Hercules chicken breed

Hercules chickens belong to the meat and egg direction of productivity. They are characterized not only by relatively high egg production, but also by good taste of meat.

The breed of chickens Hercules was bred by scientists breeders from Ukraine in conscience with the staff of the Borki farm. On average, the annual egg production of laying hens is about 220 eggs. Roosters are able to gain weight up to five kilograms, chickens – less than a kilogram and a half. The main features of the meat of these feathered pets are juiciness, tenderness, and unique taste.

The main condition for the normal growth and development of Hercules chickens is a balanced, complete feeding. The owners of this breed of feathered pets should take care of buying special compound feeds, as well as the availability and use of vitamin-containing complexes for poultry. Otherwise, chicks can expect slow growth and the development of certain diseases.

In the first month of life, Hercules chickens, in addition to chopped boiled eggs, can be fed cottage cheese, finely chopped greens and even vegetables: carrots, grass, onions and others, as well as cereals. Chicks willingly eat not only millet, but also crushed barley, wheat, corn, wheat bran, barley and oat flakes. Cereals are best given to chickens in a dry form, as they retain much more vitamins and nutrients than boiled cereals.

In the first month of life, Hercules chickens should not be fed foods rich in fiber. It is rather difficult to digest, especially for a young, not yet fully strengthened organism. But at the same time, feeding feathered pets from birth should be plentiful and nutritious.

The Hercules chicken breed is a calm, non-conflict, non-aggressive bird, but at the same time quite active and mobile.

Anna Evans


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