Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

Almost all summer residents grow cucumbers, but novice gardeners do not always understand whether it is necessary to pick off leaves from cucumbers, and if so, which ones. In the article we will talk about the need for such a procedure, about the basic rules for removing leaves, consider what kind of pruning cucumbers are, and what time is best to do it.

The need for a procedure

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers? Undoubtedly yes! So any experienced gardener will answer. This culture is from the liana family and forms a long vine. So, if you do not cut off the excess green mass, it will grow strongly and will not allow the fruits to develop.

The bush will give all its strength to unnecessary elements – in this case, you can forget about the harvest. But then what’s the point of growing a crop that doesn’t bear fruit? Let’s designate some advantages of such a technique in caring for a cucumber crop, such as removing excess foliage:

  • when pruning extra leaves, the plant is able to form more female inflorescences, which gives a high chance of good fruiting;

  • this procedure accelerates the ripening of cucumbers;

  • bushes get sick less and are not so exposed to pests;

  • you have to spend less water when watering and nutrients when feeding bushes;

  • in general, the yield increases and the quality of ripened vegetables improves.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

The rampant growth of cucumber vines must be controlled: they remove not only damaged leaves, but also numerous extra shoots – all this allows sunlight to freely penetrate the beds, creates conditions for normal photosynthesis and increased yields.

In addition, the culture is very susceptible to infections and diseases, therefore, excessive growth of bushes should not be allowed, because in a poorly ventilated space there is a high probability of infection spreading. In the end, moderate cleaning will allow you to observe the development of the plant, and harvest it without difficulty.

But this procedure must be carried out with the condition of compliance with technological requirements. Let us dwell further on the basic rules for removing excess foliage from cucumbers.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

Fundamental rules

A vine is formed by removing the lower leaves, side stepchildren, getting rid of barren flowers. To prevent the development of root rot, the first part of the vine is well cleaned: relieve this area of ​​​​all inflorescences and side shoots, as well as leaves that touch the ground and have already turned yellow.

This cleaning will create good ventilation and enable the plant to send nutrients to the vegetable formation zone. In hybrid cucumbers, the entire upper part is removed from the 6th eye, and the next 3 lateral shoots are left for fruiting.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

Types of trimming

Cucumber culture is different in that it has inflorescences of both sexes. Fruits are not formed from male ones – these are empty flowers, and they grow on the main trunk. So, in order to achieve a good harvest, all empty flowers must be removed.

But the leaves near them are not removed, they serve as a “conductor” of food for the bush – through them useful substances come to the plant. The female inflorescences that form the fruits are on the side branches. Let us consider in detail the well-known methods of trimming cucumber vines.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

The total

General pruning is applicable to all varieties of cucumbers, especially self-pollinating ones. They form cucumbers on the main stem, but some of the inflorescences for fruit set can also be left on the lateral parts. By the way, fruiting is also formed in hybrids on the main stem.

Cucumber vine consists of 4 parts of growth:

  • the lower one (lash near the ground) is considered the first part;

  • plus 1 meter (for 4 growth nodules) – the second part;

  • plus 0,5 meters – the third part of the whip;

  • the top of the creeper is the fourth part.

With a general pruning, the actions are as follows.

  1. At the bottom (lower part), all inflorescences, barren flowers are removed, and side shoots, yellowed, damaged foliage are also disposed of.

  2. In the fourth (upper) part, everything after the 6th leaf is removed, thereby ensuring the development of side shoots.

  3. On the second part (50 cm – 1 m), it is enough to leave 3 main sprouts, and the rest must be disposed of.

  4. On each of the 3 sprouts, 4 sprouts are subsequently left.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?


Sanitary pruning is arranged when aphids or mealy plaque appear on the cucumber foliage, there are rotten leaves with brown or yellow spots on the vine. All unhealthy elements are removed and destroyed away from the beds.


This type of pruning is carried out for weakened bushes, as well as for diseased plants. It is better to clean the green mass in the rain. Produce brightening cleaning in the following order:

  • get rid of side shoots;

  • cut off the leaves that create a shadow and interfere with the penetration of sunlight;

  • cut off deformed and yellowed foliage;

  • for the formation of fruits, 2-3 eyes are left.

Sometimes, for better fruiting, the lateral processes in the first nodes are not removed. They are redirected down to the soil – this is how the growth of the stem stops, and conditions are created for the active growth of fruits.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?


The removal of leaves from a cucumber crop occurs according to two schemes: universal, classical, which is applicable to almost all types of cucumbers, and climbing varieties (including those growing in a greenhouse) are β€œcut” according to a separate instruction.


With a classic β€œhaircut”, you need to cut off all the lower leaves and inflorescences that are adjacent to the ground surface, or pull them up to the support below and tie them up. Further, starting from 2-3 nodes, you need to remove 1-2 leaves and the same number of inflorescences. Upon reaching a half-meter mark, stepchildren are torn off on the whip. When the vine reaches the desired height, it is correct to pinch off the top and remove all the upper leaves, up to the fifth node.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

For climbing varieties

For climbing and cotyledon cucumbers, the instructions are somewhat different.

  1. As soon as the vine reaches a height of 1,2-1,5 m, all leaves and sides are removed at 1-3 nodes.

  2. In parallel with this, all stepchildren are pinched on the sides after 2-3 inflorescences (at a height of 0,25 m).

  3. For clarification, the beds are removed through one leaf at the bottom of each shoot.

Such a scheme is effective in greenhouse conditions and allows gardeners to get the maximum harvest all summer and even in early autumn. If all agrotechnical rules for care are observed, the fruits will be tied, regardless of the weather.

Do I need to cut off the leaves of cucumbers and how to do it?

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Anna Evans


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