Cardamom benefits and harms

Cardamom (lat.Elettaria cardamomum) is a spice, it is the dried seeds of a perennial herb belonging to the ginger family.

It is believed that the homeland of cardamom is the island of Ceylon and the coast of India, however, some researchers argue that this spice was known even in Mesopotamia. The spice is deservedly considered one of the oldest, and only pepper is ahead of it in terms of the volume of trade turnover.

The composition of cardamom

Speaking about the chemical composition of cardamom, first of all it is worth mentioning the complex essential oil that predominates in the seeds. This oil contains limonene, a type of carbon with a distinct lemon scent; terpineol – monocyclic alcohol with a lilac scent, cineole with a characteristic eucalyptus scent, borneol with the scent of needles, incense and camphor. All these ingredients together form a unique bouquet of aromas. In addition, cardamom is high in carbohydrates and protein, starch, vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. The calorie content of cardamom is 311 kcal per 100 g of product.

Useful Properties

Due to its antiseptic properties, medieval healers considered cardamom seeds almost a cure for all diseases. Therefore, the spice was very expensive, and thanks to its varied colors, cunning pharmacists sold different seeds as completely different medicines.

Cardamom is consumed almost all over the world. Cardamom tea helps with colds, dry coughs, bronchitis and various inflammations. Bedouins have used it since time immemorial in their famous hot sand coffee. Europeans usually add cardamom as a seasoning – in rice, vegetables and meat dishes, but in Scandinavia it is customary to make baked goods with it. Traditionally, the spice is used in the preparation of hot sweet drinks – mulled wine, grog, punch. Cardamom is included in all spicy mixtures for marinating fish, herring, sprat, sardines in oil.

When Arab merchants brought the spice to Russia, they began to use it in baking gingerbread, honey gingerbread, add it to kvass and jelly. Also, cardamom has been successfully used for sterilizing and preserving food.

Anna Evans


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