owners due to changes in the structure of the pelvic bone.

              The average number of rabbits in one litter is 8 pcs. When more than 10 babies are born, the female cannot feed the offspring on her own and needs outside help. Newborn babies have the usual protruding auricles, which only with age will acquire the desired appearance.

              Feeding rabbits with vegetables and fruits should start from the 12th week of life.

              Rabbit French Sheep

              Rabbit French Sheep


              This breed has a weak immune system, and even minor mechanical damage can provoke the development of dangerous diseases. The most vulnerable parts of the body of animals are the stomach, ears and limbs. Large breeds require special health care.

              To prevent these troubles, it is necessary to choose large and spacious enclosures, on the bars of which the animals will not be able to damage the skin of the ears and limbs. The use of uncomfortable feeders and drinkers will lead to contamination of the ear canals, and subsequently to the development of dangerous microorganisms. Making a floor covering from metal gratings will provoke the appearance of corns and corns on the paws.

              Animals are subject to a huge number of dangerous viral and infectious diseases that can provoke the extinction of the entire livestock.

              Rabbit French Sheep

              To prevent the occurrence of various diseases, rabbit breeders recommend vaccinating animals regularly and in a timely manner. This procedure should be carried out only by medical professionals with high-quality and proven drugs.

              Signs of a healthy rabbit:

              • high level of appetite;
              • activity and sociability;
              • the presence of a smooth and shiny coat;
              • absence of purulent and mucous discharge from the nasal passages and eyes;
              • stable work of the digestive and excretory system;
              • lack of skin itching and allergic rashes;
              • timely shedding.

              If even minimal deviations from the norm occur, you should immediately contact a veterinarian and do not use unverified folk remedies.

              Rabbit French Sheep


              The high popularity of pets provoked the appearance of a large number of both positive and negative reviews.

              The large body weight of rabbits attracts the attention of farmers and livestock breeders, who, with proper care, can have a high level of profitability, but the costs of care, maintenance and vaccination often become an unbearable burden, especially for small farmsteads. A low level of immunity and high susceptibility to various diseases often provoke the complete extinction of the entire livestock.

              Rabbit French Sheep

              Rabbit French Sheep

              Subject to all the standards of care, feeding and breeding, even novice farmers can get not only tasty and healthy meat, but also the most valuable fur, which has a high cost and is used to make fur products. Thanks to the wide range of colors and bright patterns, the demand for this product has been at a high level for many years.

              Positive reviews have small decorative breeds that can be kept in an apartment. The unusual appearance of decorative animals, communication with him and his training bring a lot of positive emotions not only to small family members, but also to adults. Having brought a fluffy pet into the house, parents should explain the rules for communicating with him and categorically prohibit feeding the animal from the common table. Violation of the diet, frequent falls and excessive hugs can provoke the death of the animal. The life and health of a pet depends entirely on the behavior of its owners.

              Rabbit French Sheep

              See the following video for an assessment of a French sheep breed rabbit.

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              Anna Evans


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