Czech goat breed

Today, many citizens are thinking about having animals in their households. So there is confidence that the products that are used are natural. Keeping goats is a profitable undertaking. From them you can get dairy and meat products. Are Czech goats profitable for farming?

Czech goat breed

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Descriptive characteristics of the breed

These animals come from the Czech Republic, hence the name Czech goats. If you want a purebred goat to be on your farm, then carefully study its characteristics.

The Czech dark brown goat is distinguished by an elongated muzzle, small ears. Standard coat colors range from light brown to dark brown. In place of the spine, these goats have a characteristic dark stripe, the hooves are painted in the same color at the bottom, this can be seen in the photo and video about this breed. A distinctive characteristic is the black triangles on the ears of goats. All this description of breed standards. Animals can be with or without horns.

Czech goat dark brown without horns resemble a dog. And it’s not just about their looks. These animals are distinguished by courage, if it is necessary to protect their herd, then they will do it. Also, they are trainable. They are friendly.

The weight of an adult female is approximately 55 kg, it reaches 75 cm in height. An adult goat weighs approximately 75-80 kg, and they are 10 cm taller than females.

A distinctive feature of this breed is a large udder. His smooth skin resembles a silk bag filled with milk. In the “empty” state, folds appear on the udder, these are features of physiology. Such an udder allows you to milk “Czechs”, both manually and by machine.

Performance indicators

The Czech dark brown goat is very productive. In one year they can bring about a ton of milk. Farmers are also pleased that some Czech goats give milk even when they are lambing.

Some Czech record holders bring their owner 1,5 tons of milk per year. Milk has an average fat content, it is 3,5%. It contains about 3% protein. The lactose level is not higher than 5%. Milk has a pleasant creamy taste.

Czech breed has a brown color

Thanks to the characteristics, babies are fed with the help of Czech milk. It has been noticed that children who eat cereals cooked in such milk suffer less from allergic reactions.

Every year a Czech woman brings kids. Usually, lambing consists of two or three babies. Kids are weaned from their mother at the age of one month, at this age they are transferred to adult nutrition. At the age of two months, a goatling weighs about 15 kg.

The breed is also used for meat. Their meat is tender, in taste it resembles veal.

Benefits of this breed

Among breeders in Russia, breeding of the Czech breed is gaining popularity in our country. This breed has many advantages:

  • One adult goat is able to give milk to the whole family. The female gives out daily 4-5 liters of tasty milk.
  • The lactation period of Czechs is extremely attractive for farmers, it is about 10 months a year. Individual goats give milk until they bring kids. So, milk with a creamy taste will be present on your table for almost a whole year.
  • Already at the age of seven months, the weight of a goat reaches 25 kg, it can be used for meat, which has excellent taste characteristics.
  • Czech goats do not have a strong unpleasant odor. They can only smell relatively bad when they are ready to mate. If you keep the males separate from the goats, then there may be no smell at all.
  • Goats are fertile. In one lamb they bring at least two babies, sometimes three, extremely rarely one.
  • Due to the strong physique, this breed of goats is distinguished by good health. Czechs are less prone to diseases. With proper care and a balanced diet, they do not get sick at all.

Disadvantages of the breed

These goats have fewer disadvantages than advantages. One of them is that goats are less productive in summer. This happens due to hot weather conditions. Goats suffer from both direct sunlight and insects. They prevent the Czechs from grazing peacefully. Therefore, in the heat, it is better not to drive the Czechs out to graze in the open sun.

How to contain it correctly?

Despite the high productivity rates, the Czech goat breed does not require special conditions for itself. But nonetheless, if the farmer wants the productivity of goats to remain high, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The room for goats should be spacious enough. There must be good ventilation. But the absence of drafts is also important.
  2. The temperature regime should be positive. Czechs have short hair, they freeze at low temperatures.
  3. Wooden platforms are needed on the floor, animals like to lie on a raised platform.
  4. The Czech brown breed of such goats is clean, if the room is dirty, they may refuse to lie on the floor.
  5. Czechs need separate stalls.
  6. It is advisable to keep goats separate from goats in order to control mating.

What to feed?

The Czech farmer will not have any problems with food either. In summer it is green grass, and in winter it is hay. Owner reviews indicate that it is useful to offer liquid vegetable stews in summer. It is useful for young growth to offer boiled potatoes.

From root crops suitable: beetroot, carrot, turnip, potato, swede. In winter, the diet is supplemented with whole grains. It could be oats or wheat.

The young of the breed in the second month of life is weaned from the mother and offered milk powder as food. A couple of times a week, kids should be fed raw eggs diluted with milk.

The Czech Brown goat breed should receive a sufficient amount of salt. Salt must be added to their water, this is in winter. And in the summer you need to install a salty lick.

Care includes taking animals with anthelmintics twice a year.

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Anna Evans


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