Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

The suburban area looks amazing in April. The first perennials are blooming, and the soil is covered with light greenery with bright islands of flowers, the care of which we will tell you about.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

Everyone is familiar with the lovely primroses, white or golden, with thin petals and a crown-shaped core. They can be planted in a sunny area, then they will bloom together in mid-April.

If you have placed the perennial among fruit trees or shrubs, flowering will be longer and the flower stalks will be longer. In addition, the petals of daffodils stay bright longer, because in partial shade they do not fade from the sun.

Flowering lasts two to three weeks. At this time, the plants need to be watered and loosened.

For the winter, the bushes are covered with peat and leaves – in this case, in the spring they will appear a little earlier.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

The most famous species, sometimes called mouse hyacinth, is a frost-resistant perennial, which is very popular among summer residents.

It blooms in mid-spring and lasts about 20 days. The flowers of the upper part of the inflorescence are light blue, and the lower ones are dark. Muscari exudes a delicate scent that attracts insects to the site.

During flowering, you need to water the plants and slightly loosen the soil, as carefully as possible so as not to hurt the bulb.

Muscari thrives on loose, nutrient-rich soil without stagnant water. It is better to choose a landing site on a hill, with protection from strong gusts of wind.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

The hellebore blooms from late February to April, depending on latitude and weather conditions. First, an inflorescence with buds is formed at the top of the stem. The plant has bright white, pink, or purple sepals that are sometimes mistaken for petals.

The usual flowering period is 12 days, but it can be extended if several conditions are met. In the garden, the hellebore should find a shaded place with protection from the wind.

On a sunny lawn, flowers will appear earlier, but they will wither pretty soon, and the leaves will not be able to form a large and lush rosette. Therefore, it is advisable to plant the plant under trees with a translucent crown. In addition, wilted leaves are an excellent fertilizer for perennials.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

A short, but extremely showy flower that appears on the thawed patches immediately after the snowdrop. The flowering period is from early to mid-April. Rock gardens, flower beds and lawns with other early flowering plants are almost impossible without crocuses.

They are planted in dry, sufficiently sunlit places with light soils. However, the plant feels good in partial shade, as long as there is no excess moisture on the site. In comfortable conditions, these bulbs bloom for two to three weeks. But at temperatures above +20 degrees, the crocus fades in just a few hours.

White spring flower

Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

A wonderful plant with white drooping flowers that attracts insects with its pleasant scent. It grows well in partial shade under fruit trees with sufficient moisture, as well as in lowlands, near reservoirs, artificial ponds and streams. The composition and nutritional value of the soil are not particularly important for him, although the presence of humus is encouraged.

The perennial usually blooms from mid-April and blooms for about 20-30 days. If, at the beginning of the growing season, the plant is provided with daily watering, the flowering period will increase.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

In early April, bright blue-blue liverwort flowers bloom at the dacha. Simultaneously with them, leaves appear from the ground, which form a dense rosette. At the same time, old winter leaves dry up, it is better to cut them off so that the flowers look more decorative.

In nature, the liverwort usually grows under the crowns of trees, so it is better to provide her with a shady place in the garden. The soil should be loose and light, preferably with an admixture of lime. It is imperative to avoid low-lying areas with stagnant moisture.

The perennial blooms for about 20 days and at this time forms a spectacular floral carpet on the site.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

Scylla, or scrub, is often compared to the liverwort. They have almost identical petals of a bright blue hue, both plants are primroses. Many types of scilla are used in garden design – the perennial is extremely unpretentious, frost-resistant and can multiply by self-seeding.

The scrub blooms in early April and blooms for about 20 days.

Suitable for alpine slides and multi-tiered flower beds. Good lighting and sufficient humidity are important for her. During the flowering period, the scilla is watered very carefully so that water does not get on the leaves and petals. In this case, the plant retains its decorative effect longer.


Spring garden: 8 plants that can be expected to bloom in April

An unusually beautiful perennial with blue and blue petals. If you plant it in an area where the snow melts early, flowers will appear in late March – early April. Chionodox also blooms in the shade, but much later. During this period, especially if the weather is dry, the plants must be watered with lukewarm water. It is advisable to do this in the early morning. Try to prevent moisture droplets from getting on the flower and leaves.

Flowering lasts 12-24 days. If you loosen the soil between the plants and water them in a timely manner, it can be slightly extended.

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Anna Evans


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