Rabbit Butterfly

The most popular breed of rabbit is the butterfly. It is classified as meat-skin. Representatives of this decorative species are distinguished by unusual colors and can be kept both as industrial animals and as pets. In order for the “fluffies” to be provided with all the necessary conditions for growth and reproduction, they need to be properly looked after.

History of occurrence

The motherland of the butterfly rabbit is considered to be England, it was there that it first appeared at the end of the 2th century. Later, the animals were brought to the territory of Russia, and at that time their maximum weight reached was only XNUMX kg. To improve the adaptation of rabbits to harsh climatic conditions and increase their meatiness, animal breeders began to cross animals with breeds such as the Viennese blue, Soviet chinchilla, white giant and Flanders.

As a result of such mating, which was carried out for a long time, an ideal breed was obtained, characterized by massiveness and excellent taste of meat. The decorative look was transformed into a meat-skin one. To date, the butterfly breed is the most common in cultivation, since it allows rabbit breeders to engage in a rather profitable business – to get a lot of meat and valuable fur. It is also worth noting that these animals can quickly gain weight even under normal conditions.

Rabbit Butterfly


All rabbits that have variegated shades are often called butterflies, but this is incorrect. Since the purebred of the breed is difficult to control and animals interbreed with other species, rabbits begin to lose their original characteristics. Representatives of a purebred butterfly breed can be immediately identified by the following features:

  • dark ears;
  • straight and large paws;
  • unusual color of the nose;
  • small head;
  • spots on the sides and cheeks;
  • light nails and bottom of the tail;
  • the presence of a colored border on the eyes, which should not merge with the patterns on the cheeks, nose and ears;
  • a wide strip (about 3 cm) with protruding teeth, placed along the ridge;
  • the presence in females of characteristic dark spots around the nipples.

Rabbit Butterfly

Rabbit Butterfly

Rabbit Butterfly

In addition, according to the standards, rabbits of this breed must have a symmetrical ornament on the skin. Drawings located on the sides should not be connected to the stripes running along the spine. Another important characteristic of the butterfly breed is that the coat of animals should be soft, short, with medium density and a slight sheen. The average weight of an adult is about 4,5 kg, its body reaches a length of up to 60 cm, while the chest girth does not exceed 38 cm.

Butterfly rabbit looks like a strong and powerful animal.

Rabbit Butterfly

    The main feature of this breed is that the rabbits are very prolific and have a high milk yield. For one round, the female usually brings up to eight babies, after which she takes excellent care of them, since she has a well-developed motherly instinct. In addition, pets quickly gain weight and easily adapt to new foods that can be added to their diet depending on age. Butterflies also have the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions, so they feel great both in hot heat and in cold. As for the shortcomings of this breed, they include the following:

    • too massive area of ​​the body under the breasts;
    • during crossing with other types of rabbits, the quality of the fur is lost (specks on the sides and back disappear, the longitudinal strip and the skin become less thick);
    • females like to eat a lot, so if they are not satisfied with the diet or there is not enough water, then they can eat their newborn babies.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Despite all the above disadvantages, the butterfly breed is considered the best.

    It is ideal for beginner rabbit breeders, as it does not require special maintenance and allows you to earn good money, getting a lot of dietary meat and high-quality fur.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Until what age do they grow?

    If proper conditions are created for butterfly rabbits, they can live up to 12 years, while their lifespan depends on the breed variety. Throughout this time, they are able to give a large profit, bringing offspring. The only thing is that starting from the age of four, their productivity gradually decreases. From each litter, on average, from 6 to 8 rabbits are obtained, which at 4 months gain weight of 3 kg. Monthly weight gain may vary depending on the conditions of keeping, food and climatic conditions of the region. For slaughter, the optimal age is considered to be 4–5 months, since by this time they are gaining maximum weight and the meat acquires palatability. Many breeders wait up to 7 months, after which they slaughter, but in this case the meat will be a little worse.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly


    Representatives of the butterfly breed are large in size, but this figure may vary depending on the species of animals. It is worth considering some of the most common types of this breed.

    • dwarf. This is one of the miniature breeds, which is the ancestor of all varieties of the butterfly breed. Since animals of this species are small in size and have a good disposition, they are recommended to be kept as pets. The main characteristics of a dwarf butterfly include: a cylindrical body shape, a rounded back, an average weight (3 kg), a lifespan of up to 6 years and a large head with protruding ears.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    • Motley Giant. Rabbits of this breed are considered the largest, so it is problematic to breed them at home. This species is not decorative, it is intended for breeding on farms to obtain a huge amount of fur and meat. The motley giant is distinguished by its body length (56–66 cm), live weight up to 10 kg, wide chest and medium-sized head. The body of the animals is elongated and dense, the paws are straight of medium length. In addition, the motley giant is characterized by a white color with blue or black patterns.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    • Czech Butterfly. The golden fur of such rabbits will not leave anyone indifferent. Due to their medium size, the animals are excellent for both growing in the country and on the farm. This variety has its own characteristics: weight – from 2 to 4 kg, strong body in the form of a cylinder, straight and strong paws, breast with a dewlap, medium-length straight ears, an elongated head, shiny coat and no spots on the chest, abdomen.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    • Rhine crawl. This species first appeared in the Rhine, after which it spread to Europe and Asia. Rabbits of this breed have a good disposition and have the following parameters: brown eyes, weight from 3 kg (females are heavier than males), regular body shape in the form of a cylinder, rounded hind legs and hips of the same width with shoulders. As for wool, it is pleasant to the touch (reminiscent of silk), dense and can be dyed both in golden-red, and in black or white.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    • English butterfly. This is one of the exquisite varieties of the breed, which is characterized by unusual quick wit and a cheerful character. Since these rabbits are big playful, they need a lot of space to play. An Alpine butterfly can be identified by the following parameters: well-groomed and bright fur (fur is elastic and elastic), a small oblong head with a clearly defined profile, straight ears, weight – from 2 to 4 kg (females exceed males by 1 kg in weight). The color paint of these rabbits can be different, ranging from black, blue, chocolate and ending with purple and gray. Representatives of this species have a large black spot in the form of a butterfly on the nose, and there are also spots on the cheeks. Such “fluffies” live from 8 to 12 years.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Conditions for keeping

    The main advantage of the butterfly breed is that rabbits can be kept not only in farms, but also in houses and apartments. The main thing is that growing at home provides for properly organized housing.. At the same time, it is not recommended to keep representatives of a large species on balconies and in rooms; for this, it is best to choose dwarf rabbits. In addition, their content will be much cheaper: you do not have to build large cages and buy a lot of feed.

    The only thing is that from miniature animals it will not be possible to get a lot of fur and meat.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    If you plan to breed rabbits for profit, then they need to be kept in spacious pens, aviaries or cages, with the latter option being the best. Pets will always be in sight, so it is easier to monitor their health, the process of crossing and bearing rabbits. A good ventilation system should be provided in the design of the cage, but it should not be placed in places where drafts are possible.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    In spring and summer, the cage is recommended to be taken out into the street, and in winter it is placed in a heated room. Fresh air will benefit animals, their fur will become more shiny and thick, appetite will appear and weight gain will increase. Additionally, the cage can be equipped with playing “simulators” and placed in it solid food for turning teeth. If this is not done, then the “fluffies” will begin to gnaw on the rods and the material from which the cage structure is made. The cage should always be clean, the feeders should be cleaned every day and the litter should be changed every few days. It is also important to keep the animal house dry, as this breed most often starts to get sick when wet and dirty.

    Rabbit Butterfly


    The diet for butterfly rabbits should be made up of a variety of foods, regardless of whether it is a large-sized or dwarf species. The menu must contain green or dried grass (in summer), fragrant hay (in winter), grain supplements, tree branches, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the cells should always have fresh water in sufficient volume. Otherwise, the females will begin to eat their cubs. In order for rabbits to quickly gain weight and feel comfortable, you should adhere to such rules as:

    • carefully select food and conduct regular monitoring for the presence of spoiled or rotten; food should always be fresh and of high quality;
    • provide animals with food at least twice a day, and it is desirable to do this at the same time.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    Rabbit Butterfly


    Before you start breeding butterfly rabbits, you should purchase purebred individuals. Many beginner rabbit breeders believe that if the price of a rabbit is high, then it is a “quality product”. In fact, this is not the case, when buying animals it is important to pay attention to wool, you need to give preference to animals with thick, shiny and silky fur. In addition, the behavior of the rabbit should also be studied; a healthy pet is distinguished by curiosity and activity.

    He will constantly chew something, watch what is happening and sniff out new smells.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    If the animal is huddled in the corner of the cage, does not show activity and is indifferent to everything, then it is sick. At the same time, sick rabbits have a hot nose. You can’t buy rabbits if they have pieces of droppings under their tails. This indicates that the animal has problems with the genitourinary system. A sick animal can also be seen by the sagging skin on the abdomen.

    Rabbit Butterfly

    After the issue is resolved with the choice of rabbits, they proceed to mating, then males and females are seated in different cages. Before the onset of childbirth, a number of preparatory measures should be carried out and additional structures for newborns should be built that would meet all the requirements and provide comfort to the babies. In the shelter made, the rabbit will equip the nest and line it from the inside with her fluff. At one time, the female brings up to eight cubs, which after three weeks begin to try the food of adults and by three months become sexually mature individuals.

    The process of breeding rabbits of this breed is simple, the main thing is to provide them with proper living conditions, good food and control crossbreeding without placing individuals of different species in cages.

    Rabbit Butterfly


        One of the main points in the cultivation of butterfly rabbits is the observance of sanitary standards and the implementation of timely vaccinations, the first of which must be done at 6 weeks. 10 days before vaccination, animals should be checked for the presence of worms – if they are, then deworming should be carried out. An additional vaccination is also done at the age of 1 year. At the same time, females cannot be vaccinated during pregnancy and lactation; this period must be foreseen in advance. Despite the fact that representatives of this breed are resistant to diseases, their body can still be weakened by the influence of hemorrhagic disease and pathogens of myxomatosis. Therefore, the state of “eared ears” must be monitored constantly and diseased individuals should be placed in quarantine in other cages.

        Rabbit Butterfly

        Breeding Butterfly rabbits, see the video below.

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        Anna Evans


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