Chicken breast benefits and harms

Vitamins B9 and B12 are especially important in chicken breast. These are very “feminine” vitamins that contribute to the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy and the maintenance of the well-being of the mother. Not surprisingly, all doctors, as one, recommend that both breast and chicken broth be consumed regularly during pregnancy and lactation.

In addition to B vitamins, the composition of white chicken meat contains vitamins PP, A, H, F, magnesium, zinc, iron, and various enzymes. Chicken breast, the benefits of which are due to these substances, in that it helps to normalize blood circulation, improve the appearance of the skin and hair, strengthen the nervous system and skeleton. We can say that chicken breast, the composition of which contains so many useful elements, is the most dietary chicken meat. At the same time, she has very few shortcomings.

The harm of white meat

First of all, the amount of minerals such as iron and magnesium, which are very important for hematopoiesis, in the composition of white chicken meat is very small. This means that when recovering from serious illnesses or complex medical procedures, one brisket will not be enough. You will definitely need supplements of darker and more fatty meat.

And of course, chicken breast is not suitable because it works a lot and in very difficult conditions. Here, the notorious dietetic nature of white meat plays against it: workers in very heavy industries need fatty foods to provide them with energy. But is it really possible to consider that this is harm to chicken breast? These are just minor flaws.

In general, it is the chicken breast, the composition of which doctors propose as a component of an ideal diet – this is almost the very standard of a meat product. And if you have the opportunity to please yourself at least a couple of times a week with this dietary white meat – please. The body will thank you!

Anna Evans


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