Benefits of lentils, the benefits and harms of calories

LentilSometimes it seems that many people neglect lentils, preferring other legumes such as peas, beans, beans. And this seems strange, since lentils are not only an affordable and tasty product, but also very useful. This, for example, is never forgotten by the Czechs, for whom this culture symbolizes wealth and prosperity (these beans resemble small coins). And for the New Year in this country it is customary to cook lentil soup – delicious, healthy and very appetizing.

What is lentils

Lentils are an annual leguminous plant originally from Central Asia, where these fruits, according to historians, people used in the prehistoric era. During archaeological excavations in the Middle East, lentil seeds were found that are older than 8000 years. For millennia, barley, wheat and lentils have been the three main crops grown by different nations.

Today lentils are an indispensable product of Indian cuisine. This culture is consumed in many Catholic countries during the fasting period. In the modern era, the main world exporters of these amazing beans are India, Turkey, Canada, China, Syria. ..


Lentils are small beans that vary in size and shape depending on the variety. It is eaten all over the world as a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, iron, B vitamins. There are many types of this culture, but brown, green and red and lentils are considered the most delicious.

Green and brown beans are suitable for warm salads, casseroles; as a rule, they retain their shape perfectly after cooking.

Red lentils are ideal for mashed potatoes, soups and casseroles (as a thickening ingredient), often used in Indian cuisine.

Yellow beans are similar in quality to a red look and are used to brighten up winter dishes.

The nutritional value

Lentils are low-glycemic and low-fat foods. ..

Among the valuable components of this culture, fiber is called, which in the product is presented in soluble and insoluble forms. As for the vitamins and minerals contained in this plant, one cannot fail to note the extremely high reserves of molybdenum. In addition, lentils contain nearly daily amounts of folate and can also supply 50% of the daily requirement for phosphorus, copper and manganese. This food is also rich in B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and potassium.

The table shows the nutrient content per 100 g of product ..

Calories 295 kcal Carbohydrates 46,3 g Proteins 24 g Fats 1,5 g Vitamin A 5 μg Vitamin C 4,4 mg Vitamin E 0,5 mg Vitamin K 5 μg Vitamin B1 0,5 mg Vitamin B2 0,2 mg Vitamin B3 5,5 mg Vitamin B5 1,2 mg Vitamin B6 0,5 mg Vitamin B9 90 μg Choline 96,4 mg Calcium 83 mg Iron 11,8 mg Magnesium 80 mg Phosphorus 390 mg Potassium 672 mg Sodium 55 mg Zinc 2,4 mg Copper 0,66 mg Manganese 1,19 mg Selenium 19,6 μg Water 14 g Ash 2,7 g

Benefits for the human body

Lentils are an extremely nutritious member of the legume family with many beneficial properties for the human body.

Benefits of lentils for the bodyDigestion

Like other legumes, lentils are one of the top fiber foods, both soluble and insoluble. Both types of dietary fiber have a positive effect on the digestive system. Insoluble fiber absorbs fluid, swells and, when it enters the intestines, promotes the rapid elimination of processed waste products. Soluble fiber in the body turns into a jelly-like substance, thanks to which the feeling of satiety remains for a long time ..

Sugar and cholesterol concentration

Lentils are able to stabilize two important blood parameters – glucose and cholesterol. For individuals with insulin resistance, diabetes or hypoglycemia, this culture is useful as a glucose-insulin balance stabilizer. The researchers compared the health of two groups of people with type 24 diabetes. They took 50 and XNUMX grams of fiber daily. It turned out that those who took more dietary fiber had lower blood glucose levels. .… In addition, against the background of regular fiber intake, the concentration of low density lipoproteins (more commonly known as “bad” cholesterol) decreased by almost 12,5%.

Metabolism and cell health

B vitamins, which are found in abundance in lentils, are involved in the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. Manganese, one of the powerful antioxidants, also contributes to this process. And magnesium, by activating certain enzymes, improves tissue regeneration. Potassium contained in legumes maintains acid-base balance, regulates growth and pressure inside cells.

The cardiovascular system

Benefits of lentils for the heartScientists conducted an experiment to determine how diet affects the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). As a result of the experience, which involved more than 16 thousand middle-aged people, it was found the following: persons whose diet is dominated by cereals, legumes and vegetables are almost 80% less at risk of developing coronary artery disease.

In another study, it became known that people whose diet is rich in fiber, which is present in large quantities in lentils, are less susceptible to diseases of the cardiac system. .… Last but not least, this is possible due to the high concentration of folic acid (B9) and magnesium. Vitamin B9 helps lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that researchers have identified as one of the main risk factors for heart disease. Magnesium in adequate doses improves the quality of blood flow, and also affects the availability of essential oxygen and nutrients in the blood. A deficiency of this element can lead to a heart attack.

Who is useful lentils

As a nutrient-dense food, lentils are good for you [8]:

  • Who is useful lentilspeople with diabetes;
  • with high cholesterol;
  • persons prone to anemia;
  • pregnant women and planning a pregnancy;
  • with excess weight;
  • persons with digestive disorders;
  • to restore the condition of the epidermis and hair.

In addition, in alternative medicine, this plant is used as a medicine for dermatitis, burns, inflammation and allergic itching. This legume is capable of crushing and removing stones from the urinary system, preventing breast cancer, relieving fatigue, and even treating stomach ulcers. Lentils are useful for vitamin deficiency. For colds, dishes made from it have a warming effect.

Possible side effects

Lentils are a healthy ingredient for humans. But excessive food cravings can cause flatulence, and frequent consumption of these beans without sufficient replenishment of the water balance can cause constipation. It is undesirable to get too carried away with beans and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in an aggravated form. Lentils contain extremely high concentrations of molybdenum. And this substance, used regularly and in large doses, sometimes causes arthritis. [8].

Do not feed lentils and pets. This product can cause fermentation and increased gas formation, and in some cases it can even provoke their death.

Use in cooking

Lentils in cookingIt’s so hard to list right off the bat for which dishes you can use lentils. It is good as an ingredient in soups and stewed vegetables, and can serve as a base for vegetarian cutlets. Lentil puree mixed with olive oil, garlic and lemon turns into a delicious vegetable pate. Some varieties of this legume are suitable for making stuffed cabbage rolls, croquettes, pies, pancakes, dumplings and even a variety of salads.

Remember the benefits of sprouted wheat? A similar “trick” can be done with lentils. To do this, dry seeds must be soaked in cold water and wait for sprouts to appear. They are also rich in vitamins and are widely used in Indian cuisine.

How to cook lentils

According to the rules, lentils should be boiled in a large amount of water (in a 1: 2 ratio). During the cooking process, it is important to avoid sour spices (they make the product hard and tasteless). The cooking time depends on the type of lentil. Green and brown beans take the longest to cook – 20 to 45 minutes. Red and yellow varieties of lentils will reach the required consistency in 10-15 minutes [9].

It is advisable to salt the product at the end of cooking, otherwise the beans will remain firm. Tomatoes or other acidic foods can extend the cooking time.

If you want the grains to retain their shape after cooking, then you should give preference to brown varieties that do not flake. If you love the sweet aftertaste of finished lentils, then look for red and yellow beans. By the way, they are the easiest to bring to a puree consistency.

Culinary ideas

Vegetarian dinner

Fry curry, chopped garlic, onion and ginger in a saucepan (about 2-3 minutes). Add raw lentils, turmeric, some sugar and mix. Then add pumpkin, courgette, diced bell peppers and broth with a little coconut milk. Add the chopped tomato 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Simmer until ingredients are tender. Sprinkle the finished dish with coriander. Recommended to be served with rice.

Lentil MeatballsLentil Meatballs

Fry the onions in olive oil and add to the boiled lentils. Stir, season with salt and pepper. Form meatballs from the resulting mass, which should be fried in well-heated oil. Put onion, chopped garlic and chili in a separate skillet. Add diced zucchini or courgettes, then chopped and peeled tomatoes. Simmer until vegetables are tender. Serve the meatballs with the sauce, sprinkle with coriander as desired.

Unreal pate

Fry chopped onions in oil, add garlic, carrots, sliced ​​and a little ginger. Put out everything together for 10 minutes. Then add lentils and millet (1 cup of lentils and 1/3 cup of millet) to the mixture, fry over high heat for 2 minutes. Pour in vegetable stock (about 650 ml), add a little salt and simmer for about 15 minutes (until the excess liquid evaporates and all ingredients are tender). Add ginger, hot pepper, some almonds, 2 raw eggs to the cooled mass and mix everything. Put in a mold, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour.

Lentils for beauty

Lentils are the “queen” not only in the kitchen. This plant is often used as a beauty restoring ingredient. Thus, the consumption of these legumes improves the quality of the hair and the condition of the skin. Thanks to its beneficial chemical composition, this culture treats dermatosis, rashes, makes the skin silky, smooth, and toned. Clinical experiments have confirmed that lentils activate the growth of new cells, which means they are useful for the regeneration of the epidermis and hair. In addition, this member of the legume family is suitable as an ingredient in weight loss diets. To do this, you can arrange fasting days for yourself on lentils, or during the week you can add dishes from this product to the menu every day.

Lentils have been known since prehistoric times. This crop is one of the healthiest legumes. The ancient Greeks considered it to be the food of the poor, the ancient Egyptians considered it the food of the pharaohs, and some peoples used lentil grain as feed for livestock. Today it is one of the favorite foods of vegetarians, which, being an extremely rich source of protein, can replace meat. But for meat-eaters, lentils are also useful, especially for athletes, expectant mothers and those whose work is associated with mental stress.

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Anna Evans


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