Plum benefits, benefits and harms of calories

PlumRenklod, Hungarian, Mirabel … You can list for a long time favorite varieties of many names. They say that there are at least six thousand. And you can call them all one simple word – plum. Sometimes this fruit unfairly fades against the background of strange exotic. And in vain, because it is very useful and tasty.

General characteristics

One of the most interesting facts from the “biography” of the plum is a huge number of varieties of this plant. Its fruits are spherical, oval and even in the shape of a heart. It is difficult to call one color characteristic of plums: they are blue-black, purple, red, purple, green, yellow and even white. The plum pulp is so varied.

Taking into account such a rich variety of varieties, it is not surprising that plum has several “places of birth” – different types appeared in different climatic conditions. For example, the European plum is believed to have appeared about two thousand years ago in the Caspian Sea region. And already in the time of the Roman Empire there were more than three hundred varieties of the European variety. The second equally well-known variety – Japanese plum actually originated in China. By the way, today China, along with Russia, Romania, the United States and some other countries, is among the leaders in growing this culture.

The nutritional value

Regardless of the variety, the nutritional value of most plums is, if not identical, very similar. Although the caloric content of these fruits varies in the framework of 80-120 kcal.

Plums, like other fruits, are a natural multivitamin. They contain vitamins of groups B, C, A, E, K. As part of the plum, scientists found calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, polyphenols, fiber. Due to the richness of nutrients, they should appear in the diet of adults and children in any form: fresh, dried, frozen, in the form of compotes and jams.

Nutritional value of plumDue to its high fiber content, plums are considered beneficial for improving bowel function. And pectin in combination with organic acids makes the fruit useful for cleansing the body of excess fat. In particular, at the cellular level, they eliminate excess cholesterol. Plum is a well-known antioxidant fruit. Moreover, dark varieties have a particularly strong antioxidant ability. Some studies have shown that fiber-rich and antioxidant-rich plums prevent colon cancer. Nutritionists say that 3-4 large plums will easily satisfy the minimum daily requirement for these substances.

They contain these fruits and B vitamins, including B6, which together with magnesium (also found in plums) is useful for the adequate functioning of the nervous system. Greenbacks and other varieties, due to the presence of potassium in them, are useful for the cardiovascular system.

Drain seeds contain amygdalin, which is considered useful in the fight against cancer. However, it is important to note that in large quantities, amygdalin is converted into a toxic substance.
As already mentioned, plums are beneficial to humans in almost any form. In dried, more commonly known as prunes, the concentration of nutrients sometimes increases by 5 or more times. But their calorie content is also higher: almost 360 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value of fresh plums on 100 g

Calories 46 kcal Proteins 0,7 g Fats 0,28 g Carbohydrates 11,42 g Fiber 1,4 g Vitamin C 9,5 mg Vitamin B1 0,028 mg Vitamin B2 0,026 mg Vitamin B3 0,417 mg Vitamin B6 0,029 mg Vitamin B9 5 mg Vitamin A 0,017 mg Vitamin E 0,26 mg Vitamin K 6,4 μg Calcium 6 mg Iron 0,17 mg Magnesium 7 mg Phosphorus 16 mg Potassium 157 mg Zinc 0,1 mg

Benefits for the body

Benefits of plums for the bodyPlums contain the main components necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body. The unique composition of these fruits makes them useful for the digestive and nervous system, they protect against cancer, osteoporosis and hypertension. Recent studies have shown that the bark of a tree is also beneficial for humans – its extract cures diseases of the prostate gland.

Even in the nineteenth century, people were aware of many of the beneficial properties of these fruits. Plums even attributed anesthetic ability. And although the ability to take pain has not found scientific evidence, but scientists have proven many other equally amazing abilities of this fruit. So what are the benefits of these blue-violet fruits? Who are they useful for and what diseases can they protect?

Strengthen bone tissue

According to a group of American scientists from Florida, plums, especially dried ones, are uniquely useful for strengthening bone tissue. During the observations it was proved that lovers of plums are less likely to suffer from fractures and less likely to develop osteoporosis.

Improve digestion

Want to improve your digestion – eat plums! Rich in fiber, they have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility: prevent constipation, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. Dietary fiber is necessary to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. In addition, it has long been proven that fiber (or rather, its special type – pectin) prevents the increase in cholesterol, promotes weight loss. In addition, dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, contributing to the growth of beneficial bacteria and preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Useful for the cardiovascular system.

Plums – a good source of copper, which in certain doses strengthens the heart and blood vessels, prevents many cardiac diseases.

Although it is worth remembering that in excess copper can be very dangerous for the body (although, using plums, it is almost impossible to get an excess of copper). But back to the benefits for the cardiovascular system. As already mentioned, these fruits are rich in fiber, which protects against the accumulation of high doses of cholesterol in the body. And this is good news for vessels and the heart, as it facilitates the work of the system. Another useful composite drain is polyphenolic compounds with anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to lower blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Contribute to blood formation

Plums are good for improving blood. To understand how these fruits affect the blood, it is important to remember that they contain iron, an essential component for the formation of hemoglobin. In addition, the fruits are rich in vitamin K, the main function of which is to regulate blood clotting.

Rich source of antioxidants

Plum - a source of antioxidantsDue to the rich content of polyphenols, plums have serious antioxidant properties. This means that 5-10 plums per day will protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals, reduce the risk of malignant tumors several times, and also protect against chronic diseases and early age. As an antioxidant fruit, plums are extremely useful for smokers whose organisms are exposed to carcinogen and free radicals daily.

What is useful for pregnant women?

More than once it was said that plums contain a complex of vitamins and minerals important for humans. Women during pregnancy more than others need to maintain the mineral-vitamin balance. For them, plums can be a tasty and healthy snack. A fiber protects against constipation – one of the associated pregnancy problems. Although again, you should not get too carried away with these fruits. And during breastfeeding, this fruit, especially dried, should be treated with heightened caution, as it can cause colic in the baby.

Possible hazards

And although plums are very healthy fruits, they should be eaten in moderation. Uncontrolled eating is fraught with bloating and diarrhea (especially if prune is abused). It is also undesirable to excessively get carried away by these fruits to people with inflammatory diseases of the liver or intestines. It is important for people with diabetes to prefer less sweet plum varieties. Plum compote can also keep some danger if fruit with seeds were used for cooking. During cooking and further storage (if it is stewed fruit made for the winter) they produce hydrocyanic acid – a substance dangerous to humans.

Home cosmetics from plums

In addition to all the benefits already mentioned, it is important to name one more. This fruit is known as the “food of the beauties.” Antioxidants have the ability to slow down the wilting process, prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. In addition to juice and plum pulp, an extract obtained from seed kernels is used in cosmetology. Oleic and linoleic acids contained in plums help moisturize and nourish the skin.

At home, an anti-wrinkle mask is crushed fruit pulp and beaten egg whites.

Both components are mixed and applied to the skin. After 15 minutes wash off. This mask will also be beneficial for oily skin with dilated pores.

What to cook from plums

What to cook from plumsAnd although it is advised to keep them in the refrigerator to prolong the freshness of the plums, still the fruits of room temperature are considered the most delicious. Being juicy and tasty fruits, plums are widely used in cooking. They make delicious jams, compotes, marmalades, toppings for pies, sauces for meat. In the East, a popular dish is chicken stewed with plums, as well as chicken fillet salad with fresh plums and basil. And for lovers of good alcohol, plum is interesting as an ingredient for liquors, tinctures, wine and liquors. In the Balkans, these fruits are used to make brandy, and the inhabitants of Hawaii … they are salted.

Chocolate and Plum Jam

Perhaps every housewife knows how to cook traditional plum jam. But what about surprising family and guests with chocolate jam and plums? For the recipe you will need 2 kg of fruit (for example, varieties of Hungarian), approximately 3/4 kg of granulated sugar and 200 g of dark 70 percent chocolate.

Wash plums, cut in half, remove the bones and pulp through a meat grinder. Puree put in a saucepan with a thick bottom and over low heat, stirring constantly, cook for about an hour. When the mixture darkens and thickens slightly, add sugar and cook, continuing to stir, for another half hour. If by this time the jam is not thickened, cook a few more minutes. In the hot mixture, add chopped chocolate and mix thoroughly (chocolate must completely melt). Bring to the boil again and transfer the hot mixture to sterilized jars.

They say that people are not able to fully appreciate what they have a lot. Among fruits, plums are sometimes undervalued. We are accustomed to having a lot of them in our gardens, that they are fairly cheap and affordable fruits. But at the same time, affordability and cheapness do not make them useless. On the contrary, the tender plum flesh is able to give us everything that our body needs.

Anna Evans


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