Ramen noodles benefits and harms

A simple recipe for miso ramen: Place noodles in pre-prepared chicken broth with miso paste and add frying. Chicken fillet is used as a frying, cut into strips and stewed with wakame seaweed, garlic, carrots, leeks, bean sprouts and soy sauce.

Miso ramen, in principle, is not much different from seyu ramen – with soy sauce. Both are cooked in chicken broth, contain chicken meat, seaweed, garlic, and can also include eggs, tofu, spinach, bamboo shoots, sake. The fundamental difference between seyu ramen is the absence of miso sauce in its composition.

In addition to the classic recipes, every housewife can experiment with ramen noodles to her own taste. It goes well with beef, shiitake mushrooms, pickles, beans and Chinese cabbage. The dish is eaten with chopsticks or special Chinese spoons.

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Benefit and harm 

Ramen noodles as a complete dish, including meat or fish broth, wheat noodles, various additives in the form of meat, fish and vegetables, is as useful as each of its components. The main advantage is nutritional value. A hot first course includes a whole list of useful elements that have a positive effect on the human body, primarily on digestion and the state of the nervous system.

Speaking about the harm of ramen noodles, it is worth specifying that this applies mainly to instant products. Fast food products contain various food additives that improve the taste and promote long shelf life of the product. The same noodles intended for instant meals are fried in oil, contain sodium glutamate and other artificial additives that do not affect health in the best way.

Also, a high sodium content in the composition has a not entirely beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, you should not overuse this dish for those with kidney problems.

And in general, speaking about this product, you need to consider only the reaction of your own body to the constituent elements of the dish. This is the beauty of noodles: individual intolerance to a particular product can be eliminated by changing the recipe, but not denying yourself the soup itself.

For lovers of interesting flavors and natural composition, we recommend ordering noodles in an online store with a rich assortment. Ramen, which usually has no flavor of its own, is presented here with lemongrass, vegetables or ginger. All types do not contain artificial additives or fillers.

Anna Evans


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