Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Miniature rabbits with cute droopy ears and an adorable face have become sought-after pets for many animal lovers. Those who are going to buy an animal should learn as much as possible about them, weigh the pros and cons, and only then decide on a purchase. Rabbits only look like toys, they are living creatures that require attention, care and responsibility from their owner. In return, you can get love, devoted friendship and a lot of pleasure from contact with a fluffy handsome man.

A bit of history

The emergence of the breed of rabbits, the lop-eared dwarf ram, dates back to the middle of the last century, but its roots go much deeper. Even Charles Darwin drew attention to the birth of lop-eared babies in the litter of animals with ordinary erect ears. Moreover, the mutation persisted in subsequent generations of rabbits.

Breeders became interested in an unusual phenomenon. By the beginning of the XNUMXth century, they had developed resistant breeds of rabbits with wide, drooping ears. Almost simultaneously, Meissen, English and French rabbits appeared – the so-called lop-eared sheep. Their sizes corresponded to the usual individuals of their species.

In parallel, work was carried out by German breeders to breed dwarf breeds. Polish miniature hermelins (ermine rabbits) became the basic animals.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

We owe the modern appearance of dwarf ram rabbits to Dutch breeders who managed to create a breed of small animals with large drooping ears by 1950. The selection involved rabbits of the French ram breed and ordinary decorative individuals. In 1964, the species received official status. Animals came to Russia in 1997 and over the past twenty years have gained wide popularity among lovers of decorative rabbits.

To date, in addition to the Dutch, there are types of ZWW, bred by the Germans and Mini Lop, presented by the British.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep


Rabbits pygmy rams for miniature individuals are not too small and light. They weigh from one to one and a half kilograms. Individuals larger than 30 centimeters and weighing more than two kilograms are not allowed to exhibitions.

Description of the breed.

  • famous ears animals grow in length up to 22-28 centimeters.
  • Wool – tender and soft, has a different color: white, black-breasted, fox, blue, sable, opal.
  • Body – cylindrical, strong, muscular, with a wide chest.
  • Head – large, with a strong nape, a large forehead and a flat muzzle.
  • Neck – short.
  • Eyes – beautiful, large, almond-shaped. The iris is brown, shiny.
  • Paws – massive, shortened front, longer back.
  • Tail – tiny, fluffy.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbits, unlike males, do not have a dewlap, and they are larger in size. Babies of modern pygmy rams are born with protruding ears. At 3 months, the first signs of lowering of the ears appear, they reach their full maximum length at the age of one and a half years.


Rabbits are quite adequate, friendly, inquisitive animals. They resemble children, they are just as playful, affectionate, they love to explore the territory and try everything on the tooth. They become attached to people, but they also value independence, so they should be let out for a walk around the apartment. The walk should be under complete control, this will ensure the safety of the rabbit and the safety of things in the room.

Despite their cute appearance, babies can bite the offender or quarrel with the cat.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Advantages and disadvantages

Rabbits are very cute creatures, especially if they are tiny, fluffy, with big eyes and ears. From communication with them you can get a lot of positive emotions. But you will have to give a lot – love, care, time and money. If there is a desire to have a dwarf ram, you should consider all the positive and negative points associated with its content. Let’s start with the advantages of this breed.

  • Babies are very tame, patient and flexible. They become attached to people and willingly spend time with them.
  • The dwarf ram is actually very smart, he quickly understands where he needs to sleep, where to go to the toilet.
  • The appearance of the rabbit is beyond praise. They want to admire and constantly hold in their hands, enjoying the sensations of soft warm wool.
  • By purchasing a rabbit for children, parents teach them to love, care and responsibility.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

There are always awkward moments in keeping any pet, and rabbits are no exception:

  • rabbits get sick from drafts, this should be taken into account when choosing a place for a cage;
  • dwarf sheep gnaw on everything, it can be wires, a TV remote control, a mobile phone;
  • animals need to be given time, they should be taken care of – clean the cages, feed, walk, visit the veterinarian.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep


In the breed of decorative lop-eared rabbits, there are many types of dwarf ram. In different countries, breeders sought to get their miniature representative. To date, there are several types of animals of this breed.

Dutch fold

They tried to breed this species in different parts of the world, as a result, several subspecies of decorative animals were obtained:

  • Holland Lop – American subspecies, the weight of rabbits is 1,2-1,8 kg, they are individuals with a large head, large brow ridges and expressive eyes;
  • Dutch Lop Dwarf – the Dutch subspecies, the weight of an adult rabbit is 1,2-1,7 kg, has a flat muzzle, smooth silky fur and an ear length of 20-26 cm;
  • fleecy ram – American development, weighs 1,5-1,8 kg, has a short plush soft coat of various colors.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Lionhead Pygmy Sheep

Miniature rabbit (1,4-1,6 kg), bred in the UK. He received the name for a luxurious mane hanging from head to shoulders (more than 20 centimeters). The color is predominantly sand, but there are other shades.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Bald ram

Registered in the USA in 2005, has 19 color varieties. For Russia is a rare breed.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

angora pygmy sheep

Lop-eared pygmy rabbit with very long hair hanging down to the floor. Rare in Russia.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Beijing Dwarf Sheep

It looks like a teddy bear with a velvety skin, the hair on the head is longer than on the body. For our country, the breed is exotic.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Content at home

A beautiful rabbit with ears to the floor can be not only cute, but also restless. His every step must be monitored, otherwise he will gnaw on toxic varnish on furniture or bite through an electrical wire and receive an electric shock. Keeping a pet in the house requires care and responsibility.

Place of residence

The cell becomes such a place. It has certain requirements.

  • In an apartment or house, you need to try to find a suitable place for the cage. The rabbit should not be settled in a draft, near a radiator, in places with direct sunlight, as he does not like heat. The kid will not like the noisy room and the neighborhood with working equipment.
  • The cage itself should be quite roomy, approximately 50×70 centimeters in size.
  • The rabbit may need a box or house (on the territory of the cage) where he can hide and feel like in a mink.
  • The tray should be placed in the place that the animal itself will choose for the toilet, this will become clear in the first few hours.

The cage should not become a prison for a pet; you should walk with it daily.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep


The nutrition of babies and adult rabbits differs in diet, volume and number of feedings, so they need to be considered separately.

Feeding rabbits

The best food for rabbits is mother’s milk, but if for some reason it cannot be provided to the baby, you will have to switch to artificial feeding. For these purposes, special mixes for rabbits can be purchased in ooshops, if they are not available, you can try mixes for puppies.

Feeding occurs with a syringe without a needle. A newborn eats 1 milliliter of formula per feeding. Gradually the dose should be increased. After two weeks, the baby should already receive 3 milliliters of the mixture. Baby rabbits up to one month old are fed 5 times a day.

Feeding must be carried out in a hygienic manner. The syringe is boiled before eating, the mixtures are given warm, after the meal, the faces of the pets should be wiped with a clean cloth.

Before feeding, the mother licks the baby’s belly to stimulate digestion. With artificial feeding, this procedure has to be carried out by people. You should very carefully massage the rabbit’s tummy with a damp swab, making movements down to the legs.

Up to six months, babies should not be given greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Feeding adults

A rabbit should always have dry grass, hay, he can eat them whenever he wants. The rest of the diet is limited in portions (1,5 tablespoons) and the number of meals (2 times a day). The diet can be increased if the pet does not have enough food. The rabbit is offered:

  • compound feed;
  • various grains (oats, wheat) in small doses;
  • sprigs of apple, pear, willow, poplar and other non-stone fruit trees;
  • give fresh vegetables, fruits and greens in small quantities if they do not cause diarrhea;
  • a mineral stone purchased at a pet store is tied to the cell wall;
  • Pets should always have water.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Care and hygiene

In order not to expose your pet to the risk of infectious diseases, it is better to clean the cage more often, if possible – every day. It is necessary to wash the tray, feeders, drinkers. The sawdust is changed once a week. Fresh hay should be added daily.

You can’t bathe babies, soiled fur, it’s better to wash it locally, only in a problem area, or wipe it with a damp cloth and then wipe it dry with a towel.

It is necessary to watch the rabbit’s claws, too long will create problems, they should be cut off.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

The pet needs to be shown to the veterinarian prophylactically, vaccinated on time. When the rabbit is one and a half months old, and he gains weight of at least half a kilogram, it is time for him to be vaccinated against hemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis. Sometimes both vaccinations are carried out in a complex or with a difference of 10 days. Vaccinations should be repeated at the age of four and a half months, and then every six months throughout life. If a rabies vaccination is needed, it is carried out at the age of two months of the animal.

In addition to cleaning the cage and medical care, the rabbit will need walks around the apartment, and in the warm season – in the fresh air. At the same time, the rodent should be watched like a small child, as he tries everything on the tooth and looks for adventure.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

How to tame?

Rabbits consider themselves quite self-sufficient to decide for themselves what they need to do. When establishing contact with a new pet, you should show patience, respect for the desires of the rodent, do not impose yourself, do not drag the baby out of the cage if he does not want to.

It is better to first observe the character of the rabbit and understand what kind of animal you have come across. He can be quiet, calm, shy, or overly active and curious. It’s easier to behave with a troubled baby, you can also allow some activity. And the quiet one, you need to try not to scare, guess his desires and unobtrusively, but confidently offer him your requirements.

The main thing in communicating with a rabbit is its sense of security. To make him feel confident, you should not make loud exclamations and make sudden movements. To begin with, approaching the cage slowly, you can offer him to leave his house himself, wait until he comes out. In the future, you will need treats for training.

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

The kid can be offered to play the following games:

  • drive the ball;
  • run in a purchased or homemade labyrinth;
  • during active movement, offer to knock down skittles or empty plastic bottles

Rabbit Dwarf Sheep

Rabbits are pleasant animals, if you treat them with love, you can only get positive emotions in return.

You can learn more about this breed of rabbits from the following video.

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Anna Evans


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