All types of cabbage: description, the best varieties and seed producers

Cabbage is the most useful vegetable that has been cultivated since time immemorial. Archaeologists claim that the diet of the people of the Stone Age already contained dishes from wild cabbage. She was respected by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, among the Slavic peoples she was also given an honorable place. However, there were few varieties of this vegetable at that time, no more than 30. The true flowering of cabbage came in the last century. Breeders have developed varieties that can be successfully grown in different climatic zones. And gourmets and adherents of a healthy diet can choose cabbage for every taste.

Varieties of cabbage: a brief description, features, the best varieties

No other garden plant can boast such a variety as cabbage. But the representatives of a large family look not at all close relatives, but strangers to each other. A person far from vegetable growing will not find common signs in kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and Beijing cabbage. But still, these are different types of one vegetable.

Cabbage has many varieties that are not alike.

All varieties of cabbage are good for humans. Low-calorie juicy pulp contains an extensive multivitamin set: retinol, carotene, thiamine, pyridoxine, folic and ascorbic acids, rutin, vitamins K, U and others. Cabbage is an excellent supplier of sulfur, calcium and potassium, phosphorus and natural sugars. This vegetable is rich in fiber, so it is ideal for fighting excess weight.

If you have problems with digestion, you need to be careful: coarse plant fibers can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbate diseases. Although cauliflower fiber is so delicate that it is recommended to be eaten by everyone, without exception.

White cabbage harvest

All types of cabbage contain substances useful for humans.

There are 13 varieties of cabbage in the State Register of the Russian Federation. And only fodder is presented in one copy, the rest – in dozens or even hundreds of varieties.

Cruciferous plants (including all types of cabbage) cannot stand each other. I knew that it was impossible to plant this vegetable on the same plot for two years in a row. But I was unpleasantly surprised when the cabbage refused to grow in the garden, where there was a mix of salads before. Then I realized that I didn’t like the white one: there were arugula varieties in the mixture. And this useful herb also belongs to the cruciferous.

White cabbage, red cabbage and savoy cabbage

Cabbage does not like cruciferous plants to be its predecessors in the garden.


There is hardly a vegetable garden in Russia that is not adorned with greenish-white koloboks made of succulent leaves. Heads of cabbage reign not only in our dachas and personal plots, but also in kitchens. This vegetable is eaten fresh, boiled, fried, baked, stewed, fermented and pickled, meat is wrapped in its leaves.

Cabbage in the field

White-headed vegetables are planted in hectares in Russia

White cabbage is a well-known culture. But for some it will be a discovery that this is a plant with a two-year lifespan. The heads of cabbage are harvested in the first year, but overwintered cabbage blooms and gives pods with seeds.

The famous traveler James Cook glorified sauerkraut. According to him, she saved the health of the lives of sailors on a long voyage. The ships have always had a stock of this valuable product.

The root of white cabbage is strong, like a shaft. The stem is straight, juicy, thick. It has fleshy and dense leaves. At first they are rare, but over time they gather in a tight spherical head of cabbage. Outside, the leaves are green-gray or bright green, inside are creamy yellow and white.

White cabbage

Russian cuisine cannot do without white cabbage

The content of ascorbic acid in white cabbage is higher than in citrus fruits, and it does not cause allergies, like tangerines. In terms of glucose, cabbage is ahead of apples and oranges, fructose – potatoes and carrots.

Early cabbage is harvested in June-July. It produces medium-sized heads of cabbage with delicate, thin leaves. They make delicious vitamin salads. Borscht and cabbage soup with young cabbage have a delicate aroma. But it is not stored for long, it is not worth preserving or fermenting it. Early recognition varieties:

  • Malachite is a fast-growing and moisture-loving plant, forms elastic heads of cabbage up to 2 kg;
  • Rinda – one of the mildest among the early varieties, can keep fresh for about 4 months, head weight – 3,2–3,7 kg;
  • Kazachok is a very early ripening cabbage, but the heads of cabbage are small, about 1 kg;
  • June – a popular variety, the harvest is ready in 2 months, the weight of cabbages is up to 2 kg;
  • Dumas – this cabbage provides a consistently high yield, dense planting is permissible;
  • Tobia is an early, but large-fruited hybrid (5 kg), the pulp is very juicy, with a delicate taste.

Photo gallery: varieties of early white cabbage

Medium ripening varieties are stored longer than early varieties. They are suitable for salads and cooking, and are often used for canning and pickling. Proven mid-ripe varieties:

  • Dobrovolskaya – cabbage with large (5–8 kg) heads of cabbage, which are stored for up to 5 months;
  • Megaton is a hybrid from the Netherlands with high yields (head weights up to 15 kg);
  • Krautman is a variety that has shown resistance to cracking and disease, heads of cabbage weigh about 5 kg;
  • Slava is one of the oldest varieties, the heads of cabbage are flattened (5 kg each), the pulp is elastic, good for sourdough;
  • Merchant’s wife is a cabbage with small (2–2,5 kg) fruits that can retain high taste for several months.

Photo gallery: varieties with medium ripening

For sourdough and preparation for the winter, the most suitable option is late cabbage. Collect it in the fall, up to frost. The leaves of these varieties are coarser and slightly drier than those of early and mid-season ones. And heads of cabbage are stronger, with proper storage they can wait for a new harvest of early cabbage. The best late varieties:

  • Geneva is one of the earliest varieties, the harvest is harvested in early autumn, dense heads of cabbage are stored for a long time;
  • Moscow late forms very large (10 kg) elastic fruits, which are not afraid of diseases and frosts up to -5оWITH;
  • Midor is a hybrid variety producing medium-sized heads of cabbage, suitable for canning and sourdough;
  • Atria – cabbage with small tight heads of cabbage (2-3 kg), its cover leaves with a waxy layer, the stump is small, the variety gives high yields;
  • The aggressor is recognized as one of the best late hybrids, the plant is unpretentious, resistant to diseases and fruitful;
  • Mara is a variety of Belarusian selection, it is not afraid of diseases, does not crack, in sauerkraut this cabbage is especially tasty;
  • Snow White is a variety with a delicate taste (recommended for a children’s diet), heads of cabbage are stored for more than six months.

Photo gallery: late varieties of white cabbage

Reviews of vegetable growers about white cabbage

Video: how to grow high-quality white cabbage

of red

Red-violet cabbage is very similar to its white-headed relative, although it surpasses it in usefulness: vitamin C is almost twice more, vitamin A (carotene) – 4 times. The potassium content, which is good for the heart and blood vessels, is also high. But the leaves of red cabbage are less juicy.

It is noticed that red cabbage suppresses the development of tuberculosis, helps with radiation sickness.

White and red cabbage

White and red cabbage differs only in color, and even red cabbage is slightly harder and drier

Red cabbage is best eaten fresh. The author of these lines herself was convinced that heat treatment is detrimental to bright colors. It seems to “fade”, acquiring a not very appetizing shade. After stewing, white cabbage turns yellowish, red cabbage turns dirty pink. Tomato sauce can save the situation. This cabbage does not have enough juice to ferment. But you can add grated beets, it will strengthen the color and give juiciness. If the root vegetable is added to white cabbage, it will also turn out beautifully and tasty.

From a botanical point of view, red heads are twins with green and white ones. They have exactly the same structure. Only the color of the leaves differs. It comes from the purple pigment anthocyanin.

Red cabbage is the result of selection. It was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages. Russian farmers got acquainted with the new vegetable in the XNUMXth century. They called it blue at first.

Red cabbage

Red cabbage works well for salads

The State Register includes 43 varieties of red cabbage that have been tested on Russian soil. They are divided into three groups in terms of ripening.

The best early varieties include:

  • Example – a hybrid that grows heads of cabbage weighing 4 kg, resistant to cracking;
  • Benefis is a variety with small (1,5 kg) fruits, which gives high yields;
  • Voroks – high-yielding cabbage, weight of cabbages 3 kg each;
  • Lyudmila is a variety of Russian selection with a rich taste, but the fruits are medium-sized (2 kg);
  • Reball is a Dutch hybrid, small (1,5 kg) heads of elongated cabbage, tasty flesh.

Photo gallery: early varieties of red cabbage

Cabbage Benefis Benefis cabbage fruits are small, but high yields Cabbage Primero Primero cabbage heads do not crack Cabbage Rebol Cabbage Rebol has small elongated heads of cabbage

The most profitable mid-season varieties:

  • Kalibos is a variety that provides a high yield even in adverse conditions;
  • Mars MC is a new hybrid obtained by Czech breeders; flatish small (2,5 kg) heads of cabbage do not crack;
  • Rubin MC is another high-yielding variety from the Czech Republic, easily withstands transportation;
  • Firebird – a variety from the company “Aelita”, 3-kg heads of cabbage can be stored for a long time;
  • Rebecca is a hybrid from Holland, produces medium-sized fruits, yields are not so high, but stable;
  • Redma P3 is a German variety recommended for farmers, cabbage provides a good harvest, heads of cabbage are lying.

Photo gallery: mid-season varieties of red cabbage

Cabbage Firebird Firebird cabbage has a long shelf life Kalibos cabbage Kalibos cabbage gives a high yield even in unfavorable conditions Cabbage Mars MC Mars MC cabbage heads do not crack Cabbage Rubin MS Cabbage heads Rubin MC easily withstand transportation

Late red cabbage is harvested 4–5 months after sowing the seeds. Heads of cabbage of these varieties are stored longer than others. The most popular are:

  • Gako – a variety known since 1943, its heads do not crack, keep well for more than 6 months;
  • Juno is a new Russian variety, the advantages are a stable yield and a harmonious taste of the leaves;
  • Rodima is a Dutch hybrid that provides a significant yield, the fruits do not crack;
  • Fuego is a variety from France, elongated purple heads of cabbage have an excellent taste and are well kept.

Photo gallery: late varieties of red cabbage

Gako cabbage Gako is a cabbage variety known since 1943 Rodima cabbage Rodima cabbage – Dutch hybrid Fuego cabbage Elongated heads of Fuego cabbage are perfectly stored Juno cabbage Juno cabbage has a harmonious taste

Reviews of red cabbage

Video: the secret of growing red cabbage

Leafy (feces)

Collard greens are also called kale (or kale). This culture is still little known in Russia. The annual plant does not form a head or head. On a short stem, there are long petioles with a folded leaf plate. Its color can be emerald, silvery green, reddish purple. They are tall (about 1 m) and look spectacular, so kale is grown as a decoration for the garden.

Kale harvest

Collard greens have just begun to gain the attention of farmers

But the ornamental leaves are edible and also useful. They contain a lot of protein compounds. There are amino acids, including Omega-3, vitamins and minerals:

  • copper,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium.

Kale is a supplier of calcium, it is absorbed even better than dairy. Dishes with this vegetable help lower cholesterol. Collard greens are not only added to salads, soups and stews are prepared with it. Fresh leaves do not store too long, but they can be frozen.

Kale plantation

European vegetable growers grow kale on an industrial scale

So far, only two varieties of collard greens have been included in the State Register:

  • Reflex is a Dutch hybrid that bears harvest by the end of summer, a plant of almost one meter in height with beautiful silvery-green leaves;
  • Redbor is another variety from Holland, distinguished by its large growth (up to 1,5 m) and curly red-purple leaves.

Varieties that are not officially recognized in Russia, but their seeds can be purchased:

  • Black Tuscany – cabbage with dark green strongly wavy leaves;
  • The blue dwarf is a low-growing early variety, the leaves are blue-green with a curly edge.

Photo gallery: collard greens

Redbor collard Redbor collard greens are very tall Collard greens blue dwarf Blue dwarf – a low-growing early variety of kale Collard greens Reflex Reflex collard yields by the end of summer Collard greens Black Tuscany Black Tuscany cabbage has not yet been entered into the official State Register of Russia, but the seeds can be ordered on the Internet

Reviews about kale

Video: from sowing to cooking – everything about kale


This variety of cabbage is appreciated not for its taste, but for its beauty. Its rosettes of corrugated, double, delicate and simply wavy leaves compete with real flowers. They are snow-white, emerald, dark green, creamy yellow, pink, burgundy, lilac and purple, and sometimes combine several shades. And this “painting” pleases the eye until the very frost. As the temperature drops, the colors only get brighter.

Decorative cabbage

Ornamental cabbage looks like a flower

The cabbage bed looks great and is easy to care for. The spreading “flowers” are so large that the weeds have nowhere to grow. When they had not heard about ornamental cabbage, the author had already tried to decorate the garden with available varieties. Planted together, red, colored and broccoli framed by brightly colored lettuce look spectacular.

But this vegetable is also recommended to be grown for culinary purposes. The leaves are slightly bitter in taste, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, like other types of cabbage. Usually young leaves are collected for salads. As they grow, they coarse and lose their juiciness, they decorate dishes, add to canned food, and freeze.

Terry varieties of ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage surprises not only with its color, but also with the shape of its leaves

Ornamental cabbage entered the State Register of the Russian Federation only in the 12st century. Now there are XNUMX varieties in it, all of the Russian selection, from the Moscow region. Here is some of them:

  • Carmencita – a variety with silvery-green leaves with raspberry veins, from 1 m2 more than 4 kg of greens are harvested;
  • The sparkle completely forms a rosette in 4 months, the leaves are dissected, the color of the segments is from violet-red to gray-green;
  • Autumn waltz is a compact variety, the rosette consists of green-purple round leaves, the yield is high – up to 17 kg / m2.

Of the varieties that have not yet entered the State Register, the Japanese series of hybrids in Tokyo deserves attention. It is a short (30 cm) cabbage with round leaves. Below they are green with purple highlights. And in the center of the rosette are white (Tokyo White), pink (Tokyo Pink) or scarlet (Tokyo Red).

Bicolor ornamental cabbage

Japanese hybrids combine several shades in one plant

Reviews about ornamental cabbage

Video: edible cabbage “flowers”


Our gardeners should pay more attention to kohlrabi cabbage. This plant does not require much trouble, but it will always give you a tasty and healthy harvest.

It is better to collect kohlrabi young, you should not chase the size. If the cabbage sits in the ground, it can become coarse. Somehow I wanted to grow a giant stump. The size turned out to be impressive, about 3 kg. But a fibrous hard layer formed under the skin, and the flesh lost its juiciness.

Kohlrabi purple

Kohlrabi is a large stump

Kohlrabi will especially be liked by those who like to eat stump. After all, this cabbage is a hypertrophied stalk, only sweeter. Scientifically speaking, it forms a spherical stem, green or lilac. Although a few leaves can and should be eaten too. They have more vitamins than the stem. But it tastes much better.

If we compare kohlrabi with a white-headed sister, then the stump will win. It contains more ascorbic acid, vitamins, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

The sweet kohlrabi ball can be sliced ​​or grated for salad, toasted, or added to soup. But the temperature effect is destructive for nutrients. Therefore, it is better to eat the vegetable fresh. The only drawback of kohlrabi is its short shelf life. Even late varieties do not last longer than 2 months.

Kohlrabi in the garden

Kohlrabi cabbage looks like a turnip that crawled out of the ground

In Russia, 26 kohlrabi varieties have been tested and entered the Register of Breeding Achievements. Among them there are elders and novices, for example, Dobrynya received a residence permit in it in 2017. The most popular are:

  • Vienna White is an early variety that appeared in 1965, a month passes from planting seedlings to ripening of stems;
  • Violetta is a late frost-resistant variety; bright purple fruits have white flesh;
  • The giant is distinguished by very large (up to 20 cm) “turnips”, they gain maturity for 3 months, the variety easily tolerates heat and drought;
  • Corist is a Dutch variety, the fruits are tender, do not coarse for a long time.

Photo gallery: kohlrabi varieties

Kohlrabi Vienna white Vienna white – early kohlrabi variety Kohlrabi Violetta Violetta kohlrabi fruits – purple in color with white flesh Kohlrabi the Giant Kohlrabi Giant tolerates drought well Kohlrabi Benefit Kohlrabi Korist has tender, long-lasting fruits

Reviews about kohlrabi cabbage

Video: the intricacies of growing kohlrabi


This is the most worthy representative of the cabbage family. It has more protein and vitamin C than white cabbage. The pulp is much more tender than that of other cabbage. The vegetable is especially useful for problems with digestion and bile excretion, for diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels, as well as with low immunity. And recently, scientists have found that cauliflower helps stop the growth of neoplasms.


Cauliflower can be not only white, but also green, yellow, purple

This annual plant has a strong rod-like stem (up to 0,7 m). Oval leaves are perpendicular or slightly upward. By the time of ripening, a snow-white, yellowish, light green or purple-pink edible head is formed at the top of the stem. It is formed by undeveloped peduncles. When the crop is not harvested on time, the head releases a panicle with yellow flowers. Then pods with seeds will appear.

In climates with short and humid summers, only early vegetables can be grown outdoors. They give good yields, but the heads are not large, 1 kg or less. The most reliable varieties:

  • Movir 74 – undemanding cauliflower, known back in the USSR, yield 3 kg / m2;
  • Movir 2009 is a new variety with larger heads than the namesake and better disease resistance;
  • Alpha – cabbage zoned for the Moscow region and the northern regions;
  • Express MS – the variety is recommended to grow in the Central District;
  • Goat-Dereza is a hybrid bred in the Leningrad Region;
  • Snowball 123 is a French variety that has been cultivated in Russia for two decades.

Photo gallery: early varieties of cauliflower

Medium-ripening cauliflower is suitable for southern regions, it needs warm (at least 20оC) weather. In the north, it is grown in greenhouses. Verified varieties:

  • Summer resident – a hybrid from the Poisk agrofirm with extended ripening;
  • Parisian – the variety forms dense heads of 2 kg;
  • Purple – bright cabbage, created by vegetable growers of the “Gavrish” company;
  • The lilac ball is a variety of the agricultural company “Aelita”, a beautiful and tasty cabbage.

Photo gallery: medium ripening cauliflower varieties

Cauliflower Summer resident Cauliflower Summer resident ripens in several stages Cauliflower Purple Ball Cauliflower The purple ball is not only tasty, but can also be a decoration of the garden Cauliflower Parisian Parisian cabbage heads reach 2 kg Cauliflower Purple Purple cabbage lives up to its name

Purple cauliflower heads are very good in garden beds. But this beauty is unstable. Cooking, especially long cooking, destroys the bright color. The author of this text has found processing methods that allow you to preserve the attractive appearance of purple cabbage. It is necessary to disassemble the head into small parts and fry very quickly over high heat. The color will also remain when baked and cooked in a deep fat fryer. Canning such cabbage is an unsuccessful idea. At first, the contents of the cans pleases with juicy colors, and then the color turns into a marinade.

Vintage of cauliflower

Late varieties of cauliflower can please with weighty fruits

Late cauliflower can only be afforded by gardeners living in the south. Seeds are often planted in open ground before winter. Late varieties:

  • Cortez is a hybrid from Holland, on fertile soil, the yield is stable;
  • Amerigo – this fruitful cabbage is not afraid of frost;
  • Green snowdrift – new decorative (emerald-colored heads) and delicious cabbage;
  • Clara’s corals are a bright novelty from the Gavrish company, the heads are small (250 g), similar to exotic flowers.

Photo gallery: varieties of late cauliflower

Cauliflower Amerigo Cauliflower Amerigo is not afraid of frost Coral Clara cauliflower Coral Clara cauliflower looks like exotic flowers Cauliflower Green Snowdrift Cauliflower Green snowdrift with emerald-colored heads Cauliflower Cortez Cauliflower Cortes needs fertile soil for stable yields

Reviews of cauliflower

In Ashan, I bought a bag of Snowball 123 cauliflower seeds for a ruble and a little in a white bag Every Day. The seed producer was the Russian Garden. The seeds expired last December. I decided to use the Ashanov seeds just in case. See what grows up. Oddly enough, but the germination of seeds in April was almost 100%, although the shelf life expired in December. As a result, it was this cabbage that they ate. She did not get sick, the heads of cabbage were large enough, inflorescences were formed on the lateral shoots. The plant itself is compact. Be calm about partial shade. The main heads of cabbage weigh in the region of 300-500 grams. Some were bigger. Cabbage can be frozen. Taste properties are not lost. I liked the variety very much.


Each time spring, summer, autumn has its own leaders. Vinson and Brunel are somewhere in between. For me, these are just very convenient varieties. The more leaf mass, the easier it will cope with the sun. If there are not enough leaves, rubber bands for money help. And we cope with such an area very simply at 6.00, bent down at 20.00, unbent – and so on for 4-5 days.



A hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli, called Romanesco, was developed at the end of the last century by Italian vegetable growers. This vegetable looks exotic. Instead of rounded heads, it forms a kind of sculpture of cones, which resembles a seashell. And the taste is very delicate, it is compared to nutty and creamy.

Cabbage romanesco

Romanesco resembles an exotic fruit or seashell

In the State Register, the Romanesco variety is assigned to cauliflower. The list includes the Pearl, the Emerald Cup from Russian breeders and Puntoverde from the Dutch.

Video: experience of growing cauliflower


Broccoli is not at all like the cabbage sisters, but the closest to the colored one. But its color is only green, and the head is not so dense, but slightly loose. It consists of the most delicate unopened buds.

Blooming broccoli

When broccoli is forgotten, it can bloom

If you delay in harvesting broccoli, you can get a green-yellow flower bed. It happened to me. Once we went to rest for a couple of weeks. And when we returned, we saw a lush blooming broccoli. But the flowers were also edible. I also like broccoli for its ability to regenerate. She grows, like a lizard’s tail, new side shoots on the stems, where the top is cut off.

On Russian soil, this delicate plant feels great. For growth, he needs a temperature of 17оFrom to 25оC. High humidity will only benefit broccoli. And if you cut off the top, lateral shoots will develop on the plant.

Broccoli cut

Broccoli can be harvested all summer and fall, side shoots also yield crops

This variety of cabbage holds the record among cruciferous vegetables in terms of retinol (vitamin A) content. It also contains other vitamins and minerals.

For example, 100 g of boiled broccoli contains more calcium than the same amount of milk. And ascorbic acid is almost a daily requirement.

The Russian State Register contains 37 varieties of broccoli. The following gardeners have earned the best reviews:

  • Batavia is a variety with large heads;
  • Fiesta is a hybrid with an average ripening time, practically does not get sick;
  • Curly head – a variety with elastic heads that can be stored for a long time;
  • Linda – this broccoli produces, in addition to the main one, up to 7 side shoots;
  • Lord is a late ripening variety, but the heads are large (1,2 kg);
  • Monaco – late hybrid, yield – more than 4 kg / m2.

Photo gallery: broccoli varieties

Reviews of broccoli cabbage

I planted tonus. Two years of failures and disappointments. Small heads of cabbage, and they did not have time to catch, quickly went into color. A lot was planted, but it was not possible to eat. But the caterpillars from all over the area crawled into my garden. I did not like this Tonus.


Cabbage, named after the city of Brussels, is a rare guest in our gardens. But it is extremely useful: it maintains visual acuity, lowers cholesterol, improves digestion, enhances immunity, and protects against cancer.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts – a plant with an exotic appearance

A tall stem, topped with a leafy cap, is studded with tiny heads of cabbage. Their weight is 15–20 g, the quantity can be up to 100 pieces. In structure, they exactly repeat the white ones.

Miniature cabbage tastes tender, with a nutty flavor. It is eaten fresh, stewed, baked, frozen and canned.

Heads of Brussels sprouts

Miniature heads of cabbage are distinguished by a delicate taste

12 varieties of Brussels sprouts are allowed to grow in Russia. They also differ in terms of maturation. The best reviews deserve:

  • Franklin is a super early variety, on one plant up to 70 heads of cabbage;
  • Rosella forms small (13 g) ovoid heads of cabbage, the harvest ripens together;
  • Casio is a variety with excellent taste, it takes almost six months from sowing to harvest;
  • Hercules – late cabbage, known in Russia for over 50 years, almost does not get sick, tolerates frost well;
  • A cheerful company – the result of the work of breeders of the company “Aelita”, the variety provides a yield of 2,5 kg / m2.

Photo gallery: Brussels sprouts varieties

Brussels sprouts Hercules Brussels sprouts Hercules have been known in Russia for over half a century. Brussels sprouts Casio It takes almost six months from sowing Casio cabbage to collecting heads of cabbage Brussels sprouts Rosella Rosella cabbage heads ripen together Brussels sprouts Franklin Franklin cabbage forms up to 70 heads of cabbage per stem

Reviews of Brussels sprouts

Video: Brussels sprouts in Russia


Peking cabbage in the east has been cultivated for over 1500 years. The vegetable came to Russia recently, but has already become popular. Delicate Peking leaves are a good alternative to salad greens. This cabbage is used less often in hot dishes.

Chinese cabbage

In Peking cabbage, the lower leaves are horizontal, and the head of cabbage is elongated.

Juicy cabbage is a real find for those who are fighting for harmony. You can eat it as much as you want, without fear for the figure. There are only 100 kcal in 15 g of Chinese cabbage. But the content of proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other usefulness is in abundance.

Peking cabbage forms a loose green head of cabbage elongated, like a glass, shape. The inner leaves are pale yellow. The weight of each specimen reaches 2-3 kg. On the beds, goblet plants look very impressive.

Peking cabbage cutaway

In winter, juicy Chinese cabbage is one of the main suppliers of vegetable greens

Despite the fact that “Peking” is a newbie for our vegetable growers, 50 varieties of this plant can already be found in the State Register. Many were bred in Russia (the SeDeK company was especially successful), which means that they will grow well:

  • Naina – an early variety from the SeDeK firm, large heads of cabbage with excellent taste;
  • Spring jade is a late hybrid from the same breeder, the yield is consistently high;
  • Richie is a cabbage from France that forms dense, but small (0,8 kg) heads of cabbage;
  • Pomegranate – a variety obtained in Russia, the heads are medium, tasty;
  • Hydra is another domestic variety, the yield is not the highest, but this cabbage is not susceptible to generic diseases;
  • Autumn beauty is a Russian variety with an average ripening period, from 1 m2 collect up to 10 kg of cabbage.

Photo gallery: Peking cabbage varieties

Chinese Cabbage Spring Jade Peking cabbage Spring jade yields consistently high yields Chinese cabbage Hydra Peking cabbage Hydra is not susceptible to disease Chinese cabbage Pomegranate Chinese cabbage Medium-sized pomegranate has heads of cabbage Chinese cabbage richie Peking cabbage Richie native to France

Reviews of Chinese cabbage

Video: mistakes when growing Chinese cabbage


This type of cabbage is the closest relative of Peking cabbage, but it is completely different from it. The “Chinese woman” does not form either a head of cabbage or a root crop. It forms a large (up to 2 kg) dark green or purple rosette of juicy oval leaves on wide and thick petioles.

It is also called petiolate, as well as pak-choy or bok-choy.

Chinese cabbage

Petioles are prized in Chinese cabbage

So far, this exotic plant is known to few gardeners. And it is very simple to grow it: you only need moderately nutritious, loose and neutral soil, warm (above 20оC) weather and quality seeds. In the south, vitamin greens can be harvested 2-3 times per season.

Until recently, bok choy was grown only from Chinese seeds. But already 17 varieties are included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, and almost all of them are of Russian origin. The most famous:

  • Pava is a cross between Peking and Chinese cabbage, the variety bears fruit quickly, the yield of greens is up to 10 kg / m2;
  • Alyonushka is an early fruitful novelty with small leaves and large petioles;
  • Swan is another Russian petioled variety;
  • Vesnyanka – cabbage with larger leaves, the first greens are harvested a month after sowing;
  • The swallow quickly builds up a very massive rosette (up to 3 kg).

Chinese cabbage rosette

The rosette of Chinese cabbage can be quite massive

Reviews of Chinese cabbage

Video: about the benefits of pak choy cabbage

Japanese (mizuna)

Cabbage from Japan looks elegant, and you don’t dare to eat openwork leaves right away. However, the nutritional value of the slightly bitter greens is excellent. Phosphorus, iron, calcium and other minerals, vitamins, valuable oils make this culture a medicinal plant. Japanese cabbage salads are especially useful for people with anemia.

Japanese cabbage

Japanese cabbage is closest to salads

The plant forms a large rosette (about 1,5 kg) in 2–1,5 months. After cutting off adult leaves, new ones appear on the same stem. So it is enough to plant cabbage once a season to harvest constantly.

There are only 5 varieties of Japanese cabbage in the Russian State Register, 4 of which are domestic. Some of them:

  • The Little Mermaid is a Russian-Japanese variety with massive (about 1,5 kg) rosettes;
  • Dude is a variety with oval feathery leaves, there are up to 100 of them in the outlet, and the greenery can be collected 4 kg / m2;
  • The emerald pattern is distinguished by delicious lyre-shaped leaves, each plant gaining weight up to 600 g.

Japanese cabbage leaves

Openwork leaves of “Japanese woman” should be picked young, growing up, they gain bitterness

Reviews of Japanese cabbage

Video: Asian cabbage on Russian soil


The relationship between Savoy and white cabbage is immediately noticeable. They are twins in structure. But in the Savoy, dark green leaves seem to be foamed, they are more delicate, curly or bubbly.

Savoy cabbage in the garden

Savoy cabbage leaves as if foamed

The nutritional value of this cabbage is high. In addition to the usual set of nutrients, it contains a lot of glutathione (without it, a person ages quickly). And the use of savoy cabbage delays youth.

But the vegetable is stored for a short time, a maximum of 3 months. You cannot ferment or preserve a sissy. Otherwise, Savoy cabbage will not be a hassle. It grows quickly, undemanding to care.

Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage is looser and more juicy than white cabbage

In Russia, 22 varieties of Savoy cabbage were approved. Most notable:

  • Petrovna – a new early variety, the leaves taste very pleasant;
  • Pie – another early ripening cabbage, suitable for hot dishes;
  • Melissa is a Dutch hybrid, gives heads of cabbage 3 kg each, rarely gets sick;
  • Sphere – a variety from the Czech Republic, reaches maturity in 3 months, the fruits are large, do not crack;
  • Vertu 1340 is a well-known variety; 2 kg heads of cabbage can be stored for more than 2 months.

Savoy cabbage reviews

Video: competitor to white heads – savoy cabbage

Which firms produce quality cabbage seeds

When choosing cabbage seeds, pay attention to the manufacturer. Foreign seeding material may not give the desired result on Russian soil. A guarantee of a high and high-quality harvest – seeds of varieties from domestic vegetable growers or foreign, but acclimatized in Russia. All of them are in the State Register. See information here.

Cabbage in the open field

In order for cabbage to please with the harvest, you need to choose the right variety and reliable seeds.

The most reliable seeds are considered to be from a breeder company that has its own experimental farm, for example:

  • “SeDeK”,
  • “Aelita”,
  • “Search”,
  • Gavrish.

The specialists of these companies became the authors of many varieties of cabbage.

There are sellers who cooperate with agricultural firms, so their product can be trusted. According to summer residents and farmers, the firm “Russian Garden” has proven itself well. “Sortsemovoshch” from St. Petersburg (brand “House of Seeds”) offers plant seeds that have been zoned in the northern regions.

Different types of cabbage

Now you can successfully grow any of the varieties of cabbage.

You can buy decent planting material in foreign companies. But in this case, it is necessary to correlate the timing of planting and harvesting with the local climate, and adjust the care of cabbage.

Reviews of seed producing firms

The ancient Greeks assured that cabbage helps to resist alcohol and relieves hangovers. The Romans treated headaches, hearing loss, sleep disorders and diseases of the digestive system with this vegetable. The ancient Roman poet Cato argued that it was cabbage that his compatriots owe good health. And the mathematician Pythagoras was engaged in the selection of cabbage. He wrote that a favorite vegetable enhances vigor, soothes and cheers the spirit. The commander Alexander the Great would agree with him. Before the battle, his army was reinforced with cabbage dishes. She enjoyed no less respect in the east. Good traditions are worth continuing. We offer hundreds of varieties of cabbage for every taste.

Natalia SokolovaI am a philologist by education. My hobbies are reading, traveling, caring for my garden and pets. Therefore, much of what I am writing about is not theory at all, but a practice I have gone through personally. Rate the article: Share with your friends!

Anna Evans


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