Belarusian cabbage 455: description and characteristics

Belarusian cabbage 455 was created at the beginning of the 20th century on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is suitable for cultivation in all areas of the country. It is distinguished by its mid-late formation period. The growing season from the date of the formation of the first shoots is 120 days.

Description of the plant

The rosette from which the leaves are formed is of medium size: its diameter reaches 80 cm. The shape of the leaves is difficult to identify, since they change depending on the care. The sizes are small, and the color can be gray-green or marsh. Waviness is present along the edges of the leaves.

Description of the fetus

Heads of Belarusian cabbage 455 have the shape of an oval of medium size. The weight of the head is 6 kg. If the head of cabbage is cut in diameter, it is yellowish-white in color. Leaves on heads of cabbage are thin. High rates of fertility are observed: about 1 kg of high-quality products can be obtained from 500 hectare.

The main details in the composition of Belarusian cabbage 455:

  • the number of dry substances fluctuates in the range of 6-8% per 100 grams;
  • sugar index 7%;
  • the number of vitamin C is 40 mg per 100 grams.

Cabbage of this variety is versatile. It is often used for making salads and serving raw. High gastronomic properties stand out when creating first and second courses.

Cultivation of seedlings for sowing

You need to plant seeds for seedlings in April. It is better to pre-prepare the land in which the seedlings will be sown. It is better to combine earth, sand and peat in a ratio of 1k3k1. The acidity of the soil should not be higher than 7%. Otherwise, the seeds will not germinate and die in the ground.

A container with seeds should be on the windowsill. The seedlings will germinate much faster if the temperature is right. The first 14 days, until sprouts have appeared, the temperature in the room should be + 20 degrees. As soon as the sprouts appear, the temperature should be reduced to +15 degrees.


As noted in the reviews of summer residents, Belarusian cabbage has significant advantages. It is generally cultivated for raw use. The variety is suitable for sourdough. Cabbage is not stored for long โ€“ only until December. Cabbage contains the following substances:

  • 9% dry ingredients;
  • 6,5% sugars;
  • 28 mg of ascorbic acid.

The positive aspects of cabbage include:

  • high fertility rate;
  • excellent gastronomic qualities;
  • resistance to cracking;
  • ability for long-term transportation.

Among the disadvantages can be noted a tendency to keel and vascular bacteriosis. Pests also do not bypass this variety.

Belarusian cabbage 455

Features of care

To grow a quality crop, you need to follow specific hydration tips. If you cultivate Belarusian cabbage on black soil, it is better to irrigate once every 1 days.

On sandy lands, it is necessary to irrigate plants often โ€“ once every 1 days. Cabbage requires abundant irrigation only at the time of ripening of the legs. In the future, irrigation should be reduced so that the fruits do not crack.

A couple of days after irrigation, you need to remove the formed weeds and loosen the soil. The weeding depth is 7 cm, which is quite enough to remove the crust from the soil and not deform the root system. If the soil is not weeded, the roots can rot. This variety needs to be fed twice for the entire flowering period.

The first feeding occurs at the moment when the leg begins to ripen. It is necessary to use tinctures from biological composts. Under each bush, you need to add 500 ml of the substance.

The second feed should be done 21 days after the first. At this time, it is better to use the same product, add 1000 ml of the product under each plant.

Testimonials from truck drivers

On the Internet, you can find mixed reviews about Belarusian cabbage. Someone is happy with this variety and he grows it every year. Someone does not want to see him at all on their site. Letโ€™s find out the opinions of summer residents and draw our own conclusions.

Belarusian cabbage 455

Previously, my parents cultivated Belarusian cabbage 455. But for many years they abandoned it in favor of hybrids. The heads of cabbage of this variety are good, in theory, the cabbage is delicious. But pests adore her, it is for this reason that the parents are tired of fighting them and stopped growing cabbage. This variety is often more. I had to use various chemicals.

Olga Rusanova, 50 years old

I really love Belarusian cabbage. It grows well, and how tasty it turns out when fermented! Simply delicious! The heads are always firm and juicy. They are stored for a long time. By the way, this variety does not need to be hilled after irrigation. The outer stump is small and never elongated. They have been breeding for a couple of years.

Sergey Mikhailovich, 49 years old

My wife and I often buy this variety for sourdough and salads. But we canโ€™t grow it ourselves. Somehow the seeds didnโ€™t sprout. Maybe they did something wrong, or the seeds were of poor quality. It was our first sad experience, and we did not grow any more. We tried to raise not only the Belarusian one. Therefore, it is stupid to blame the variety for difficult care and cultivation.

Mikhail Ivanovich, 66 years old.

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