Lamancha goat breed

La Mancha goats are so named because they were brought from La Mancha to Mexico. And after that, this breed was brought to Oregon. When breeders worked to develop this breed, they sought to breed goats that produce as much milk as possible. It is for this reason that the best male producers participated in the selection experiments. These were Nubian and Swiss goats.

Lamancha goat breed

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External characteristics of lamancha

The color of this breed of animals can be very different. You can find black, white and brown color. What other external distinctive features are inherent in this breed:

  • The physique of such goats has a wedge-shaped shape. The growth of goats varies from 75 to 95 cm. The growth of a goat usually does not exceed 75 centimeters.
  • The body is of medium size, but the physique is strong. These animals can be both horned and polled, as in the photo. The limbs are distinguished by strength, strength, well developed.
  • These artiodactyls are primarily bred to get a large amount of milk, so their udders are well developed.
  • The short coat of this breed is silky, it is not very long.
  • In external characteristics, frilled ears are a distinctive feature. Their size is at least 2,5 centimeters, they lack cartilage, they are slightly raised at the base, and their tips hang down. Because of such a delicate structure of the ears of these goats, they mark with a brand somewhere closer to the tail, and not on the ear.
  • The muzzle of goats is straight, however, sometimes there may be such a defect as a hump nose. Because of this โ€œRoman noseโ€, these goats can often be confused with the Nubian goat breed. Such a description of the external characteristics of this breed.

How to keep lamancha goats?

The coat of animals, although short, is thick, so they can easily endure cold winters. Even in cold weather, they maintain a frisky mood, they frolic, play actively. And more importantly, even during such a period, they remain lactating. In order for the level of lactation to be maintained for a whole year, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions of detention:

  • The goat barn should be dry and warm. There should be no drafts, it is dangerous for the health of animals.
  • Make sure that there is no high humidity in the barn. High humidity leads to the development of bacteria, which increases the risk of infection.
  • The floor in the barn is better to plan concrete. Wooden structures are placed on top of it, and then hay or sawdust is poured. A soft and warm floor is very important, since the hooves are a weak point in animals, they should not freeze and be injured.
  • From the feed, the owner can choose any feed that seems suitable to him. In this matter, you can and should experiment. In the summer, provide Lamancha goats with access to green pastures. In winter, do not forget to add mineral and vitamin supplements to their diet. Too meager diet should not be, otherwise it will affect the dairy products that goats give.
  • Goats need to be fed twice a day. Make sure animals have clean water at all times.
  • A delicacy for which goats will love you even more can be juicy meadow grasses. To do this, graze goats more often in the summer. They will be especially grateful for oak leaves and clover. Make sure that animals do not eat wet clover, as such a dish can cause them to bloat.
  • Also make sure that the barn is clean, goats are clean animals. The smell of dairy products will also depend on the cleanliness of the barn.

The nature of the lamancha goats

By nature, these goats are very friendly. They are happy to make contact with a person. Sometimes they become so attached to their master that they literally follow him around. They are also friends with each other, quarrels very rarely occur in the herd.

Lamancha goats have a remarkably developed maternal instinct. And the little goats are a real tenderness. They play a lot with each other, love when people communicate with them. In a word, this is a very affectionate breed of goats.

Milk productivity

Artiodactyl lamancha give very tasty milk. This milk is 4% fat. Milk yield from one goat is average, it can give about 4 liters of milk per day. Milk has excellent taste qualities, it can be used to make very good quality cheese.

It is important to know that even if you cross this breed with other breeds, its productivity characteristics will still be preserved. Outwardly, these animals cannot be called large. Their height is from 71 to 75 centimeters in height, this is with a weight of approximately 65 kg for a goat, and 54 kg for a goat.

Sexual maturity of lamancha

artiodactyl lamanchas are multiparous, which means that at one time they can bring three or four kids to their owner.

A goat that has reached the age of eight months is considered a sexually mature individual. But experienced farmers strongly advise the case of these goats no earlier than 1,5 years. It is this age that is best suited for reproducing the most productive offspring.

This breed has such that they are not ready for mating due to obesity. In this case, the goat should be put on a more dietary diet, and given more time for activity.

Most often, goats are ready for mating in the autumn, just then you should not overfeed the goats so that there is no obesity.

Goats of the Lamancha breed go pregnant for 150 days, during this period the goats have no milk. Here is such a detailed description of La Mancha goats.

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Anna Evans


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