Choosing the best varieties of climbing plants and flowers for the garden + design tips

A cozy garden, decorated with colorful islets of flowering flower beds, harmoniously combined with neatly formed crowns of trees, is the pride of any summer resident. Overgrown climbing plants for the garden, causing admiration for their splendor, give the site a special appeal. Indeed, with their help, you can give your favorite vacation spot a special charm. Here are some examples and helpful tips.

Perennial curly flowers are among the most popular vertical landscaping elements. With the help of climbing plants, you can successfully decorate any unsightly walls of buildings, mask old stumps and trees.

Green fence

Using climbing plants for summer cottages, you can wrap the fence that encloses the area in an openwork “blanket” of flowers and leaves

Rapidly growing vines are indispensable for creating cozy corners hidden from prying eyes. In addition to the fact that flowering vines are amazingly spectacular in themselves, they can also have practical value.

Openwork gazebo for relaxation

Winding all kinds of pergolas and trellises, they act as a kind of screen that protects a place for privacy from gusts of wind and sunlight

You can learn how to build a trellis for climbing plants with your own hands from the material:

In addition, the vines growing on the supports act as a “living” barrier that protects the territory from dust, noise from the street and thereby improves the ecology of the site.

With the help of climbing plants, you can create a picturesque, elegant alley that meets and leads the owners and their guests from the gate to the door of the house.

Shady gazebo in the corner of the garden

The gazebo, entwined with flexible stems of climbing plants, always looks fabulously beautiful. Decorating the building, openwork foliage helps to keep refreshing coolness in the summer heat

Annual climbing plants for the garden are good for arranging flower beds and creating multi-level plant compositions. The excellent ability of annuals to quickly grow plant mass makes it possible for the florist to create real masterpieces and picturesque landscapes in the garden.

Home wall decoration hanging planters

Blooming vines hanging from hanging pots look very attractive, the whips of which creep over the flower garden, giving it a special charm

Blooming vines hanging from hanging pots look very attractive, the whips of which creep over the flower garden, giving it a special charm. Variegated cascades of flowering vines are also often used when decorating verandas, loggias and balconies.

For beginner gardeners, among the variety of choices of perennial climbing flowering plants, it is better to give preference to varieties that are not particularly demanding on growing conditions.

Sweet pea and morning glory creepers

Among the annual climbing plants, the least fastidious are morning glory and sweet peas. In just one season, the height of plants can reach three meters

Ipomoea stems are decorated with numerous gramophone flowers, and sweet peas are bizarre “dogs” exuding an exquisite aroma. Unpretentious, light-loving, but freely tolerating small shading plants, will delight with abundant flowering from mid-June to late autumn.

Beautifully flowering vines of magnolia vine and actinidia

Lemongrass and actinidia require a little more care. These perennials annually form climbing shoots, gradually increasing the green mass.

Lemongrass has beautiful foliage and delicate white-cream flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma. Resembling vines. Lemongrass shoots can reach a length of 10-15 meters. Young vines of the woody climbing liana actinidia in one season can reach a length of 3,5 meters, while the old shoots do not exceed 6-8 meters in length. Both plants have not only an attractive appearance, but also tasty and healthy fruits.

Among the climbing plants that are unpretentious in care, it is also worth highlighting the Kampsis.

Kampsis orange lanterns

In just one to two years, a small Kampsis seedling turns into a gorgeous tree-like liana with a height of 3 to 5 meters, dotted with orange gramophones

Wisteria, clematis, climbing hydrangea, climbing roses are famous for their special attractiveness. But these plants are more finicky and require more care.

Option # 1 – clematis

Clematis feels comfortable when the aerial part of the plant is located on a support and is well illuminated by the sun’s rays, while the soil at the base of the root system remains in the shade. Since clematis is afraid of frost, for the winter period it is cut off and covered with agrofibre, peat or old leaves.

Elegant veranda decorated with flowering vines of clematis

It is difficult to take your eyes off the star-shaped clematis flowers. Delicate white, pink-burgundy, deep purple flowers, delighting with lush flowering from the first days to the end of September, fascinate with their beauty

Clematis has many varieties, which differ in a variety of shapes, sizes and flower colors. The most decorative varieties are famous: Alyonushka with lilac flowers in the form of bells, Maidwell Hall with large purple semi-double flowers, Błękitny Anioł with bluish slightly wavy petals, Romantika with almost black velvet flowers and Hagley Hybrid with pale pink flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Option # 2 – climbing roses

Roses leave no one indifferent, enchanting with their beauty, tenderness and unique aroma. Breeders never cease to delight fans of these flowers with new varieties of roses, distinguished by marvelous shades and the shape of the petals.

Rose decorated decorative fence

Climbing roses occupy a separate niche in this family. They are most popular when decorating fences, pergolas, decorative columns and all kinds of arches.

Climbing roses are divided into three groups depending on the intensity of growth of shoots:

  • Semi-plaited, the height of which does not exceed 2-3 meters;
  • Climbing, the height of the shoots of which reaches 3-5 meters;
  • Curly from 5 to 15 meters high.

From a variety of thousands of varieties with different shoot heights, shape and size of flowers, each gardener will be able to choose a rose bush, which will become a spectacular addition to the creation of a picturesque landscape design.

So, all rabmlers are distinguished by abundant and long flowering, as well as beautiful shiny foliage, which retains its decorative effect until the very frost. These are frost-resistant varieties that are distinguished by disease resistance. Roses can grow in partial shade, but flowers are most decorative in open sunny areas.

Beautiful varieties of roses ramblers

Among Rabmlers there are groups of roses on which flowers are formed only on last year’s shoots, the most popular varieties are Excels with crimson-red flowers, Dorothy Perkins with pink double flowers, as well as White Dorothy and Wartburg

Bicolor roses

Roses with two-tone flowers always look especially festive and elegant. The most beautiful varieties among them are: Kleine Rosel with purple-red flowers decorated with yellow stamens, American Pillar with pink fringe, General Testard and Evangeline with red edges.

Decorating the walls of the gazebo with rose bushes, you can get a great opportunity to enjoy not only the unique beauty of numerous inflorescences, but also a wonderful delicate aroma spreading throughout the garden.

You may also find useful material on how to create a garden of aromas on the site:

Option # 3 – wisteria

Wisteria is not famous for its frost resistance, but new varieties bred by breeders are able to withstand fairly low subzero temperatures. For example, Wisteria floribunda calmly tolerates a drop in temperature to -21 ° C, and Wisteria macrostachya – to -40 °.

A beautiful arch along the garden alley

The most beautiful plant, brought from the southern countries, today adorns the gardens of many suburban areas.

Option # 1 – ivy

Choosing among the decorative leafy climbing plants, which, although they do not bloom with luxurious buds, but delight the eye with beautiful foliage of an unusual shape, it is worth highlighting the ivy known to most gardeners.

The walls of the house covered with ivy carpet

A completely unpretentious plant in care is capable of forming dense thickets on any vertical surfaces, clinging to them with air roots-suction cups

An evergreen plant looks unusually beautiful at any time of the year, acting as a background for flowering flower beds in warm weather or soloing in a winter garden among the snow cover.

The material on the most unpretentious varieties of climbing plants will also be useful:

Option # 2 – wild grapes

Wild grapes are good for decorating the northeastern walls of buildings.

Variegated shades of wild grape foliage

Clinging to the supports with the help of suction roots, it literally bites into stone walls or plaster of buildings

Among the variety of species of this plant, differing in the shape and color of the leaves, the most widespread are Japanese and maiden grapes. The dark green foliage, covering the walls of buildings with a dense carpet, is painted in a deep burgundy color in autumn, giving the building a new, but no less spectacular look.

Other options

Hops and aristolochia are also known for their attractiveness. Plants that are not demanding to special conditions easily take root even on impoverished soils.

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Anna Evans


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