How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

An important procedure in the formation of a cucumber bush is its pruning. Thanks to such procedures, high yields and improved quality of ripened fruits are ensured. Pruning is important for vegetables that grow not only in open ground, but also in greenhouse conditions.

The need for a procedure

Many novice gardeners do not quite understand what the need for trimming a cucumber planting in a greenhouse is. As a rule, as a result, such people do not achieve high yields. Experienced summer residents and breeders always advise not to neglect such a procedure, since it is very effective. All useful trace elements obtained from the earth are not spent on unnecessary leaves, if they are cut beforehand. Due to this, the growth and development of culture is accelerated.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Pruning cucumbers grown in a greenhouse is necessary to achieve important goals.

  • By trimming cucumbers, the quality of ventilation of the greenhouse space is significantly improved.
  • The procedure under consideration ensures the prevention of the development of rot and stalks, and rhizomes of planted vegetables. This is a kind of prevention, which is highly effective.
  • Pruning of greenhouse cucumbers is carried out in order to improve the illumination of the space. Due to this, photosynthesis, which is so important for both human respiration and the development of planted plants, also increases.
  • Thanks to correctly carried out pruning, the correct formation of both the stem and the cucumber bush itself as a whole occurs.
  • Pruning prevents the formation of diseased and weak areas on the plant. Drying of sheet plates is prevented.
  • Properly carried out pruning of cucumbers in the greenhouse allows you to get rid of all the empty flowers and leaves that are superfluous.
  • By pruning cucumbers, the main planting resources are saved for the proper development of the ovaries.
  • Proper pruning of greenhouse crops makes it possible to end up with even fruits, characterized by the best taste.
  • Pruning allows you to send the necessary useful elements directly to the ovaries, and not to the side shoots.
  • Since the shoots in the lower part are cut off due to the procedure, it becomes much easier to care for the bush.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

The procedure for pruning cucumbers planted in a greenhouse is very important, it has a serious impact on the growth and development of the crop.

Preparation of tools

Before you start pruning greenhouse cucumbers, it is important to properly prepare all the necessary tools. The selection of specific devices primarily depends on which part of the plantings is planned to be removed. The vine, which has begun to turn yellow and has begun to wither, it is advisable to cut with a well-ground secateurs of sufficient length.

If the gardener decided to cut unnecessary empty flowers, then it is better to prepare garden shears. With these tools, you can also thin out the bush, removing foliage and shoots. Very young and thin stepchildren can be easily pinched off with your fingers without using any tools.

Absolutely all tools that are used to trim cucumbers in a greenhouse must be well disinfected. The hands of the summer resident must first be thoroughly washed. Treatment with special antibacterial compounds will be useful. If you do not comply with such simple conditions, there is a high risk of introducing dangerous infections.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

General rules

We will understand the general rules for pruning cucumbers grown in the dungeons of a greenhouse.

  • The first week and a half, landing will go through an adaptation stage. That is why at this time it is not recommended to “disturb” her.
  • To form a neat cucumber bush of the correct shape should be, starting with its garter to the supporting part.
  • Cutting stepchildren should be carried out only with carefully disinfected tools of good sharpening. Some gardeners advise pre-boiling all items for 10 minutes. Other gardeners soak tools overnight in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Cucumber shoots need to be cut to their very base. This must be done so that there are no protruding “stumps” left outside.
  • Pruning should be done regularly. Experienced summer residents recommend doing such procedures at least 1 time in 7 days.
  • Unnecessary shoots should be removed early in the morning so that the wounds have time to heal during the day, and with the advent of coolness they are not open to dangerous infections.

The procedure in question is required to be carried out exclusively on sunny days. The air temperature should be at least 20 degrees Celsius.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

What leaves to cut?

The correct removal of leaf blades largely depends on the specific species, growing characteristics, pollination and the harvesting period of cucumbers.

Tops with the following characteristics need to be removed without fail:

  • has any mechanical damage and defects in the form of tears, tears, and so on;
  • leaves that show signs of parasitic attacks or the development of infectious diseases;
  • if characteristic unhealthy spots, increased dryness or rot have formed on the foliage, they must also be cut off from the bush.

There are hybrid varieties of cucumbers that require the complete removal of the top of the stem, starting from the 6th leaf. In this case, it is required to leave intact only 3 lashes. Ordinary plants are formed in only 1 stem – everything else must be removed.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Varieties capable of self-pollination keep most of the fruits on the main lash. Based on this feature, all the tops on the side must be cut off. This also applies to species pollinated by bees. Cleaning up unwanted greenery is very important to ensure access for insects.

Yellowed foliage, which is located in the lower areas after the fruiting zones, must be removed. Everything else must be left in its place and not touched.

There are situations when the bushes are overgrown with branches too abundantly. In such a case, it is necessary to carefully trim the growth point. At the same time, the volume of nitrogenous fertilizers should be reduced, the soil should be dried. Due to such actions, more useful elements will be able to get directly to the fruits.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

Cutting technology

There are several basic schemes for pruning cucumbers in a greenhouse. Each of them provides for a certain procedure that the summer resident must adhere to.

Let’s take a closer look at the existing schemes for trimming greenhouse vegetables.

The total

This type of pruning is carried out in relation to self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers in order to concentrate the bulk of the crop on the central stalk, to simplify the care of the bush by reducing the size of its growth. Some summer residents still decide to leave ovaries on the side shoots in order to increase the number of fruits. In this case, an additional support structure may come in handy so that the bush does not accidentally break under the load from cucumbers. It should not be overloaded.

Pruning should start from the bottom of the bush. It is necessary to remove the shoots on the sides, and with them the inflorescences. Those leaf plates that have a frankly painful and stunted appearance are also subject to cutting. Such care activities are primarily needed by hybrid varieties of greenhouse cucumbers, since the lion’s share of female flowers is created in the center of the stem. In this case, there is no need for lateral processes.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?


This type of pruning can be considered preventive. The procedure is aimed at effectively combating many diseases. If the cucumber bush gradually becomes more lethargic and weak, the formation of ovaries slows down, then the problem may be hiding in too much branching of the plant. In this case, it is primarily necessary to remove weakened leaves, as well as shoots that create a shadow for the tiers from below.

It is allowed to leave intact from 2 to 3 good ovaries. This measure will make it possible to improve the illumination, will guarantee additional ventilation inside the cucumber bush located in the greenhouse.

If there are healthy leaf plates on the bushes, then they can not be cut at all. It is allowed to leave a couple of things. All other leaves must be carefully removed step by step so that the plant can rationally spend all its resources, redirecting the nutrient components to the ovaries and fruits, and not to the growth processes.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?


The pruning process causes a lot of stress for the plants in the greenhouse. Even if all the recommendations are followed, the bushes will still need additional support in the form of top dressing. Cucumbers are very good at phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen compounds. It is also important to monitor the degree of moisture in the beds in the greenhouse.

If empty flowers begin to form too often, watering can be reduced. It is necessary to use only warm water not lower than +22 degrees.

After pruning, plants are vulnerable to pest attacks, so it is important to take care of top dressing in advance.

How to cut cucumbers in a greenhouse?

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Anna Evans


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