I plant cabbage in spring so as not to waste time on hilling it in the summer

I rarely go to the country because of work. From the moment I bought the plot, I have been interested in ways that allow me to grow crops without continuous care of the plants.

Black covering material

The black covering material has become my “lifesaver”. With him I plant cabbage and other plants. I am going to supply all the beds with mulch in the form of a black shelter.

Its advantages are obvious:

  • retains water, preventing it from quickly evaporating;
  • protects the soil from overheating;
  • prevents erosion and crust formation on the surface of the beds;
  • keeps the earth loose;
  • inhibits the growth of weeds;
  • stimulates the development of the root system;
  • promotes the reproduction of earthworms and the development of useful soil microflora.

How I plant cabbage

First, I prepare the ground: I bring in humus for looseness and universal fertilizer, I spill the garden bed before covering it.

I choose the covering material with a density of at least 80, I cover the entire area of ​​the garden with it. For fixing I use a construction stapler when there is something to attach to. And once she pinned the material to the ground with dowels for thermal insulation.

Any cabbage is suitable for planting in such a ridge: white cabbage, Peking cabbage, cauliflower. The ripening period also does not matter – everything grows.

For each plant, I make a cruciform incision in the covering material. I dig a hole in the soil and place a bush of seedlings in it. When digging in the roots, I make sure that the corners of the incision are firmly pressed by the earth, not bulging. I plant in the center of the ridge in one row, keeping a distance of 50 cm between plants.

After planting, I water the plants again, already on top of the covering material,.

My benefits and useful advice

Cabbage planted on a covering material does not need to be hilled. In the soil, which always remains loose, the root system breathes well and develops.

For me, it is important to maintain moisture in the soil for a long time, since there is no way to water often.

Insects of all stripes stopped attacking cabbage, only slugs remained, against which I sprinkle a special agent in granules over the covering material. On this, the war on pests is considered over.

I recommend planting cabbage on a cloudy day or at sunset, so the plants will not experience additional stress from direct sunlight.

It is advisable to choose a place for the garden so that a shadow falls on it at any time of the day – even the cabbage is hard to endure in the sun all day.

Along the edges of the cabbage ridge, in a similar way, you can plant basil seedlings, onions on herbs, and much more.

It is not necessary to plant plants with seeds under black covering material – they will be lost, they will not germinate.

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Anna Evans


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