How is the castration of goats carried out?

Castration of kids is done in infancy. This is done so that subsequently the meat of the animal does not have a specific smell.

Castration of kids

The word castration refers to the removal of the reproductive organs in all kinds of animals. If castration is carried out for females, then the ovaries are removed, if for males – the testicles.

Castration is used to improve the taste of meat, to gain weight of the animal. Castration also prevents aggressive behavior of the animal.

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Castration of kids

Castration of goats is carried out by bloodless methods. The first is castration with forceps. You can start this procedure only 14 days after the birth of the animal. The operation to remove the testicles of young goats can only be performed by a veterinarian.

For the castration of kids, special forceps are used, which first grab one testicle and bite sharply, then the same thing happens with the other. If during the operation the testicle did not bite right away, then the procedure should be repeated again, slightly changing the place. It should be slightly higher than the previous one. When the castration operation is carried out correctly, a crunchy sound is heard during the bite of the testicle.

After completing the operation, to prevent infection, it is imperative to treat the wound. After the procedure, the breeder should carefully monitor the condition of the wound and treat it periodically until it is completely healed.

The second method is called elastration. It can also be carried out 2 weeks after the birth of a kid. The method consists in putting a special ring on the scrotum of a young animal. Because of the ring, the male loses the ability to produce seminal fluid, which leads to the deterioration of the reproductive organs.

Castration of adults

It is customary to castrate goats at the age of 3-4 years. This is done after the adult goat loses the ability to inseminate goats in order to improve the taste of meat.

Castration of adult goats should only be done by an experienced veterinarian. Although the procedure is not very complicated and fairly painless, but surgery can always carry serious consequences. And in veterinary clinics, both disinfectants and painkillers are always at hand.

There are two ways to castrate adult goats: open and closed.

Closed way

Before proceeding with surgery, the animal should be tightly tied and left in a cross-dorsal position.

  • Before the operation, 10 ml of 3% novocaine is injected into the scrotum of the animal for pain relief. If the goat is not very old, then you can do without an anesthetic, just wipe the testicles with alcohol or iodine solution.
  • To perform the operation in a closed way, it is necessary to prepare the testicles. This consists in trimming the hair from the animal’s genitals and then lubricating the scrotum with iodine.
  • After that, the skin on the scrotum is pulled off with the fingers of the left hand, and with the right hand, carefully, so as not to damage the testicles of the animal, the pulled skin is cut off. After the testicles are visible, incisions are made in them and the testes are removed.
  • After the operation, the skin of the animal on the scrotum is sutured, and the excised testicle is cut off. After the procedure, the cut site is treated with streptocide in the form of a powder.

The closed bloody method of castration is rarely resorted to.

Open way

Currently, the open method of castration is more popular – bloodless.

The open method involves cutting the scrotum with a scalpel to remove the testes and seminal ducts. In an open way, not only old goats are castrated, but also rams and bulls.

The main condition for the operation is sterility. After surgery, the scrotum must be well processed so that there are no complications that can lead to death.

How to castrate goats and sheep at home, an experienced veterinarian can tell you. If the breeder first decided to carry out this procedure, then it must be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

It is easier to castrate young goats, so if you are not going to keep cattle for insemination, then it is preferable to carry out such an operation at an early two weeks of age.

Possible complications after castration

If the operation was performed incorrectly, then complications are possible.

Mucus-like bloody discharge with blood clots appears from the surgical site. Possible bleeding, which leads to the death of the animal. With such symptoms, it is necessary to call a specialist who will examine the animal and give instructions for treatment.

Any animal after castration requires careful care and control. Cattle should be kept in a clean and dry pen after surgery.

What is the procedure for?

The meat of an uncastrated animal has an unpleasant odor. It tastes tough and smells like unwashed goat meat. It is impossible to eat such meat. Many breeders, having overexposed their cattle and not castrated it in time, try to sell low-quality meat on the market. But to cook a delicious dish from it will not work. The smell is not interrupted by anything, no matter how you soak it.

By castrating young goats and lambs, you can be sure that the meat will be free from bad smells. It can be eaten both boiled and fried.

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Anna Evans


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