Handsome maple in landscape design: 60 photos of successful application ideas

Maple leaves in the fall are a constant source of inspiration for artists and landscape designers. One can talk long and enthusiastically about the excellent representative of the flora, which is often used in landscaping gardens, parks and alleys, but it is much more useful to get acquainted with the successful ideas of using all types of maple in the photo.


Maple has long been used in landscape design due to the fact that this tall, slender plant is incredibly beautiful and undemanding to care for. Today there are as many as 150 varieties of shrubby and tree maples!


The sizes of the plant are different: from low ornamental shrubs to huge, mighty trees with a dense crown. The foliage also deserves special attention, because some maples can change their color three times per season. The shape of the leaves is very diverse, but has one common feature – they are pointed, however, this is not surprising, since maple, or acer, is translated from Latin as “sharp”.


In landscape design, the tree maple is often used as a tapeworm that invariably attracts attention. The red maple, which has a luxurious spreading crown, is especially good in single planting. In summer, the foliage is green, and then, closer to autumn, it changes to fiery colors. This species is frost and moisture resistant.

The maple Globosum, which has a rounded crown on a thin long trunk, has proven itself well in landscaping. A solitaire with such a tree will look original in your garden.


Maple alleys are simply breathtaking!


The river maple, which is also called the Ginnala maple, loves the sun and moisture, so it is good to plant it near natural or artificial reservoirs. This plant is often used in Japanese-style gardens where there is a lot of vegetation and water. Also, this species is frost-resistant, which is important for our climatic zone.


Low varieties of maples look good on curbs and ridges in the company of conifers and other decorative deciduous plants.


Live maple hedges are created from short trees or shrub varieties that tolerate pruning well.



Field maple hedge


In city parks and squares, the green-bore maple, which “adores” dust, smoke and gas, will feel great. This species is named so because of the special gray-white-green color of the bark. In the spring, during the flowering period, the maple attracts insects, as it is an excellent honey plant, and in the fall, the wide leaves turn into bright yellow flashes that create an accent in the gardens.

It must be said that many varieties of maples are quite stress-resistant and have adapted well to city life.


Maple greenbore



Japanese Maple in Doho Park


In eco-gardens, maple plantations are simply irreplaceable, because such bright trees and shrubs are doomed to everyone’s attention.


Any group planting in mixborders with the participation of maples will look elegant and attractive. Multicolored plants with carved leaves go well with barberry, snowberry, lilac, dogwood and mahonia.


Maple and barberry


In large flowerpots, the dwarf Japanese maple looks very beautiful! In the art of bonsai, breeders have specially created colored types of maples: blue, red and even purple.


Still, maples are amazing plants with amazing foliage! There are so many colors!

This is not a complete list of shades:

  • salmon pink (cultivar Eskimo Sunset);
  • deep burgundy (Faassen’s Black);
  • fiery red (Fairview);
  • lemon yellow (Auratum);
  • ocher (Scanlon);
  • green with white border (Drummondi);
  • light green (Princeton Gold);
  • reddish brown (Crimson Sentry);
  • bronze (Summershade);
  • green-pink (Flamingo).

Maple palm-shaped


Maple Tsuma Gaki


Maple Royal Red


Ash-leaved maple “Flamingo”


Maple “Crimson King”


Maple Drummondii

Undoubtedly, the maple on your site will attract attention with its beauty, but you still need to take into account one of its features: this handsome man is very prolific and grows quickly. Can you cope with such a zest?

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Anna Evans


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